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Sigh I dont think Ill ever stop envying your skill but atleast everytime I visit the topic I get motivated by your work!

Thanks, bro! Glad to hear that you like it :tu:


That custode looks great!


I guess I'm the odd one out to have drooled more over your rapiers and the crew. They're MkIV, while the crew with which it comes is MkIII, no? How did you go about converting the back packs?

Thanks, mate! The Quad Mortar actually comes with a MkIV crew, so I can't claim any smooth conversions skills in that regard.

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Magnificent work, Kizz, old boy.  Your Children are looking beautiful as ever and that's a marvelous Custodes conversion. Miles better than that test model I made a long while back :tongue.:


Any chance I could see you try your hand at making a 30k  Word Bearer?

Edited by Noctus Cornix
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Magnificent work, Kizz, old boy.  Your Children are looking beautiful as ever and that's a marvelous Custodes conversion. Miles better than that test model I made a long while back :tongue.:


Any chance I could see you try your hand at making a 30k  Word Bearer?

Thanks a lot, bro! I've got plans to make a Word Bearer Chaplain/Dark Apostle sometime, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. I was originally going to have the Custode fighting a Gal Vorbak (like in the First Heretic), but because I'm building the Custode for a diorama comp that is due by the 1st of December I didn't think I'd be able to get my hands on a Gal Vorbak mini in time :)


Custode Mk I was good. Mk II is excellent.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like him :)

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So, I just built someone for the Custode to fight/kill.


He still needs a lot of work and is only held together with blu tack. In particular I need to bulk out the waist a bit. I tried out Heinrich's 'spacing' method of making taller marines, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.




Let me know what you think :)



Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks everyone!



Apart from the fact the model is amazeballs, it might just be perspective but his free arm looks longer and a bit more gangly than the other one.

Thanks, bro! Yeah the arm is a bit long. I felt that I should lengthen it because the hand looked so ridiculously huge (an example of the scale disparity between FW and GW space marines), but it has ended up looking a bit weird.


You nailed it, man. If FW's upgrades look anything like that then they will have done a good job.

Thanks for the kind words :)


The Custodian looks great, amazing use of the Stormcast. Will he be receiving a helmet, a bald head or both through the power of magnets? Also will need to get me some of those plastic chaos raptor backpacks after seeing them on your cool Thousand Son :smile.:

Thanks mate! I'm planing to paint up both the helmet and the bare head. He is going to be a display piece so I'm leaning more towards the bare head at the moment. Plus it's proving pretty difficult to add some wings to the helmet.


If it's down to a vote, go with the helmet, kizz. Also, the decorations on the Thousand Son look great, but the spacing makes him look tall and far too skinny. Not a fan.

Thanks for the honest critique, I really appreciate it. Hopefully he looks a bit better once I've finished building him :)

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Wow, kizz, that looks absolutely fantastic. I still think the MkIV could do with a little more waist. But dude. That Custodes. Absolutely fricking cool, mate. Love it.



Hey Kizz, congrats on being micro-featured on AoH. Internet fame and fortune is soon to follow :biggrin.:

AoH? Linky or it didn't happen. I wish to bestow internet credits on our dog-kissing buddy all over the interwebs. ;)

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Wow, kizz, that looks absolutely fantastic. I still think the MkIV could do with a little more waist. But dude. That Custodes. Absolutely fricking cool, mate. Love it.




Hey Kizz, congrats on being micro-featured on AoH. Internet fame and fortune is soon to follow :biggrin.:

AoH? Linky or it didn't happen. I wish to bestow internet credits on our dog-kissing buddy all over the interwebs. ;)

Wow... Just wow... The parts list would be interesting to look at

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! They really do help to motivate me to keep working :tu:




That gold is incredible

Thanks, bro! It's new the new GW base paint, Retributor Armour with a Agrax Earthshade wash. The new paint has much better coverage than the other GW metallics.


Hey Kizz, congrats on being micro-featured on AoH. Internet fame and fortune is soon to follow :biggrin.:


Also, awesome work on the Custodes. The scale of MK2 bro is spot on. Can't wait to see him finished!

Haha, thanks! It was very nice of them to read my email on the podcast. They still haven't put up the army shots that I sent them. I think I might add them into this post :)


Here are the Photos that I sent them... 
















If anyone is interested, they read my email at 1:31:00 in episode 36.


Duuudddeeeeee custodes Mk.2 is insane! I must have, where can I scrounge together the parts for one?!?!

Thanks, mate! I'll see if I cant put together a list of the bits:

Stormcast Eternals Paladins box: Shoulder pads, legs, arms, torso, iron halo, and the guardian spear haft.

Grey Knight Terminator box: The spear blade and weapon power source.

Sanguinary Guard: The bolter part of the spear.

FW Phobos pattern bolter: The magazine on the spear.

Chaos Space Marines box: The lower half of a back pack.

WHFB Empire General box: Cloak.

Emperor's Children etched brass: Palatine Aquilla.

Emperor's Children head/helmets upgrade set: The unhelmeted head with the hair shaved off.

WHFB High Elf Spearmen: Sword.

WHFB High Elf Loremaster of Hoeth: The helmet.

WHFB Savage Orcs box: The plume on the helmet.

Additional: Green stuff and plastic card.

I'm pretty sure that's everything.



I think I'm in love with that gold.

Thanks, bro! I'm pretty happy with how it's looking so far. Very different to my usual gold.


Wow, kizz, that looks absolutely fantastic. I still think the MkIV could do with a little more waist. But dude. That Custodes. Absolutely fricking cool, mate. Love it.



Hey Kizz, congrats on being micro-featured on AoH. Internet fame and fortune is soon to follow :biggrin.:

AoH? Linky or it didn't happen. I wish to bestow internet credits on our dog-kissing buddy all over the interwebs. :wink:

Thanks bro! Flint is talking about the Eye of Horus podcast (should have written EoH). They read out an email that I sent them and had some nice things to say about my Emperor's Children.



Wow, kizz, that looks absolutely fantastic. I still think the MkIV could do with a little more waist. But dude. That Custodes. Absolutely fricking cool, mate. Love it.


Hey Kizz, congrats on being micro-featured on AoH. Internet fame and fortune is soon to follow :biggrin.:

AoH? Linky or it didn't happen. I wish to bestow internet credits on our dog-kissing buddy all over the interwebs. :wink:

Wow... Just wow... The parts list would be interesting to look at


Thanks a lot bro! See the list above.


Great start on that Custodes. Can't wait to see what you do next!

Thanks heaps, bro!


Unmitigated awesomeness :smile.: how did you do the custode gold please?

Thanks, dude! The gold was Retributor Armour with a was of Agrax Earthshade. I've just given it a thinned down wash of Reikland Fleshshade to give it a bit more warmth. Next up I'll be doing some highlights by adding Runefang Steel to the gold.


Jesus Kizz, you gotta stop, your plog is constantly making me want to paint new armies. 


Dat gold tho...:blink.:

Hahaha, I'm still waiting for you to get back to the XX Legion, so don't get any funny ideas...


Great colour.

Thanks, bro!



Thanks again everyone ;)

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