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Ahhh the mechanicum right of the elastic band.

Hahaha, nice one. It felt like something the Mechanicum would approve of.


Every time I look at this thread I weep! Loving the rhinos - I've been holding off mine out of sheer dread (and exams...) but will be attempting them soon. Very excited to see the Spartan!

Thanks, dude! I've just done some more work on the Spartan, so I hope you like it.


Gah... I've got two of these giant bastards to paint.


If you roll out a purple one before I manage to get a white basecoat down, imma be upset :tongue.:

No pressure, but I've almost finished assembling the Spartan...



Getting there with the Spartan. I'll try to get him undercoated tomorrow, weather permitting. I'm going to paint the sponsons separately.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Really cool Emperor's Children. Purple is an ar$e to do well, but you've got it just right. 


The etched brass on the vehicles makes a massive difference to how they look as well. 


Where did you get the dangely bits from their belts (can't mind their name) or are they green stuff sculpts?

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I've been putting down the base colours on the Spartan.




Now I need to decide how much gold/white detailing to use. I've been thinking of painting something pretty similar to this FW Spartan...





Let me know what you think :tu:


WOW! Just read through the last 3 months worth of your plog...amazing. Seriously love those two weathered Astartes you did!

Thanks, dude! the weathered marines were heaps of fun to paint :)


Looking forward to seeing the Spartan, are you going to be doing more gold on it? I really like your Rhino but I think it might be a bit much purple on a larger vehicle, and I like the EC vehicles in the books with gold trim.

Yeah, I'll definitely be adding more gold/white to the Spartan. The extra layer of detail that it has compared to the Rhino makes it much easier to add those additional colours in convincingly.


Really cool Emperor's Children. Purple is an ar$e to do well, but you've got it just right. 


The etched brass on the vehicles makes a massive difference to how they look as well. 


Where did you get the dangely bits from their belts (can't mind their name) or are they green stuff sculpts?

Thanks, bro! The 'beltea' (dangely bits) are from the Khârn the Bloody model. I bought the original and then made a press mould :)



Thanks for looking ;)

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I've done some more work on the Spartan. The gold and white areas still need another coat of paint each. I'm also trying to decide if I should paint some white on the main chassis/shell (at this stage I'm thinking of painting the area around the Palatine Aquila white).





I also tried tacking some pics with less lighting








Thanks for looking ;)

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I found the hardest part of painting mine was how much of a solid brick of colour it looked like. I'd definitely recommend breaking up the center with some more gold/white  

Haha, yeah. I can't imagine what it would be like to paint a Legion superheavy... I'll try to add some more white to the main body tonight :)


I think you're right, the chassis could you a bit of white to break up the purple. The area around the Palatine Aquila would look perfect I think.

Yeah, I'm just hoping that it won't look to out of place. I'll definitely try to work some more white into other areas for a more cohesive look.


That's nice...looks more red without the extra brightness

It's amazing how much the colour changes under different light. The 'red' images remind me of the Emperor's Children pictures in the Visions of Heresy book.


Yeah I think some white on the main centre bit to break that up a little will look good, great start though.

Thanks, bro! I'll try to put some more white on it tonight. Hopefully it turns out well.


Spartans get a spartan excited! YUS!

Haha, it's a really nice mini, but pretty challenging to paint (without an airbrush).


I agree that it looks better with white panels.

Thanks, hopefully it will look even better with some more white :)

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