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Oh, heck yeah do I have something planned out. Now I need to figure out the best way of weathering purple... :wink:


And then Unification War Hounds. But that's waiting 'til we see plastic Mark II.

Awesome! That sounds pretty exciting, especially the weathered purple aspect :tu:


I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)

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Thanks brother! Thanks again for allowing me to paint him as one of your warriors. You'd better watch out, I'll be painting the Cadejo, Bjaha Surs, and Heavenfall Chapter before you know it :tongue.:


I'll admit, I'm curious on your take of Unification era Iconoclasts. You have a weathering pattern down that would look optimal on the old, battered granite plate of the old XVII Legion.

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Thanks brother! Thanks again for allowing me to paint him as one of your warriors. You'd better watch out, I'll be painting the Cadejo, Bjaha Surs, and Heavenfall Chapter before you know it :tongue.:


I'll admit, I'm curious on your take of Unification era Iconoclasts. You have a weathering pattern down that would look optimal on the old, battered granite plate of the old XVII Legion.


I've been thinking about 'Orbital Assault' lists recently, perfect for the early XVII Legion (just one of many ideas that I have floating around at the moment). Once I see how you're painting your Iconoclasts, I might have a go at replicating it. I'd definitely have to break out the 'Black Soot' weathering powder :P




This week's paint hasn't been nearly as fun or exciting as the last couple of weeks... however, it has been far more practical.



Rhinos for the veterans/tacticals. Believe it or not, each of the pictures is of a different Rhino, they just look pretty much identical at this stage.





And I've finally made a start on my Spartan. I'm going to keep the interior pretty basic. So far I've just painted the basecoats and given them a wash. I'll probably just give everything a pretty quick highlight and then finish off the details such as the lights, screens, and keypads.






Thanks for looking ;)

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I'll admit, I'm curious on your take of Unification era Iconoclasts. You have a weathering pattern down that would look optimal on the old, battered granite plate of the old XVII Legion.

I've been thinking about 'Orbital Assault' lists recently, perfect for the early XVII Legion (just one of many ideas that I have floating around at the moment). Once I see how you're painting your Iconoclasts, I might have a go at replicating it. I'd definitely have to break out the 'Black Soot' weathering powder :tongue.:


I heard a challenge....




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The Rhinos are well underway. So far I've base-coated and washed the main colours. As you can see, the two Rhinos are practically identical... If anyone has a good suggestion for how I should differentiate between them, via added detail, paintjob etc. let me know :) 


The twins





Next up, I'll be highlighting the base colours and then painting the details such as the headlights.






I'll admit, I'm curious on your take of Unification era Iconoclasts. You have a weathering pattern down that would look optimal on the old, battered granite plate of the old XVII Legion.

I've been thinking about 'Orbital Assault' lists recently, perfect for the early XVII Legion (just one of many ideas that I have floating around at the moment). Once I see how you're painting your Iconoclasts, I might have a go at replicating it. I'd definitely have to break out the 'Black Soot' weathering powder :tongue.:


I heard a challenge....





Haha, I have to admit that I'm pretty keen to see your next update in Turpe Et Dicere. If it includes paint that's even better :tu:


Dude loving it

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Nice Rhinos brother. I'm curious, what made you choose the current mk of rhino over the deimos? Just cost :P?


I've been really back and forth on the investment in a 35 pt model that costs so much from FW, but I rarely see HH armies using the newer rhinos.

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I always liked Apologist theory that rhinos are mass produced in 30k and would have little in the way of embellishments. However seeing as this is the 3rd Legion maybe you could so some panels in polished up silver or gold?

Well the 3rd were the only ones allowed to wear the imperial eagle at the time, and they were also in search of perfection, so more bling would sound about right

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I always liked Apologist theory that rhinos are mass produced in 30k and would have little in the way of embellishments. However seeing as this is the 3rd Legion maybe you could so some panels in polished up silver or gold?

Well the 3rd were the only ones allowed to wear the imperial eagle at the time, and they were also in search of perfection, so more bling would sound about right

Sort of, they were allowed to wear the Palatine Aquila, which is the Emperor's personal standard. The Imperial Eagle is slightly different and could be awarded to any Legionnarie in theory.

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Aaah, but does perfection really equate to more bling? ;)


I'll be honest with you, kizz: I don't think they need anything else. As Hydra (hail him) said, they're a mass produced vehicle and they should reflect that, I think. If you really want to break up the purple, I'd suggest a band of white on each side door, but nothing more.

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I agree with Dos.


I could definitely see a 3rd legion company using white details like bars or chevrons to designate which squad a rhino was attached to. it'd look unique and break up those large purple areas well.


Still looking lovely, Kizz! Keep up the gorgie work

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Thanks, everyone!


Maybe add some white panels in there? Would make the rhino's stand out more :biggrin.:

Yeah, white was the first thing I thought of. The problem with the standard Mars Rhino is that it isn't as detailed as the Deimos pattern and any white panels would probably be a bit too large. I don't really want any large areas of white on the Rhinos as I feel that it should be reserved for the more elite units. I'm working on adding some additional detail that could have white as part of it's paintjob.


I might be skinned alive by his million fans for saying this, but I like your Iron Warrior better than Hyaenidae's. :tongue.: And your Delvarus is superb.


Good job on the rhinos too.

Thanks! I'm one of those fans, but I promise not to skin you alive :tongue.: Glad you like Delvarus and the Rhinos.


Nice Rhinos brother. I'm curious, what made you choose the current mk of rhino over the deimos? Just cost :tongue.:?


I've been really back and forth on the investment in a 35 pt model that costs so much from FW, but I rarely see HH armies using the newer rhinos.

Yeah, I would have definitely preferred the Deimos Rhinos, they're so much nicer. I've actually just repainted these two Rhinos, they used to be a part of my 40k Word Bearers army. I couldn't justify the cost and time it would take to get/build two new Deimos Rhinos when I could just repaint two fully built minis that I never actually use anymore.


In agreement with AlphariusOmegon on the white panels idea, particularly on the ones with the brass etch numerals and eagle wings. Perhaps you could have the squad number on one side and a campaign/expedition badge on the other, something suitably flamboyant?

A campaign/expedition badge is a pretty good idea. Maybe it could even be the squad's honour role or company designation. Thanks for the ideas :thumbsup:


I always liked Apologist theory that rhinos are mass produced in 30k and would have little in the way of embellishments. However seeing as this is the 3rd Legion maybe you could so some panels in polished up silver or gold?

The mass produced theory is very true, especially in the case of the standardised Mars pattern Rhino. I just feel that because I don't really 'weather' my Emperor's Children, I need to compensate with additional detail. Otherwise they're going to look very plain. I will be adding some fairly light weathering, though. And as you said, the Emperor's most favoured Legion deserves only the best :tongue.:



I always liked Apologist theory that rhinos are mass produced in 30k and would have little in the way of embellishments. However seeing as this is the 3rd Legion maybe you could so some panels in polished up silver or gold?

Well the 3rd were the only ones allowed to wear the imperial eagle at the time, and they were also in search of perfection, so more bling would sound about right


More embellishment is definitely on the books, I just need to figure out how to add some new colours to the mix.


Aaah, but does perfection really equate to more bling? :wink:

I'll be honest with you, kizz: I don't think they need anything else. As Hydra (hail him) said, they're a mass produced vehicle and they should reflect that, I think. If you really want to break up the purple, I'd suggest a band of white on each side door, but nothing more.

You're right, perfection does not equal more bling. Having said that, the achievements of the Emperor's Children were "exceptionally well documented" and "few other legions could rival them for the honours won by individual warriors or units." So some form of honour markings would be appropriate. I'll make sure that I keep it tasteful (my legionaries are loyalists after all) :smile.:


I agree with Dos.

I could definitely see a 3rd legion company using white details like bars or chevrons to designate which squad a rhino was attached to. it'd look unique and break up those large purple areas well.

Still looking lovely, Kizz! Keep up the gorgie work

Yeah, the main aim is to break up the large, plain areas. If i had the patience/confidence I'd try to add some scroll work around the edges of the panels. At this stage I'm thinking of adding some honour markings along the top of the rhinos, between the exhausts. I'm also considering whether to add some purity/honour seals to add some detail/character, kind of like in the FW art of this III Legion Deimos Rhino...





Thanks for the ideas and thoughts, everyone. I think I'm going to put some decals on the front side panels and then add some weathering to the tracks etc. Once the Rhinos are fully painted I'll be able to properly appreciate what they're missing. I've got a couple of ideas floating around now, thanks to you :smile.:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Ok a thought. How about painting the armour plates over the exhaust stake gold or a polished silver, many a little dirty at the top near the stakes themselves, will help brake up the purple, maybe the same on the areas the lights sit?


Oathes of Moments would be good, maybe some other honours could be painted freehand?

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I've finally written an army list, and I decided that I needed a Volkite Caliver Support Squad. The idea is that they'll provide some close support (preventing infiltrators and discouraging deep striking units, thanks to the squad's augury scanner) for my Venator and Deredeo while still being able to contribute to the larger game thanks to their reasonable range. I'm not much of a gamer, so I'm not really sure how viable or successful they'll be. I suppose they could also be used as objective campers. I'd love to have the points to have some Culverins instead, but I guess the Calivers will have to do.


If the legionaries look familiar, that's because they are. I've repurposed my plasma gunners and armed them with the much cheaper Caliver. I still need to build and paint the rest of the squad except for the sergeant who just needs to be equipped with a bolter and scanner.












Ok a thought. How about painting the armour plates over the exhaust stake gold or a polished silver, many a little dirty at the top near the stakes themselves, will help brake up the purple, maybe the same on the areas the lights sit?

Oathes of Moments would be good, maybe some other honours could be painted freehand?

Thanks for the ideas, bro :) Yeah, I'm definitely going to use some light weathering to break up the purple. I'm also working on some detail to add to the top of one of the Rhinos.




Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks guys!




Max Likes :sad.:


Still, the Volkites Look Damn fine. Any Reason you went for metallic Coils?

Thanks, mate! I was considering adding some subtle red colouring to the coils, but decided against it. I think I was scared by the super bright plasma coils that I've been painted and wanted to go with something a bit more realistic. I'll have a look at them once the rest of the squad is finished and decide if I nee to add some colouring. On another note, I'd love to get your opinion on my army list once I've sorted it out :)


Dude I like it!

So your choom v my Plasma volleys.
So can't wait till I've caught up to you as your work is :cussing inspirational

Thanks, bro! Haha, I was going to go plasma heavy, but I figured that the Deredeo could probably handle the plasma by himself :P


Yeah CHOOM. Got to love volkite.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like them :)

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I dunno... when you end up with a loyalist primarch inches away, you might miss all those plasma shots :D


The volkites are looking boss though. I kinda like the metallic coils. They aren't as super eye-catchy as the plasma, but they don't get lost either. 

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