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The Primus Medicae is finished! Now I just need to give him a name before the campaign day on the weekend...












I've also done some work on the Space Wolf test mini, but I'm not very happy with how he is looking at the moment. I feel that I went a bit to far with the metallic aspect of the weathering, which has made the mini look too busy and messy. He looked much better with just some dark grey/black sponge weathering. When I get a chance I'm going to repaint the armour and see how it looks.






WHat is it with you and medics. You always seem to make them look the best. Which is saying something, as the rest of your army is sublime as is (except for the Rhino's which are only 90% sublime as they still need white panels). :wink:


About your tester mini. Hmmmm, let me guess: Thousand Sons? :biggrin.: Just kidding of course. He's going to ab an excellent passive aggressive Eater of Worlds.

Haha, the III Legion were well known for having a high percentage of apothecaries, plus I need an artificer armoured Primus Medicae to accompany the Palatine Blade unit that I'm planning to build...


It's totally a Luna Wolf. That's definitely what the wolfs head on his shoulder pad is for. Yep, I'm certain of it.

Haha, yeah... sure... :tongue.:


Wow, I had not noticed the shield on the primus medicae, man that is gorgeous.

Yeah, bro. Boarding shield (defensive grenades) for an extra defensive buff.


The chain mail loin cloth is a nice touch, says wolfly without an abundance of wolves and pelts, which I take it was your goal.


Honestly, the thing I'm most excited to see you (potentially) tackle, in terms of making (not over the top) Wolves is the addition of some leather knot-work on greaves, or belts or vambraces. Would be another great understated way to convey Space Wolf without wolves.

Thanks, bro! I've been thinking about the whole leather work thing, but I'm not sure how to make it work. As of yet, I don't know of any artwork that actually depicts a VI Legion warrior wearing the leather masks etc. that are constantly mentioned in some of the HH novels. I'll have to have another think about it.


Have you added actual physical damage to the model or am I seeing things?

Yeah, I've added some chips and cuts to the armour using a hobby knife. I find that it really helps to add some character to the armour.


I may be wrong, but I'm pretty certain the "drastic difference" between 30k and 40k was composed of two things.

1. Legion Character (Which was covered in Wolf king)
2. No frost weapons, thunderwolves etc:

The 30k wolves still adorned themselves in furs, talismans etc: So I wouldn't worry to touch much straying from the 40k look Kizz. The test model is looking great though.

Yeah, you're right. I just want to make sure that the Wolves don't become an oversimplified caricature of themselves :smile.:


Really looking forward to what you do with a wolf mate. Great work on that medic.

Thanks, dude! Glad you like the Primus Medicae :smile.:


Awesome. Everything a pre-heresy Rout-ling should be :biggrin.:

Also, bonus points for every one with an axe.

Yeah, axes are awesome. If they weren't unwieldy I would definitely have included more in my Emperor's Children.




Thanks for looking :wink:

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I think he looks suitably rugged enough for a member of the rout. Liking the subtle osl for the eyes as well as the use of the moulded symbol shoulder pad. Will there be any beasty bearded members joining him soon?
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Your wolf looks nice, very dark & gritty.


Even the 40K pad, looks good (even though my personal hope is they go back to the RT Space Wolf design, rather than recycle Ragnar's symbol


I did think you had done him in metallics to start with, but even then I thought he looked cool.


I am also intrigued by the grey you used. I generally use mech standard grey, but I could see myself adding some darker greyed warriors to the Rout, for the likes of my breachers and stuff.


Looking good man.



Edited by dantay_xv
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The Space Wolf looks awesome imho and you're other work isn't to shabby either........;P


Keep up the amazing work, these are some of the very best 3rd Legion boys i've ever seen brother.


For the Warmaster!

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Excellent work on the Apothecary, as usual!


I'll have to be the odd one out, however, in that I can see why you're unhappy with the wolf: While he's certainly competently painted, he lacks the certain "je ne sais quoi" of your usual work: Normally, all of your models are instantly recognisable as kizzdougs pieces because your style is so distinct -- even your World Eater, and he was just as heavily weathered as this guy. Anyway, a cool model, but I am looking forward to seeing your second attempt at painting him!

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Excellent work on the Apothecary, as usual!


I'll have to be the odd one out, however, in that I can see why you're unhappy with the wolf: While he's certainly competently painted, he lacks the certain "je ne sais quoi" of your usual work: Normally, all of your models are instantly recognisable as kizzdougs pieces because your style is so distinct -- even your World Eater, and he was just as heavily weathered as this guy. Anyway, a cool model, but I am looking forward to seeing your second attempt at painting him!

If anything Kizz's style seems to include very well defined and precise edge highlighting, something that isn't very clear on the wolf model. That's probably why it doesn't jump out at you. Look at his Word Bearers, Night Lords and Emperors Children, they all have a "pop" effect from high contrast edge highlighting.


While that is the norm, I think it's always great to see hobbyists evolve their style and I like the more gritty, down to earth vibe of the Wolf. It contrasts excellently with his pristine III Legion peacocks ;)

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@ Brother Heinrich: Sorry, but I'll have to disagree here: Look at kizzdougs' World Eater: That guy is as far away from the Emperor's Children as possible, yet you'd still immediately attribute the piece to kizzdougs, because it has that particular look. I wasn't really referring to the clean, edge-highlighted look, but rather to a certain stylistic tightness, a "unity of effect", if you will -- and the Wolf doesn't (yet) have that, in my opinion. It's a decently painted, heavily battle-damaged SW model, but it lacks the oomph of kizzdougs' other HH models -- which is why I can really sympathise with his urge to repaint the armour, even if I would probably call it "good enough" by my own standards.

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Suitably and typically exquisiten Apothecary.

My immediate thought on seeing the Wolf, even though I knew otherwise, was 'Cool Executioner'.  The grey is so dark and there's so much metallic weathering that it looks like a very dark metallic scheme rather than weathered grey. I think your grey might be too dark, almost black. Which is a good way to actually do black, but it's not quite Space Wolves. I know they're not the grey-blue of 40k in the Heresy-era, but they're not Iron Hands either!

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I forgot to take my camera to the Campaign Day, but I've downloaded some pics taken by other players who attended.


My army for the day.



A couple of the other fully painted armies at the event.



















I wouldn't change a thing about the weathering. It looks realistic.

What colors did you use? The grey is spot on.

Glad you like him, bro. The armour is just Mechanicus Standard Grey with a Nuln Oil wash. Super simple. It looks much darker and more complex because of the weathering.



I wouldn't change a thing about the weathering. It looks realistic.
What colors did you use? The grey is spot on.

I agree with Marshal Rohr 100%. Don't change a thing on the armor!


Thanks, bro! Glad you like him.


Primus Medicae advocate represent! Seriously, you have no idea how Bummed I was when they gained Support Officer D:


Space Wolf looks good to me.

Yeah, It would be great if they didn't have 'support officer', especially in the Emperor's Children who were know for having a large number of apothecaries/medicaes.


Imo, and this may be the lighting, the space wolf looks like he's metallic because of the weathering

Yeah, that's how I feel too. The metallics are a bit too heavy and end up confusing the actual armour colour.


Pics from.the campaign day buddy would be awesome man

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