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The IV Legion warrior is finished! As he is a legionary of the XIV Dragoon, I tried to base him in a similar fashion to Hyaenidae's IV Legion. In the end I ended up making the mud quite a bit darker and now it looks like he is slogging across a giant chocolate cake... :P




The barely visible Legion icon. It's there, I swear...



The heraldry of the XIV Dragoon, IV Legion





Sworn brothers



The old and the new



Anyway, I had a great time building and painting this mini. I've always liked the IV Legion, but as with the XII I never felt that I could do the colour scheme justice. I'm feeling motivated to try some other schemes in the near future :)







A thesis eh. Can see why you have little time for hobby. The application of the powders look great.

Haha, yeah... glad you like the powders :)


How do the powders actually work in application?

I'm sure there are other methods for applying them, but I just brush them on dry. I use a medium or base-coat sized brush and simply apply the powder straight from the bottle. Be careful when using the powders, they're straight up pigment, so they'll stain clothes etc pretty easily.




Thanks for looking ;)

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I genuinely couldn't say which method I prefer, because both the clean and weathered guys look amazing! I think you've picked the right legions for your tests as well, because I think the Emperor's Children wouldn't suit that level of weathering, but Iron Warriors always look better with it due to silver being a bit bland (imo). Any thoughts on which technique you prefer yourself?

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You're infuriatingly good.


While your cleaner models show off your technical abilities and precision in a terrific way, the beaten and worn models really win my heart. They just ooze meance and character, it's almost surreal.

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I'm drooling right now.

It's because of the chocolate cake base isn't it? 


I genuinely couldn't say which method I prefer, because both the clean and weathered guys look amazing! I think you've picked the right legions for your tests as well, because I think the Emperor's Children wouldn't suit that level of weathering, but Iron Warriors always look better with it due to silver being a bit bland (imo). Any thoughts on which technique you prefer yourself?

I'm leaning towards the weathered look at the moment. I'm not sure if that's just because it's new and exciting to me or actually superior. I suppose the real test would be to paint two minis in the same colour scheme but with the opposite techniques (I'm going to have to man up sometime and paint a weathered Emperor's Child...). It also depends on the mini and the theme. I feel that the weathered look is the best way to go with space marines, and especially HH legionaries, where as the clean look works really well for Fantasy armies, and 40k armies such as Eldar and Tau. I'm definitely going to keep experiment with weathering and when GW release the plastic HH kits I might start a new Legion army in a weathered colour scheme.


You're infuriatingly good.


While your cleaner models show off your technical abilities and precision in a terrific way, the beaten and worn models really win my heart. They just ooze meance and character, it's almost surreal.

Haha, thanks, bro!! Yeah, I'm really enjoying the weathered style at the moment. I just saw your 'inspiration' thread in the general forum. Maybe you should try your hand with a new painting technique or style. I've found that experimenting with weathering techniques and weathering powders has really inspired me to keep painting regularly. It has also opened up several different colour schemes that I didn't really have the confidence to try before. And of course, starting is the hardest part. If you can force yourself to paint up even a single mini you might find that you get your appetite back pretty quickly. Plus, finishing a mini and getting some positive feedback on the forums is always motivational and inspiring. Hopefully you'll get your mojo back soon :)

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I think I'm starting to prefer your weathered marines. They just look so good, which is saying something as your 'clean' marines are amazing.


The shot of the four looks like the traitors Christmas party, end of the night, all the good looking birds are taken, beer melancholy setting in....

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Chocolate cake planet? Was that the tragic battle of the muffin men?


Hey don't trivialize that compliance. A lot of good lives were lost breaking into their bakery-keeps.


Great job on that Dragoon though man. I've been worried myself about busting out the weathering powders and I think I'll have to finally give them a try now.

Edited by LetsYouDown
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Well, damn. You hardly need to be told, but both the World Eater and the Iron Warrior are superbly done and look suitably beaten up.  Weathering that good, that naturalistic, is deceptively difficult to achieve.

Placing them next to the super clean paintjobs of the Alpha Legionary and the Palatine Blade creates one hell of a juxtaposition and clarifies just how much you've nailed the character of each one.

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Third times the charm: Portion of your soul up for sale yet? :P


A but more seriously though, damn dude, damn. Like, even your "old" stuff looks amazeballs @_@

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Excellent, gritty Iron Warrior! Never mind the chocolate cake :wink:


That comparison picture with the four Astartes, though: gorgeous, simply gorgeous!

Thanks, bro! I was considering putting the Custode in the group pic for even more variety. I might have to work my way through the rest of the Legions too now.


Pure greatness.

Thank, dude :tu:


The IW himself is very well done but Jesus, the group shot is pure awesomeness. Incredible marines !

Thanks! I find it a bit weird seeing the different styles and Legions together. I might have to paint some more...


I think I'm starting to prefer your weathered marines. They just look so good, which is saying something as your 'clean' marines are amazing.


The shot of the four looks like the traitors Christmas party, end of the night, all the good looking birds are taken, beer melancholy setting in....

Thanks, bro! I'm really enjoying the weathered look too. I was thinking of calling the group picture 'the colours of heresy/betrayal' (even though my Emperor's Children are loyalists). I might have to break up the traitor party with some loyalists, although I nearly always prefer painting the traitors.


Chocolate cake planet? Was that the tragic battle of the muffin men?

Haha, something like that. There's only one Legion to call on when you need to conquer a chocolate planet inhabited by muffin men...



Chocolate cake planet? Was that the tragic battle of the muffin men?


Hey don't trivialize that compliance. A lot of good lives were lost breaking into their bakery-keeps.


Great job on that Dragoon though man. I've been worried myself about busting out the weathering powders and I think I'll have to finally give them a try now.


Haha, "bakery-keeps" :P Maybe they're a long lost branch of the Mechanicum, the 'Mechanicus Culinarius'. If you've been thinking of giving some weathering powders a go I'd definitely encourage you try them out. They're an easy way of adding some character and realism to your minis :)


Well, damn. You hardly need to be told, but both the World Eater and the Iron Warrior are superbly done and look suitably beaten up.  Weathering that good, that naturalistic, is deceptively difficult to achieve.


Placing them next to the super clean paintjobs of the Alpha Legionary and the Palatine Blade creates one hell of a juxtaposition and clarifies just how much you've nailed the character of each one.

Thanks for the kind words!


Third times the charm: Portion of your soul up for sale yet? :tongue.:


A but more seriously though, damn dude, damn. Like, even your "old" stuff looks amazeballs @_@

Haha, thanks a lot, bro :)

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Excellent, gritty Iron Warrior! Never mind the chocolate cake :wink:


That comparison picture with the four Astartes, though: gorgeous, simply gorgeous!

Thanks, bro! I was considering putting the Custode in the group pic for even more variety. I might have to work my way through the rest of the Legions too now.



Oh, please!

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I think it would be awesome to see your take on a legionary from each of the 20 legions. It would make a great display piece.

Yeah, it would make a pretty great project (my own, non sequential March of the Legions). 20 minis is quite a lot though... I suppose it could be a long term project that I visit whenever I need a distraction from my Emperor's Children :)

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The IV Legion warrior is finished! As he is a legionary of the XIV Dragoon, I tried to base him in a similar fashion to Hyaenidae's IV Legion. In the end I ended up making the mud quite a bit darker and now it looks like he is slogging across a giant chocolate cake... :tongue.:




The barely visible Legion icon. It's there, I swear...



The heraldry of the XIV Dragoon, IV Legion







Marry me. I think I love you.

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 That's just beautiful, Kizz. I particularly like the slight impression you get when you look at him that his power fist weighing him down ever so slightly.


You, JackDaw, Brother Heinrich and Hyaenidae have inspired me to do a little Heresy project of my own, drawing a bit of influence from each of your projects. One can only hope that it'll look as magnificent once complete as your dudes do.

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Wow...what's next I wonder

Hmmm, I'm not sure...

should be building my Spartan or Venator, but I'll probably just end up procrastinating with another 'one off' mini. I'm also trying to source one of the new Stormcast Eternal glaives to convert into Fullgrim's blade, Fireblade.



I might have to break up the traitor party with some loyalists, although I nearly always prefer painting the traitors.

Traitor Legions are certinaly the most fun to paint, even if your painting loyalist traitors.


Yeah, I feel that part of their allure is the fact that many of the schemes change during/after the Heresy. The loyalists are just cooler versions of their 40K schemes.



The IV Legion warrior is finished! As he is a legionary of the XIV Dragoon, I tried to base him in a similar fashion to Hyaenidae's IV Legion. In the end I ended up making the mud quite a bit darker and now it looks like he is slogging across a giant chocolate cake... :tongue.:


Marry me. I think I love you.


Thanks brother! Thanks again for allowing me to paint him as one of your warriors. You'd better watch out, I'll be painting the Cadejo, Bjaha Surs, and Heavenfall Chapter before you know it :P


That's pretty much the ultimate compliment

Haha, yeah. It doesn't get much bigger than that.


 That's just beautiful, Kizz. I particularly like the slight impression you get when you look at him that his power fist weighing him down ever so slightly.


You, JackDaw, Brother Heinrich and Hyaenidae have inspired me to do a little Heresy project of my own, drawing a bit of influence from each of your projects. One can only hope that it'll look as magnificent once complete as your dudes do.

Bro, I'm so pleased to hear that! Knowing that I've helped to inspire someone is one of the most inspiring aspects of the hobby. Everybody wins! :tu:

Looking forward to seeing your HH project. Do you have something planned out?



Thanks everyone :)

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