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I'd love to see wolves but I'd be tempted to wait until Prospero book simply on the basis that they will be radically different to the other legions alongside the thousand sons.



In terms of my own 3rd, I'll mix and match Phoenician helms and some regulars. I like the idea of vet tacticals but I've already got a pride of the legion force so calth is my excuse to run some slightly more regular forces and try out other rites of war. I really should start a blog!

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My votes on the Space Wolves, or the Thousand Sons. Infact I think those two legions offer the most for what you seem to like to derive from a project based on your previous work.


1. Themed Basing

2. Sculpting/ Press Moulding (Fur, Special Helmets for eg)

3. Both are small elite forces that fit a PoTL theme.



Orrr, and this is in influenced on no way by me wanting to see you paint every legion :p. Why not paint up a test model of each then decide.

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My vote would be for either World Eaters or Space Wolves. They'd be a great contrast with your pristine III legion minis and either would fit the role of an assault orientated force. Looking forward to see what you decide upon regardless.

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Well, I seem to be in the minority here, but I'll renew my earlier request for more World Eaters ;) Both because your test mini was amazing, but also because I *really* want to see you building those Blood Reaver-based rampagers, seeing how it's been something that I have been thinking about myself.

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I love pretty much all of the Legions, but at this stage I'm leaning towards either the Sons of Horus (probably Reaver heavy), Night Lords (Terror Assault), World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Space Wolves, or Alpha Legion. I'd like to use either Pride of the Legion or a Legion specific rite of war, and have an assault capable army.


War Hounds with black pauldrons. :ph34r.:


Sons of Horus, World Eaters and Alpha Legion are cool too. :tongue.:

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Although I'd love to see you do Night Lords with all the terror markings, we have enough of them around here. You didn't inlcude Death Guard, so they're out. Given that, my vote goes to the Thousand Sons, because of their ornate armour and your press moulding skills. Specifically, right in the period where they transition from red to blue - as in this picture:

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