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Honestly my vote is for Vlka Fenryka. You're a stellar hobbyist and painter that I know would do them total justice. Also the VI Legion is grossly underrepresented on these forums and I think it would be a great legion to get your attention. Hell I actually have plans to do a watch pack just because they were my first 40k army ever and I'd love to come full circle with how awesome the fluff for them is now during the heresy.


Do it. For Russ and the Allfather.



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Thanks for all of the comments and ideas! I really appreciate all of them. Sorry that I can't reply to all of them individually, I wasn't expecting such a massive response :smile.:





At this stage I'm stuck between the Space Wolves and Sons of Horus. Both Legions are visually appealing and would be fun to paint and model. They also both fit my desire for a combat orientated force.


Before reading Wolf King, the Vlka Fenryka didn't really appeal to me, and I'd never really considered them as an option. I think this was partially due to the direction they've taken recently in 40k. The Thunderwolves, Santa sledge, and 'frost' everything had really turned me off the Space Wolves (I have all of the SW codices despite never collecting them, so I'm definitely not a SW hater). I'm definitely enjoying the HH SW much more at the moment and Wolf King gave me a new appreciation for the Legion. I see the Wolves as a bit of a hobby challenge. Achieving a balance between the more 'realistic' flavour of the HH Legions and the established, often overemphasised, character tropes of the VI Legion would be quite a task.


The Sons of Horus have always been an interesting one. They have one of the nicest colour schemes (especially the Catulan Reavers) and a touch of savagery that is quite appealing. I think my main reason for starting a SoH army would be the Reaver unit. I love the idea of an elite combat focussed unit, and the access to jump packs and dreadclaws is a definite bonus. One problem with the SoH is that I'd want to use the new FW paints to paint them, meaning that I'd have to wait for them to be shipped from the UK (which can sometimes take ages when you live in Australia... :tongue.:  ).


Right now I'm thinking that I'll paint the BaC test mini as a Space Wolf, and if I'm not happy with the result, I'll place an order with FW for some Lupercal Green. Now to add some VI Legion details and try to figure out how to achieve an appropriate shade of grey.




I'd love to see wolves but I'd be tempted to wait until Prospero book simply on the basis that they will be radically different to the other legions alongside the thousand sons.

In terms of my own 3rd, I'll mix and match Phoenician helms and some regulars. I like the idea of vet tacticals but I've already got a pride of the legion force so calth is my excuse to run some slightly more regular forces and try out other rites of war. I really should start a blog!

I've seen people say that a few times (that the Wolves will somehow be radically different), but I just can't see how they'll be all that different. The XV Legion with most definitely be different, but I struggle to see how the VI will be very different (fingers crossed anyway). 

Yeah, that sounds good, bro. And yes, you really should start a log! :thumbsup:


My votes on the Space Wolves, or the Thousand Sons. Infact I think those two legions offer the most for what you seem to like to derive from a project based on your previous work.

1. Themed Basing
2. Sculpting/ Press Moulding (Fur, Special Helmets for eg)
3. Both are small elite forces that fit a PoTL theme.

Orrr, and this is in influenced on no way by me wanting to see you paint every legion :tongue.:. Why not paint up a test model of each then decide.

I'd love to paint a single mini for each of the Legions at some stage, but at the moment I think I'll limit myself to one or two for simplicities sake.


Well, I seem to be in the minority here, but I'll renew my earlier request for more World Eaters :wink: Both because your test mini was amazing, but also because I *really* want to see you building those Blood Reaver-based rampagers, seeing how it's been something that I have been thinking about myself.

I'm still tempted to try building at least one Bloodreaver-based Rampager. The Bloodreaver minis are just too nice not to be introduced to the Heresy setting.


I've quickly counter up the votes to make your life easier, Kizz.

SoH: 9
SW: 8
AL: 42
TS: 5
WE: 4
NL: 2
IF: 1

I think we have a clear winner here :teehee:

Hahah, very funny... I suppose it doesn't really matter which Legion I choose, they'll all be Alphas in disguise anyway :tongue.:


Bucking the trend (and Dosjetka's dodgy vote rigging) I reckon how about a force of Saturnyne Rams?

The Rams are a sweet idea, but I don't think I could do them justice with the contents of the BaC set. MkIV armour would just seem totally wrong for a pre Primarch force.


I'm going to vote Salamanders as I think you could truly do a great take rather than blacksmithing dragon lovers plus it will contrast nicely against purple

Yeah, the Salamanders are pretty badass, but I'm looking for something a bit more savage this time around :smile.:




Thanks again, everyone! :thumbsup:

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Yes!! Another wolf to join the packs :)


I am looking forward to seeing your test miniature.


If you do not like the scheme, hit the model up with some of the Coelia shade and see if he turn into an SoH.


But I hope you find the Wolves pleasing to you :)


Without throwing a spanner in the works, but there is also the Iron 10th. Ferrus Mannus was very close with Fulgrim before the heresy, he forged the hammer which he used before the Laer sword and in turn I believe Fulgrim made a sword for Ferrus.


It is also why Ferrus went crazy at Fulgrim in particular on Istvaan 5.

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Well, I seem to be in the minority here, but I'll renew my earlier request for more World Eaters :wink: Both because your test mini was amazing, but also because I *really* want to see you building those Blood Reaver-based rampagers, seeing how it's been something that I have been thinking about myself.

I'm still tempted to try building at least one Bloodreaver-based Rampager. The Bloodreaver minis are just too nice not to be introduced to the Heresy setting.



Huh. Seems like this is the best I can still hope for at this stage, so go for it! ;) Seriously, though, I'd love to see that, if only to shamelessly steal your ideas afterwards...

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Wolves might be underrepresented now, but they won't be when the Prospero book comes out. Something to consider. The BnC is light on committed SoH players, only a handful of them around.

See but that's why the Rout will be cool now, because they'll be popular later and Kizz will be like, "I played Vlka Fenryka before they were cool" ;)
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The test mini is ready for some paint. I've tried to make it obvious which Legion he is from without going completely overboard. Let me know what you think :smile.:



The Primus Medicae is almost finished. The plan is to have him ready for a campaign day this Saturday.






Yes!! Another wolf to join the packs :smile.:


I am looking forward to seeing your test miniature.


If you do not like the scheme, hit the model up with some of the Coelia shade and see if he turn into an SoH.


But I hope you find the Wolves pleasing to you :smile.:


Without throwing a spanner in the works, but there is also the Iron 10th. Ferrus Mannus was very close with Fulgrim before the heresy, he forged the hammer which he used before the Laer sword and in turn I believe Fulgrim made a sword for Ferrus.


It is also why Ferrus went crazy at Fulgrim in particular on Istvaan 5.

Thanks, bro! I'm looking forward to painting up a member of the Rout.

I didn't really consider the X Legion because the MkIV doesn't really suit their look.

Ps. Fulgrim forged the hammer, Forgebreaker, and Ferus the sword, Firebrand :smile.:


I'm sure you'll do the Space Woves justice, although I'd love to see you do the SoH. Saying that the SW will give you an opposing force to EC and they couldn't really be more opposite, drilled perfection vs savage grace.

I think I'll probably end up doing a Reaver test mini as well, so I'll be painting at least one SoH.


The Hydra has a good point. The Space Wolves will be a nice opposite for your Emperor's Children :thumbsup:

Yeah, definitely a shift in character and aesthetic. The Emperor's Children will always be my #1, but I'm looking forward to tackling something a bit different.



Well, I seem to be in the minority here, but I'll renew my earlier request for more World Eaters :wink: Both because your test mini was amazing, but also because I *really* want to see you building those Blood Reaver-based rampagers, seeing how it's been something that I have been thinking about myself.

I'm still tempted to try building at least one Bloodreaver-based Rampager. The Bloodreaver minis are just too nice not to be introduced to the Heresy setting.



Huh. Seems like this is the best I can still hope for at this stage, so go for it! :wink: Seriously, though, I'd love to see that, if only to shamelessly steal your ideas afterwards...


It should be a fairly straight forward conversion. I'll have to have a good look at the various bits tomorrow.

Ps. I'd love to see what you'd do with the Bloodreaver minis.


Wolves might be underrepresented now, but they won't be when the Prospero book comes out. Something to consider. The BnC is light on committed SoH players, only a handful of them around.

Yeah, the VI will most definitely not be in short supply once their rules/minis are released. I'd like to try to put my own mark on the Legion, but I'm very aware that it will be very well represented soon.



Wolves might be underrepresented now, but they won't be when the Prospero book comes out. Something to consider. The BnC is light on committed SoH players, only a handful of them around.

See but that's why the Rout will be cool now, because they'll be popular later and Kizz will be like, "I played Vlka Fenryka before they were cool" :wink:


Hahaha, I'll have regrow my hipster/Vlka Fenryka beard :tongue.: Then again I suppose the VI Legion was pretty hipster in their own way, killing brother legionaries before it was cool...


And he can sculpt manly beards! Nothing better than bearding up your marines

Edit: auto correct

Haha, not sure I'd trust my skills with sculpting beards just yet, but I'll probably have to learn pretty quickly...


World Eaters for the win mate....as an opposite to the emp childs...you could re-fight the battle that earnt Khârn the title "betrayer"

To be fair though, you will do a cracking job on whichever you pick.... :-)

Thanks mate! I really did consider the XII and I'll probably be giving them some love at some stage :smile.:




Thanks for looking :wink:

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WHat is it with you and medics. You always seem to make them look the best. Which is saying something, as the rest of your army is sublime as is (except for the Rhino's which are only 90% sublime as they still need white panels). ;)


About your tester mini. Hmmmm, let me guess: Thousand Sons? :D Just kidding of course. He's going to ab an excellent passive aggressive Eater of Worlds.

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The chain mail loin cloth is a nice touch, says wolfly without an abundance of wolves and pelts, which I take it was your goal.


Honestly, the thing I'm most excited to see you (potentially) tackle, in terms of making (not over the top) Wolves is the addition of some leather knot-work on greaves, or belts or vambraces. Would be another great understated way to convey Space Wolf without wolves.

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I may be wrong, but I'm pretty certain the "drastic difference" between 30k and 40k was composed of two things.


1. Legion Character (Which was covered in Wolf king)

2. No frost weapons, thunderwolves etc:



The 30k wolves still adorned themselves in furs, talismans etc: So I wouldn't worry to touch much straying from the 40k look Kizz. The test model is looking great though.

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