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So, I've just finished this mini diorama for the Eye of Horus Podcast diorama comp. If I had a bit more time and hadn't left it to the last minute I could have produced something a bit better, but I'm still fairly happy with how it turned out.













Your army (and all the other guys) looks fantastic on there mate. I don't think there's anything wrong with trying out a different style, one of my best painting experiences reacently was trying out your EC scheme, even if I havent quite finished him yet.

Thanks, bro!! Yeah, I'm still waiting to see the finished product ;)


Great army shots!

I would also like to see you paint up the Wolf with non metallic weathering before I make a final decision. I find the metallic makes him look a little "busy" I suppose.

Thanks, dude! I'm just in the process of repainting the armour now, so hopefully I'll have some pictures to share soonish :)


Dude looks great!

So now you've got a game under your belt how do you feel?

Thanks, bro! It was a pretty fun day all up. I've definitely highlighted some weaknesses in my army that need to be fixed though.




Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!




I've had a go at fixing up the Space Wolf's armour. The difference is subtle, but I think it works much better. Having said that, now I'm starting to think that the armour is just too dark to begin with...










I've also built a XVI Legion test mini. I just need to decide whether to paint him as a Catulan Reaver or not.





What Timing considering the recent Thousand Sons news...

Indeed. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the XVth Legion around the place.



Thanks, bro! :smile.:


Dude your a shoe in

Thanks, dude! Fingers crossed that they like it :smile.:


Wow. An amazing diorama - it looks like the silence before the storm. Does it have a title?

That 1000 son makes me feel sad you're not doing them...

Yeah, I feel sad too... they've always been one of my favourite Legions. I'm really looking forward to seeing what FW does for the specialist units. I might not be able to resist...

I didn't end up giving the diorama a title but I did write a short description, explaining the ideas and thoughts behind it.


Holy :censored: that diorama is awesome!

Thanks a lot, dude!


At first I though that the Thousand Son was leaning a bit back but that might be the angle. It's a beautiful my constructed scene, and your painting is, as always, very good. I would like to see to see you make more Thousand Sons and Custodes

Thanks, mate! I'm not sure if I'll build anymore Custodes, but when FW get around to releasing them I'll definitely be getting a squad to go with my Emperor's Children. As for the Thousand Sons, I'll probably paint up a few when FW releases their special units/characters. Given the title of this thread it would be just wrong if I completely ignored the release of the XVth Legion.




Think I've said it before, but I absolutely love that gold.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the gold :thumbsup:


The custodes facial expression is so perfect "I'm gonna tear your :censored:: head off"

Thanks, mate! The head is from the B@C set and is a pretty nice sculpt. It's strange that while the FW resin minis usually have a greater level of detail and sharper lines etc. the GW plastics always seem to produce better bare heads. 


That confrontation is immense, you've really created a tense atmosphere with your diorama. Perfect!

Thank, dude! That's exactly what I was going for :smile.:


Full of awesome this thread is.

Fantastic diorama.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the thread :thumbsup:




Thanks for looking :wink:

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The Space Wolf is excellently painted, but I must say I'm not really sold on it. I like that it's currently looking far less metallic, and I don't think it's too dark.

I don't know, maybe I just have a general apathy towards the Wolves.


That Diorama though is looking almost perfect. The painting is stunning, and the positioning is great. I'm nitpicking, but the only thing I think that would improve it is if the roles were reversed. Have the Custode at the bottom of the steps come to claim the Magnus for his legions crimes, and the Thousand Son at the top confronting him for the destruction on Prospreo.


I really like the SoH, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how you paint him.

Also where is that skull and chains bit from?

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The diorama is indeed awesome as everyone else has stated. It's a thing of joy to look at those pictures.


As for the wolf, the one thing I do like about the repaint is that it brought out the eyes more. He looks more menacing now in my opinion.


And for the Son of Horus, I honestly would love to see your take on that sea foam green they have going on. However, that guy sure looks like he would be a hard-as-nails reaver.

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Thanks everyone.



I've painted the Son of Horus veteran/reaver up to the weathering stage. The picture tones down the colour of the armour a little bit. Let me know what you think :)





The Space Wolf is excellently painted, but I must say I'm not really sold on it. I like that it's currently looking far less metallic, and I don't think it's too dark.

I don't know, maybe I just have a general apathy towards the Wolves.


That Diorama though is looking almost perfect. The painting is stunning, and the positioning is great. I'm nitpicking, but the only thing I think that would improve it is if the roles were reversed. Have the Custode at the bottom of the steps come to claim the Magnus for his legions crimes, and the Thousand Son at the top confronting him for the destruction on Prospreo.


I really like the SoH, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how you paint him.

Also where is that skull and chains bit from?

Thanks for the kind words! I can understand your apathy towards the VI Legion. It wasn't until I read Wolf King that I began to appreciate them a bit more.

With the diorama I wanted the Custode to be in the position of power, looking down on the Thousand Son in judgement.

The skull and chains are all separate pieces that I put together. The skull is from a Savage Orc topknot, and the chains are from the flail that comes in the Warriors of Chaos Chariot box set :)


That diorama is indeed awesome, beautiful work. And as far as the XVith legion marine, even though I like the catulan reavers, I would love to see you tackle the sea-green of the Sons of Horus.

You guilted me into painting the sea-green...


The diorama is indeed awesome as everyone else has stated. It's a thing of joy to look at those pictures.

As for the wolf, the one thing I do like about the repaint is that it brought out the eyes more. He looks more menacing now in my opinion.

And for the Son of Horus, I honestly would love to see your take on that sea foam green they have going on. However, that guy sure looks like he would be a hard-as-nails reaver.

Thanks, dude! Glad you like the repainted wolf. Just like GrandMagnus, you guilted me into painting the sea-green.


New wolf looks loads better!

Thanks, mate!


Echoing everyone else, that Wolf looks boss! I cant wait to see the Son of Horus, but my prejudice swings me in favor of the Wolf.

Haha, naturally. Hopefully you'll still approve of the SoH test mini.


I much prefer the wolf now, I think it's a good shade of grey, different from the light 40k, nice and gritty, very different from your usual style. Stick with the Wolves I'd say.

Glad you like how the wolf is looking. I still think he might be a bit too dark, but he is definitely better than before.



Thanks for looking ;)

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That Space Wolf is rather nice, but that SOH...wow. Utterly amazing looking, it just pops in the right way. My only worry is you might get bored as he is in the same clean style as your Emp's Children, and I get the impression you'd like to experiment.

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