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There's the coil with the cables going into it or the little rectangular areas along the barrel.

Yeah, I had a look online and saw some awesome paint jobs that people have done their Venators in regards to the glowing effect. It can look great, but I'm not really confident that I could pull it off convincingly.


Wow man, that white panel is so pure and shiny, you have really outdone yourself.

Thanks a lot, bro!


while it looks absolutely gorgeous, I just cant help but feel that its missing something to make it "pop".


Maybe use some white decals just to add a tiny bit more character to the model.

Yeah, I need to have a proper look to see if I can fit some EC decals on it somewhere. I've had a quick look but couldn't think of anything.


wow buds she is a beast of great beauty

Thanks, bro!


I never liked the venator but yours certainly looks good.

Thanks! A couple have people have said that now. It's a nice feeling when someone likes the work you've done even though they don't like the mini itself. I had a few similar comments when I painted the Deredeo.


You are an exceptional painter kizz.

Thanks, dude! :)


Crisp, clean, and pristine. As usual man. Only quip is just that the last photo is a little washed out, but that's photography stuff, nothing to do with your painting.

Thanks, bro! Yeah, I was in a bit of a rush when I took the photos, and didn't take the time to get the lighting right for the last pic.


That is one big ol' purple penis tank, love it!



Hahaha, hopefully I can role well on the penetration table...


Fab venator! What's next on the list? You're not allowed to stop painting EC!


Thanks to my daughter's two hour nap on Sunday morning I've about finished my kakophoni I just need some 32mm bases and to decide blood splattering or not...

Thanks, dude! I've just started on a couple of Quad Mortars. Hopefully I'll have some progress to share tomorrow. 

Congrats on finishing the Kakophoni! My first thought would be to not to add any blood. I don't really think blood would contrast very well with the EC scheme, plus it's too easy to get carried away with blood splatters. If you do decide to add some blood remembered that less is more :tu:

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Just a quick WIP of the Quad Mortars. The first mortar has been base coated, washed, and the metallics have been highlighted. The second mortar has only been base coated and washed. I'm still working on the crew to make them fit in with the rest of my warriors.





Thanks for the thoughts. My kakophoni have some traditional EC colours but I did them with every adjacent armour panel having different colours. I'm quite pleased with them. I followed the comments from fulgrim and Angel exterminatus.

Sounds good, bro! Glad to hear that you're happy with how they turned out. Hopefully it inspires you to get some more finished :tu:



Thanks for looking ;)

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Finished the Rapiers, just the crew left to paint.











Dude thats not cool

How can I compete against those

Last time I checked this wasn't a competition. Everyone is a winner in the 31st millennium. I appreciate the sentiment though :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks dudes!!



Now for a change of pace. I felt like having a go at building another Custode, so I picked up a box Stormcast Eternal Paladins and built this dude this evening. The Helmet and shoulder pads still need work, but I'm already more happy with this version than my first attempt a couple of months ago.

I originally made the helmet for the fist Custode that I built, but it just didn't seem to fit. I think it fits much better with the scale of the new mini (he is about a head taller than Custode MkI).








I'd love to hear what you think of Custode MkII :)



Thanks for looking ;)

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Brilliant work! But then, that is what we have come to expect from you ;)


You are right, though: He is even better than your first attempt, mostly because the model seems to move further beyond the Stormcast Eternals look and firmly into Custodes territory. Very cool!


One question, though: What is that small, rectangular "slot" above the eyes -- is something missing there...?

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That Custodes is beautiful. You always do such stellar work, it's inspiring and a constant joy for me when looking for heresy era reference material.


Quick question, is the cloak greenstuff? And where is the backpack from> I know the top is from the stormcast, but the lower half? The circle look of the power pack under the decorative lightning mantle from the stormcast looks perfect. Please share what parts make that.

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Thanks everyone! :biggrin.:



HOLY :censored:

WOWWW, I am... wow dude.. That is impressing

Thanks a lot, bro!


I think they look, with a minimum of fuss, like 'real' Custodes. Very nice work. :thumbsup:

Thanks, mate! I'm definitely much happier with this version.


Well. That's probably the coolest thing ever made.

Haha, thanks a lot, dude!


That is one impressive helmet! Excellent work.

Glad you like the helmet. Trying to find/build a good helmet for the Custodes is probably the most difficult aspect of the process, so it's great to hear that you like it.


Excellent work. I only wonder if he would be a bit large compared to marines and other Imperial personnel.

Yeah, he is pretty tall. Definitely taller than a regular marine, but still quite a bit shorter than a Primarch. 


Brilliant work! But then, that is what we have come to expect from you :wink:


You are right, though: He is even better than your first attempt, mostly because the model seems to move further beyond the Stormcast Eternals look and firmly into Custodes territory. Very cool!


One question, though: What is that small, rectangular "slot" above the eyes -- is something missing there...?

Thanks heaps, bro! The 'slot' on the helmet is just there because I haven't finished it yet. The Helmet is originally from a High Elf Loremaster, and the 'slot' is where a moon shaped icon fits in. I'm planning to add some wings (If I can find some good ones) to the helmet and I'll cover up the 'slot' while I'm at it.


gotta agree, that custodian rocks, great job mate

Thanks, mate!


Damn dude. Damn.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like him.


10/10, would protect the emperor again.

Haha, I feel like I should start an Imperial Fists army just to run alongside some Custodes.


That Custode is all kinds of awesome.

Thanks, champ!


I haven't really been a fan of the Custode AOS craze but Damn! Yours is looking pretty awesome! 

Thanks, bro! It's always nice when someone can enjoy something that they usually don't like :)


That Custodes is beautiful. You always do such stellar work, it's inspiring and a constant joy for me when looking for heresy era reference material.


Quick question, is the cloak greenstuff? And where is the backpack from> I know the top is from the stormcast, but the lower half? The circle look of the power pack under the decorative lightning mantle from the stormcast looks perfect. Please share what parts make that.

Thanks a lot, bro! Means a lot to hear you say that. The cloak is from the Empire General kit. I've had it sitting around for years, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it. The back pack is just a trimmed down CSM back pack. This one to be precise...





Thanks again ;)

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