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Thanks, guys!



Heck yeah dude, excited for the paint. I personally feel like the venator is the perfect vehicle for the III Legion, it's the armor equivalent of a swift, deadly rapier thrust straight to the heart. 

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The Venator is just about as specialised as a unit can be. Perfect for the III Legion. Unfortunately I won't be able to make a start on the painting for the next two weeks due to a rapidly approaching deadline IRL.


That's a clever use of bases for the sponsons. I can't wait to see it painted.

Thanks, mate! I was really pleased by how well the bases fitted :)


The Venator looks excellent, the little additions you added gove a lot of character. Can't wait to see it painted.

Thanks, bro! Hopefully the paint job will add even more character :)


Awesome Venator, I particularly like the job you did covering up the sponson mounts.


I admit I came here to say that your black/gold pteruges finally sold me and I repainted all the pteruges on my Ultras to match. Paintwork's not as good as yours, but they look better than beforehand.


And that army shot is ace. The Custodian is bloody gorgeous, best use of AOS bits I've seen yet. Really sold me on their utility for 30k.

Thanks a lot, dude! The pteruges turned out really nicely on your XIII Legion!  Yeah, the Custode was a bit of fun, I'll have to make some more some time :)

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Wow, that looks great! The Venator is such a great looking tank, anyway-- but your tweaks really take it to the next level.


Sorry for the Noob question, but the FW tanks like the Venator, Fellblade, Sicaran, etc. (what I call "pointy-front" tanks) are 30K only, right? They are all gone by the time 40K comes around?

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^ Not necessarily. It works on a tank by tank basis, but a lot of them have rules for use in 40k as well. I know the Sicaran does, and its super popular since its Accelerator Autocannon ignores jink saves. So short answer, often yes, albeit as a "Chapter Relic."


Not too sure what Chapters are, but they sound lamer than legions :D

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^ Not necessarily. It works on a tank by tank basis, but a lot of them have rules for use in 40k as well. I know the Sicaran does, and its super popular since its Accelerator Autocannon ignores jink saves. So short answer, often yes, albeit as a "Chapter Relic."


Not too sure what Chapters are, but they sound lamer than legions :biggrin.:


:biggrin.: :tongue.: :wink:

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Ow man, kizzdougs. I admit I did two people wrong. You, for not browsing this thread before (I hope all my likes of the day kinda made up for that), and me, for not browsing this thread before. Dude. I remember that amazing apothecary that yielded you the 'most impressive miniature' during ETL III. For some reason, it didn't make me go "let's go check this guy's EC thread out". The upside is I got to binge-watch your progress in one long session.


Amazing stuff. Your painting and modelling is amazing. The poses, the crisp painting. Love it.


I'm particularly impressed by your greenstuff skills - and I'm totally going to steal your scroll and laurel making techniques for my IFs. So thanks for those. 


Also, I'm glad to see there where some vehicles in the end. The two rhino's made me think "Why not break up all that purple with some white panels?". But you left everything purple on them, after which you proceeded right unto the Spartan - on which you did break up the monotonous purple with some beautiful white. I really think you could go back and do some white panels on those rhino's, to make them even more beautiful. Perhaps if you made the panels white that I made black on my IF razorback (not the side doors, just the front and the back panels)? It'd be simple to do, but I think will yield great results! :thumbsup: (sorry to plug my own models in here, but I guess an image speaks more than a thousand words?)


Also, that Venator! I'm so jealous. And slightly amused by your simple yet very effective solution to the 'sponson gap problem': just put two bases in there. :wink: Did you do anything to the top of the bases in order to prevent the 'bubbly' surface from showing?

Anyway, *subbed*.

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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I've decided to get myself the new Eidolon mini, but I'm not sure how I'm going to use him yet.


Would it be totally lame if I converted the Eidolon mini to fit with my Loyalist Emperor's Children, but used the Eidolon rules (he would still be WYSIWYG)? The mini and the rules are both pretty great, but Eidolon is a dirty traitor... I could easily replace him in my list with an equally costed praetor.


So, should I use a slightly converted 'Eidolon counts-as' or should I use the mini as the base for a more heavily converted homegrown Praetor?


It's a tough one.



bro you rock me

Thanks, boss! :)


Amazing stuff

Thanks, bro! :)


Hey wow good job with those bases & brass etch as sponson mount covers! I'm going to steal the heck out of that... now to just wait on Alpha Legion brass. (Those are 32mms right? I can check when I get home as I have both a Sicaran and 32mm bases but still).

Thanks, dude! The bases on the sponsons are the old 25mm bases (I've finally found a good use for them...). 


Ow man, kizzdougs. I admit I did two people wrong. You, for not browsing this thread before (I hope all my likes of the day kinda made up for that), and me, for not browsing this thread before. Dude. I remember that amazing apothecary that yielded you the 'most impressive miniature' during ETL III. For some reason, it didn't make me go "let's go check this guy's EC thread out". The upside is I got to binge-watch your progress in one long session.


Amazing stuff. Your painting and modelling is amazing. The poses, the crisp painting. Love it.


I'm particularly impressed by your greenstuff skills - and I'm totally going to steal your scroll and laurel making techniques for my IFs. So thanks for those. 


Also, I'm glad to see there where some vehicles in the end. The two rhino's made me think "Why not break up all that purple with some white panels?". But you left everything purple on them, after which you proceeded right unto the Spartan - on which you did break up the monotonous purple with some beautiful white. I really think you could go back and do some white panels on those rhino's, to make them even more beautiful. Perhaps if you made the panels white that I made black on my IF razorback (not the side doors, just the front and the back panels)? It'd be simple to do, but I think will yield great results! :thumbsup: (sorry to plug my own models in here, but I guess an image speaks more than a thousand words?)


Also, that Venator! I'm so jealous. And slightly amused by your simple yet very effective solution to the 'sponson gap problem': just put two bases in there. :wink: Did you do anything to the top of the bases in order to prevent the 'bubbly' surface from showing?

Anyway, *subbed*.

Thanks so much for the kind words, bro! It means a lot, especially coming from you :)


Yeah, the Rhinos are pretty plain at the moment. I actually managed to do some more work on them last week, but they're still a WIP. My initial idea was to paint the areas you suggested white, but I had second thoughts. I feel that the gold and ivory platting should look as though they've been added to the outside of the hull, kind of like honour markings etc. I'm still really undecided though. I've even been considering painting those areas silver/steel. Once I've finished with my uni Thesis, I'll have a lot more time to paint and make those choices :P


Haha, yeah I was pretty pleased when the bases fitted so perfectly. All I had to do was use some fine sandpaper to smooth down the textured surface and they were ready to go.


Ps. the weathering on your Rhino is top notch!

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I've decided to get myself the new Eidolon mini, but I'm not sure how I'm going to use him yet.


Would it be totally lame if I converted the Eidolon mini to fit with my Loyalist Emperor's Children, but used the Eidolon rules (he would still be WYSIWYG)? The mini and the rules are both pretty great, but Eidolon is a dirty traitor... I could easily replace him in my list with an equally costed praetor.


So, should I use a slightly converted 'Eidolon counts-as' or should I use the mini as the base for a more heavily converted homegrown Praetor?

Cool, you handling the Eidolon mini is going to be awesome.


I suggest you convert him to your own praetor with the regular praetor rules, simply because I despise Eidolon in every possible way.  Also because while Eidolon has some unique abilities he is not much better than a regular praetor as far as I can see.

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http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g392/rtb01/IMAG0764_zpsaeu6u3wl.jpghttp://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g392/rtb01/IMAG0765_zpsdag8dfx0.jpgI'm no great painter but I loved painting eidolon. He's great in game, just needs to be pushed towards something and get the charge in with his very beautiful toffee hammer :smile.:


How do I upload pics? - Can it be done from a PC drive or does it have to be photobucket and equivalent? - sorted!

Edited by 01RTB01
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Eidolon is a Stunning model. Mine has, unfortunately, remained in fiddled with for now (maybe tomorrow...) but I can't wait.


You have a particular skill in both converting and painting the glorious third legion and would love and hate you in equal measure for how sublime he will be.


Game wise, have a play. He certainly looks good on the tabletop and has some nice brutal rules. Alternatively run him as a praetor and make him a campaign character with progression rolls. He'll soon become worrying good and will remain pure for your purposes!

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Thanks everyone! 





I've decided to get myself the new Eidolon mini, but I'm not sure how I'm going to use him yet.


Would it be totally lame if I converted the Eidolon mini to fit with my Loyalist Emperor's Children, but used the Eidolon rules (he would still be WYSIWYG)? The mini and the rules are both pretty great, but Eidolon is a dirty traitor... I could easily replace him in my list with an equally costed praetor.


So, should I use a slightly converted 'Eidolon counts-as' or should I use the mini as the base for a more heavily converted homegrown Praetor?

Cool, you handling the Eidolon mini is going to be awesome.


I suggest you convert him to your own praetor with the regular praetor rules, simply because I despise Eidolon in every possible way.  Also because while Eidolon has some unique abilities he is not much better than a regular praetor as far as I can see.


I'll be converting him to represent a different Praetor whether I use the Eidolon rules or not. I don't want the actual Eidolon in my army, but his rules are very nice (on the charge he is strength 8, AP 2, initiative 6 (7 in a challenge) and adds +1 to charge rolls). I am slightly leaning towards building him as a 'generic' Paragon Blade Praetor, but then again I already have a artificer armour/paragon blade Praetor...


'm no great painter but I loved painting eidolon. He's great in game, just needs to be pushed towards something and get the charge in with his very beautiful toffee hammer :smile.:


How do I upload pics? - Can it be done from a PC drive or does it have to be photobucket and equivalent? - sorted!

Dude! You look like a pretty good painter to me. What colours did you use for the purple armour? It looks just like the art in Collected Visions. If you've got some more work you should definitely start a WIP thread :tu:


Eidolon is a Stunning model. Mine has, unfortunately, remained in fiddled with for now (maybe tomorrow...) but I can't wait.

You have a particular skill in both converting and painting the glorious third legion and would love and hate you in equal measure for how sublime he will be.

Game wise, have a play. He certainly looks good on the tabletop and has some nice brutal rules. Alternatively run him as a praetor and make him a campaign character with progression rolls. He'll soon become worrying good and will remain pure for your purposes!

Yeah, that's the dilemma... convert a loyalist 'Eidolon' or make my own character. I hardly ever play, but I'm hoping to start gaming more regularly once the army is finished.


Slightly convert him brother I know you want to.

Use his profile maybe minus sonic shriekers

Yeah, that sounds pretty good. I'd probably still use the rules for the shriekers and just say the +1 initiative is due to the III Legion's superior abilities :P


Just make him fit your loyalists,use his rules, but count him as your own praetor. Legions were big enough for amazing commander and warriors to get missed, especially in a legion with a bit of politics involved.

That's what I was planning, i just wanted to see if people thought it was dodgy that I was using a traitor character's rules for a loyal Praetor.


Lol Eidolon hits faster with a thunder hammer than other praetors hit with a sword. Terrifying.

Yeah, and even faster again in a challenge. III Legion martial excellence at its best, pity about his inexcusable character flaws... It makes me sad to know that we'll never get rules for Lord Commander Vespasian :cry:

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Go for it then I like the sounds of this, going helmeted? Or switch to the 3rd Legion Upgrade Set bare head, I feel all Hq characters should be minus helms as they're not just generic vanilla marines

I'm not decided on the head/helmet yet. I've been considering a few options including one of the 40k BA bare heads, a Palatine Blade helmet with added crest, and a Phoenician helmet with a crest. 

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Palatine blade could work well, but a bare head sounds better with the helm attached or on the base, I was just looking at the base of the model thinking how could I turn that into a white scar

I recon it would be pretty difficult. The torso, shoulder pads, heads, and hammer don't really fit with the White Scar aesthetic. It could be done, but it would take some serious conversion work. It would probable be much easier and cheaper to use a different mini as the base for a conversion.



Ps. or have I completely misinterpreted what you were saying, and you were actually referring to the base itself (dead Deredeo)?

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