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My bad chief I'm failing English today


Yeah I meant the base thinking of using it as an objective marker

Hahaha, no worries, mate. 


Yeah, the base is pretty beastly. Definitely one of the nicer ones in the FW character series.

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Thank you for the compliments :) I'm in the middle of painting kakophoni at the minute. Due to our one year old daughter painting time is limited.


Huge thanks on colour comment. I always loved the colour in the original astartes article back in WD 300. It was white primer, carroburg crimson, druchii violet then Vallejo warlord purple. It's very simple and I love the colour, just need to get everyone else painted too...


Looking forward to seeing what you do with eidolon and getting some paint on that venator of yours!

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Thank you for the compliments :smile.: I'm in the middle of painting kakophoni at the minute. Due to our one year old daughter painting time is limited.


Huge thanks on colour comment. I always loved the colour in the original astartes article back in WD 300. It was white primer, carroburg crimson, druchii violet then Vallejo warlord purple. It's very simple and I love the colour, just need to get everyone else painted too...


Looking forward to seeing what you do with eidolon and getting some paint on that venator of yours!

Nice work with the colour mix, it looks great! I'll keep an eye out to see how your Kakophoni come along :)


Nice and clean purple :smile.: I like it

Thanks, bro! Glad you like it :)


Ps. I just had a look at your Blood Angels blog. Superlative work :tu:

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Everytime I see that purple armour you do I start thinking about doing an EC army. I blame you if I get distracted from the Thousand Sons.

Haha, stay focussed! Although I would love to see you paint some Emperor's Children ;)



Everytime I see that purple armour you do I start thinking about doing an EC army. I blame you if I get distracted from the Thousand Sons.

I feel the same way but with my Night lords and Imperial Fists. :furious:


Well, at the rate that you paint armies you'll probably have about 10k points of Imperial Fists in a year or so and be ready to move onto another project :tu:



So, I've started base coating the Venator... I'm hoping to add some washes tonight.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Haha, stay focussed! Although I would love to see you paint some Emperor's Children :wink:


Really? I didn't really think anyone was keeping track of my stuff on here, let alone someone whose skills I aim to emulate. 


Can't wait to see the washes hit that beast though. One over sized cannon on it.

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Haha, stay focussed! Although I would love to see you paint some Emperor's Children :wink:


Really? I didn't really think anyone was keeping track of my stuff on here, let alone someone whose skills I aim to emulate. 


Can't wait to see the washes hit that beast though. One over sized cannon on it.


Yeah, mate. I try to keep across most of the WIP projects, especially if they're either Chaos or Horus Heresy :)



Washes applied. Now onto the most tedious and time consuming step, highlighting :P




Thanks for looking ;)

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I've just finished the highlights on the metallics. I'm going to try to get the purple done tomorrow.





Awesome dude, and I feel your pain on the highlighting front. It's always this range of emotions where I hate it, then I'm not sure if it's popping enough, then I think it's popping too much and then I love it lol.

Yeah, it's a real chore, but always looks great once it's done. Your Contemptor is a point in case.


Your highlights do seem to be a lot of work - especially on vehicles (although the straight edges do make them easier, as I imagine it). 


I miss your old avatar.:mellow.:

Yeah, the edges are much easier to paint. If I was painting any other Legion, I'd seriously consider skipping the highlight stage and instead rely on weathering to add depth. Sorry to hear that you miss the old avatar :(




Thanks for looking ;)

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The Venator is almost finished! I just need to finish off the sponson covers.







Looks fantastic as always. I feel a tad despondent with my own. I've started several squads and finished none. I've the attention span of a dog! I'm going to try finishing my kakophoni before starting my deredeo and leviathan...

Thanks, mate! The hardest stage of painting is when you're half way through something. Nothing looks good when it's half finished and it can be hard to maintain motivation. You just have to push yourself to get at least one complete unit/vehicle. Once you've finished something it's the best feeling and should inspire you to paint more. If you're struggling with the Kakophoni I'd just encourage you to keep working on them. You will get them finished, and it will be a great feeling :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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The Venator is finished! 











Next up, I'm going to be working on a couple of Quad Mortars.



Looking awesome! the only tiniest thing I'd like to see on it is maybe some more of your top notch energy glow

Thanks, bro! Where would I put the 'energy glow'? I couldn't really see anywhere that I thought was appropriate :)


Ah man I have missed so many updates, just wow. I'm love with your world eater scheme and weathering, brilliant work

Thanks, mate! The World Eater was a real pleasure to paint. I learned a lot from painting him :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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