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The army is looking absolutely stellar! Easily one of the best EC forces around, if not the best. Will you be building some slightly more heretical elements for this army at some point? I think it could be interesting to be able to field your Emperor's Children in various degrees of corruption, depending on which units you choose. Just an idea...

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HOT DIGGITY!!! Love the army shot btw, surprising how fast the army has built up.

Thanks a lot, bro! I'm hoping to add even more once I get through writing my thesis... I'm looking forward to seeing some more of your Emperor's Children too :thumbsup:


Wow, the army is sooo awesome. It's painted like, with perfection... Quite fitting for a III Legion :wink.:

Haha, thanks, mate! I'm glad you think my warriors are living up to the high standards of the III Legion :smile.:


The army is looking absolutely stellar! Easily one of the best EC forces around, if not the best. Will you be building some slightly more heretical elements for this army at some point? I think it could be interesting to be able to field your Emperor's Children in various degrees of corruption, depending on which units you choose. Just an idea...

High praise, indeed! I haven't really thought about adding any traitor units yet. The Emperor's Children in their pre heresy state have always been my favourite Legion/Chapter hands down. They don't really appeal to me once they turn traitor, which is surprising because Slaanesh is one of my favourite Chaos Gods. If FW release some truly amazing traitor EC sometime in the future I'll have to consider it, but I feel that if wanted to start a traitor army I'd much prefer to go with the IV, XII, XVII or XX Legion.


Absolutely stunning army. Seriously. I don't think I've seen nicer Emperors Children.

Thank, bro! I'm glad you like them.


Kizz that army shot is beautiful! :ohmy.:

Thanks, boss :thumbsup:


Looking good, brother. Are you going to keep powering on with your IIIrd Legion or are you considering some other projects to take a break?

At this stage I'm planing to keep going with the III. They've always been my one true love, and this is the army that I've always wanted to have (it's a great feeling to finally be collecting my favourite army). Next up I've got a Sicaran Venator waiting to be washed and assembled, and five more legionaries for my tactical support squad. I'm also planing to add some Palatine Blades and a battery of quad mortars soon.

If the plastic HH armour Mks are released soon I'll be pretty tempted to start on another Legion, but that enthusiasm will depend on which armour Mks are released (if it's only MkIV I might be able to resist temptation, but if they bring out MkIII, I'll be doomed :tongue.: ).


The army looks great altogether man!

Thanks a lot, dude! Looking forward to seeing some more of your VIII/IX Legion.


Awe-inspiring stuff! Hats off to you sir! Best ECs I've seen. Simple as that. :thumbsup:

That means a lot from you Semper, I'm a BIG fan of your Emperor's Children!


Crazy good. Your army is an inspiration. 

Thanks, bro!

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The whole army laid out looks great! I'm a big fan of the basing you've done on the guys as well. Was this just a case of you liked the look of them or a conscious decision so you have an army that's Zone Moralis ready?


Forgive me if you have explained it, but I haven't seen it...what's the role of the Custode in the army?

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The whole army laid out looks great! I'm a big fan of the basing you've done on the guys as well. Was this just a case of you liked the look of them or a conscious decision so you have an army that's Zone Moralis ready?


Forgive me if you have explained it, but I haven't seen it...what's the role of the Custode in the army?

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like them :)

Originally I was going to build a boarding force made up of terminators and contemptors (along the lines of a deathwing or Loganwing list). That's where the idea for the bases comes from. Now that I've added vehicles I'll just have to say that my warriors are fighting on a hive/forge/fortress world.


The Custode was just a bit of fun I had with the free Stormcast Eternal mini that came with White Dwarf a couple of months ago. As far as fluff and games are concerned my warriors are loyalists, so the Custode isn't completely out of place. I'll probably never use him in a game but if I did I'd run him as either a Praetor or legion Champion.

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Just made a start on the next mini for my Emperor's Children. The Venator was an absolute pleasure to assemble compared to the Spartan... All that's left to do is add the pintle heavy bolter, cover up the sponson placements, and add some brass etch.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Good evening!


I've got to say I signed up to this forum just to say how amazing your blog is! I've got an EC force but as of yet have failed to finish painting any of my units. Closest I've come was Eidolon. Your painting is truly inspirational alongside the individual detail you've applied to all your models. It's truly brilliant and I look forward to seeing the venator finished along with more and more EC!


Are you planning on adding any Kakophoni or Palatine Blades to your force and if you got Kakophoni would you be going colour overload or sticking with your scheme with them?


Can I also say it's fab to see such a supportive forum too - there's too few about :)

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Omg omg omg omg *jumps around happy dance style*

Hahaha, glad you like it! Hopefully I'll be able to finish the assembly today :)


Oh hell yeah, my favorite heresy tank! You gotta do some filigree/stylized etching on that main gun barrel.

Yeah, it's a great looking tank. It just seems so small next to the Spartan... I'm not sure how I'm going to pain the cannon yet, I'll have to try fit some filigree on there somewhere.

Ps. keep those amazing Night Lords coming :)


Good evening!


I've got to say I signed up to this forum just to say how amazing your blog is! I've got an EC force but as of yet have failed to finish painting any of my units. Closest I've come was Eidolon. Your painting is truly inspirational alongside the individual detail you've applied to all your models. It's truly brilliant and I look forward to seeing the venator finished along with more and more EC!


Are you planning on adding any Kakophoni or Palatine Blades to your force and if you got Kakophoni would you be going colour overload or sticking with your scheme with them?


Can I also say it's fab to see such a supportive forum too - there's too few about :smile.:

Dude!!! You just made my day. Welcome to the B&C :tu:


At this stage I'm not going to paint up any Kakophoni because my army is a loyalist force. I am planning to add some Palatine Blades soon, though. I'm going to build a Praetor and Primus Medicae in artificer armour and they'll have a unit of Blades to ride with them in the Spartan. 


The B&C is my favourite hobby forum bar none! The community is very supportive and always ready to help out with encouragement and constructive criticism. I'd highly encourage you to start a WIP thread on the B&C, especially if you're finding it difficult to get painting projects finished. Sharing your work with other people is one of the best ways to remain inspired and motivated. My hobby efforts are always revitalised after I've shared some of my work with the B&C community.


Once again, welcome, and enjoy your stay :)

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KD that thing looks like a proper beast. Nothing you want to be caught standing in front of. Looking forward to seeing it brought to life.


Do you think you will match it in with the other vehicles? It seems like something the EC would use as needed rather than with joy, as they seem to me to prefer close combat.

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The Venator is ready for some paint...






Woooo Venator!

I can only guess at the ornate work of insanity this thing is sure to become.

Haha, hopefully I can live up to expectations :)


KD that thing looks like a proper beast. Nothing you want to be caught standing in front of. Looking forward to seeing it brought to life.


Do you think you will match it in with the other vehicles? It seems like something the EC would use as needed rather than with joy, as they seem to me to prefer close combat.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to adding the Venator's fire power to my army.


I'm planning to paint it fairly similarly to the other vehicles in the army. While duelling is an important aspect of the culture of the Emperor's Children, so is specialisation and the perfection of all methods of war. One of the most famous units in the Legion is the 'Sun-Killers' heavy support squad, a unit armed with lascannons. The Venator is a highly specialised weapon, perfect for the Emperor's Children.


Unfortunately the EC rules only cover the close combat aspect of the Legion, and ignores the discipline, courage, and martial excellence that are key the pre heresy character of the III.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Awesome Venator, I particularly like the job you did covering up the sponson mounts.


I admit I came here to say that your black/gold pteruges finally sold me and I repainted all the pteruges on my Ultras to match. Paintwork's not as good as yours, but they look better than beforehand.


And that army shot is ace. The Custodian is bloody gorgeous, best use of AOS bits I've seen yet. Really sold me on their utility for 30k.

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