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It looks amazing so far.


It's hard to believe how many rivets there are...

I feel your pain. I just received the macharius vulcan I ordered.

Thanks! The Macharius is going to have a ridiculous number of rivets... 


Bruh... *slowly claps hands* I want my Typhon siege tank to come in.. Like now.. this is so inspirational!

Thanks, bro! I'd love to get a Typhon too one day. They're absolute beasts :tu:


It is looking awesome. All that hard work with be worth it.

Hahaha, hopefully... :P


Riveting... Ok all puns aside... You must be going borking mad!

Haha, not mad, maybe a bit obsessive.


Looks amazing. I am not looking forward to painting big vehicles honestly. The rivets'll drive me mad.

Well you don't have to paint all of the rivets... It does look great for some of the Legions though.


You're painting each single rivet gold? :ohmy.:


You've gone mad!

Perfection demands dedication! Only gold rivets for the III.

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I'm struggling to find painting time at the moment, but I managed to base coat and wash the quad-lascannons, and sponge and wash the tracks. Highlighting the sponsons is going to be a totally :censored:  fest... 








Thanks for looking ;)

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I've just finished the Spartan whilst listening to the latest 'Eye of Horus' episode. In the end I didn't end up doing any weathering. I might come back and finish it off with some weathering sometime in the future, but not today...













Next up I've got the Venator to work on, but first I'll be making an entry for the 'Eye of Horus Podcast' diorama competition. I've been getting some great ideas for the diorama in a thread I started over in the 'Age of Darkness' forum. If you have any ideas for a 30k related diorama project, let me know in the AoD thread.  I'd love to hear them:)




Thanks for looking ;)

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Looks awesome friend, I sure am jealous of how well your terminators look piling out of it :smile.:


I know I mentioned a couple of times that I was worried about breaking up the purple, but the rivets do it extremely well

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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A couple of people have been asking for an army shot, so I thought I'd take advantage of the beautiful weather and give the people what they want. Now I just need to learn how to play the game...









There is still plenty that I want to add to the army, but it's starting to take shape.




i... i... wow... just wow

Thanks, bro! I'm glad that you approve :)


holy :cusssnacks Kizz...


Absolutely gorgeous spartan, and nice to see the termies with their sick ride!

Yeah, the Terminators and HQs have been waiting a while, but they're happy now.


I would never dare to start adding damage to that thing, its gorgeous! Id keep it neat, like the marines i think.

Yeah, the clean look fits well with the rest of the army, but it feels like it's not quite finished without some weathering. Then again if I weather the Spartan, I'll need to weather everything else in the army... and that's not going to happen anytime soon...


Looks awesome friend, I sure am jealous of how well your terminators look piling out of it :smile.:


I know I mentioned a couple of times that I was worried about breaking up the purple, but the rivets do it extremely well

Yeah, the rivets really saved it. They definitely give it a lot more detail.


Spartan looks great, maybe a little weathering would be good but as it is it fits the tone of your models. I really need to finish up the EC model I was working on.

Thanks, bro! Yeah, I'd love to see you finish your EC mini :tu:




Thanks for looking ;)

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It is great to see the whole army on display ..... just as it is nice to have some good weather at long last!!


Your EC's have certainly inspired me to paint some up, I promised myself I would just paint the odd tank and not get too involved and now I've got two legions on the go! Oh dear!


The Spartan is impressive, as is just about everything else. I shall shamelessly 'borrow' you ideas in due course!


I do feel your pain with the rivets - I thought it was a good idea to do them on one model and now I am having to do them on the rest of the squad! 

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Thanks, everyone :)




0.0 my jaw dropped.... the white is just amazing! why exactly is the leader white? is that a fluff thing I missed? nonetheless, amazing work! I am truly am jealous....

Thanks, mate! White armour panels were a pre Primarch tradition, used to mark rank and heraldry in the III Legion. My Emperor's Children are loyalists and I wanted something to set my Praetor (Tribune Palatine Primus, Atellus) apart from the usual Legion heraldry, and to link him to Terra and the Legion's pre Primarch history. Plus white and gold look great together ;)


Ohh you need to know how to play?

Well I may be able to help out with that very soon.

Great shot brother can't wait to see them in real life

Yeah, once I've got the rest of the army painted I'm hoping to get to some of the HH events around Australia.


Ugh, this army looks so frickin good. Really inspirational! How big is the display tray?

Thanks, bro! The tray is just a cork post it board. I'm not sure about the exact dimensions.


It is great to see the whole army on display ..... just as it is nice to have some good weather at long last!!


Your EC's have certainly inspired me to paint some up, I promised myself I would just paint the odd tank and not get too involved and now I've got two legions on the go! Oh dear!


The Spartan is impressive, as is just about everything else. I shall shamelessly 'borrow' you ideas in due course!


I do feel your pain with the rivets - I thought it was a good idea to do them on one model and now I am having to do them on the rest of the squad! 

Yeah, the sunny weather is more than welcome :) Good to hear that you're having a good go at the Emperor's Children. They're a really fun Legion to paint and model.


Looks awesome.

Thanks :tu:


Almost forgot about that glaring pearl Phoenix terminator bro.

That *totally* looks like the ride for him :biggrin.:

Haha, never forget 'glaring-pearl-phoenix-terminator-bro.' Lord Atellus would probably prefer to ride in a Stormeagle or Stormbird, but the Spartan will have to do for now :P

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