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I've done some more work on the Custode. It feels really strange that he is mostly finished and I've used so few colours...


I'm also really happy with the new gold paint. If it had have been available when I started my Emperor's Legion I would have definitely used it instead of Gehenna's Gold. It makes me want to paint an entire gold coloured army :P






The pics don't really do the gold justice.


Kizz, that army shot :ohmy.: Looking incredible as always man!

Thanks a lot, mate! Glad you like the army.


Holy parts list, Batman! Definitely relfects the time and effort you've put into your models and it's definitely shown. Can't wait to see the finished product!

I also find myself needing that gold.

I really like to use a wide assortment of bits when I convert a mini. I think it helps to keep them individual and unique while capturing the desired character/theme. Of course the hardest part is making the various bits come together as a cohesive mini that looks believable.

Yeah, It's a really nice gold. I wish that it was available when I started my Emperor's Children. I would have definitely used it.


Dat army shot... :wub.:

Thanks, champ! Looking forward to some more of your Imperial Fists.


Bravo Kizz, bravo. That first army shot is just stunning. Everything comes together so well with the commander taking pride of place.

Thanks, dude! I'm pretty happy with how the Praetor turned out. He really stands out from the rest of the army, but some how still fits with the theme.


That army shot really brings home how much of a beautiful jewel of an army you've crafted, mate.

Thanks a lot, mate! It's really rewarding to see it finally come together.


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Hahaha, thanks bro!


Such a beautiful army!

Thanks, dude! Glad you like it.





That's one damn fine army you have there kizz. Beautiful work. :thumbsup:

Thanks, mate!



Thanks for looking ;)

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That gold and that red. What a glorious job so far. Absolutely beautiful painting. Very impressed. And a little intimidated. :tu:

You're going to have to wait untill right after the HH boxed game release, for I'm not painting any fists until then. ;)

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Im SO in love with that miniature, could you maybe give a rundown for the colors on that custodes?

Sure, bro.

I started with a couple of thin coats of Retributor Gold (much better coverage than other GW metallics).

Next up I gave the armour a wash with Agrax Earthshade, and then a thinned down wash of Reikland Fleshshade.

I then layered with a 1/1 mix of Retributor Gold and Runefang Steel.

I then 'black lined' the armour with a 2/1 mix of Abaddon Black and Rhinox Hide.

The armour was finished off with a highlight of Runefang Steel.

If I wanted to speed up the process for painting troops etc I'd skip the layering and black lining steps.


Oh. Oh my. Yes. That Custodes is perfect mate. Just breathtakingly good.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like how he is looking :)


That gold and that red. What a glorious job so far. Absolutely beautiful painting. Very impressed. And a little intimidated. :thumbsup:


You're going to have to wait untill right after the HH boxed game release, for I'm not painting any fists until then. :wink:

Hell yeah!!! Does that mean that you're painting some VIIth Legion or adding some MkIV/Cataphractii to your 40k Fists? Either way, I can't wait to see what you do :tu:


MAN! That gold is so pretty, what did you use? You must tell me.

Thanks, dude! For the recipe see my reply to AlphariusOmegon108's question.




Thanks again :) 

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Thanks for sharing recipes :smile.: what do you mean by "black line"?

No worries, bro. 'Black lining' is kind of like reverse highlighting. You take a dark colour, usually black, and paint it into the recesses of the mini. It helps to add definition and make the mini 'pop'. Some people like to use a super fine pen to black line, personally I just use a fine detail brush. 


Here are a couple of examples of black lining. You can see that I've painted a fine, black line around the edge of the laurel and III numeral to separate them from the white background. I've also black lined the details on the laurel itself using a mix of black and Rhinox Hide painted between the individual leaves. Again to add definition so that it's easier to see the details when viewing the mini from a distance.






Very, very cool. Awesome conversion and paint job.


I'd like to add my thanks for the gold too - I am looking forward to using it on my Blood Angels army in the near future!


Can't wait to see more!





Thanks, bro! Yeah, I recon the new gold would contrast really well with the red of the Blood Angels :)




(Gets on knees and starts groveling)



Hahaha, thanks, mate! Glad you like him :)


Dude you gotta do a custodes force when they get rules!

I kind of doubt that the Custodes will get their own army list, but I'll definitely add some as allies for my Emperor's Children :tu:


Mate that Custodes is awesome. Love the gold you have.

Thanks a lot, boss! :)

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Hey kizz, just wanted to say that while I really really liked the venator from the initial shots, after seeing it (and the rhinos) next to the spartan I think it could benefit from some white added to it. In the sense of an A going to an A+ of course :smile.:
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