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That Space Wolf is rather nice, but that SOH...wow. Utterly amazing looking, it just pops in the right way. My only worry is you might get bored as he is in the same clean style as your Emp's Children, and I get the impression you'd like to experiment.

He said it is up to the weathering stage, so I'm sure he'll be nice & gritty/bloody soon.

Edited by Legionary Pallas
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That Space Wolf is rather nice, but that SOH...wow. Utterly amazing looking, it just pops in the right way. My only worry is you might get bored as he is in the same clean style as your Emp's Children, and I get the impression you'd like to experiment.

He said it is up to the weathering stage, so I'm sure he'll be nice & gritty/bloody soon.


That'll teach me to not read the whole post! I have to say, I think I'd personally keep it as is just due to how crisp it is, but I'm excited to see how the weathering goes :)

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I'm a bit up and down on my opinion with the Space Wolf. On the one it's well pa inter and looks pretty good. But it doesn't really look like a Space Wolf to me. It's feel a little too dark. I think that colour scheme would work really well for a unit of destroyers, but for normal marines the grey needs to be a shade lighter. Just my two cents.



Your Prospero diorama, and Reaver are outstanding though. Based on the test models I'd say go with the Sons. You could even theme the army alongside your loyalist EC. A few trophies etc;



Keep up the good work Kizz!

Edited by Praetor of Calth
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The Sons of Horus looks vibrant and beautiful, but I'm still going to throw my vote behind The Wolves. The grey of the wolf you painted is just so ominous, they eyes are striking and, I think tackling the Rout gives you a lot of freedom when it comes to modeling and minor conversion to infuse character into each model. The Rout is the army I want to see you tackle.
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As a few others have said, the SoH lends itself far better to your style. That being said I think you should do the wolf as going outside your comfort zone is how you get better


Well, as I have said:


Any advice for your fellow frater, any parting words of wisdom?

Don’t be afraid to stay in your comfort zone. A lot of people will tell you the opposite, to go out and try new things whenever you can, and while this is excellent advice, I feel that staying within your soft limits is equally important and necessary. For example, I can paint the color red with some modicum of skill. I like painting red, and thus quite a bit of my model collection is red (Khorne Berzerkers, Blood Angels, Evil Sunz Orks, et al.) This goes contrary to the standards set by our small society, which tells us that we should paint our individual armies in different color schemes so that we might be able tell them apart. I’m sorry, but how does this make sense? The differences between our armies should be expressed by something more than a simple pallet swap, they should be apparent in the aesthetic style of the miniatures sculpts themselves, in the larger composition of the army as a whole. While it is true that we do occasionally separate our armies by color, this should not be the deciding factor.

Anyways, I’m sorry about going off on that tangent. It’s an issue I feel rather passionate about, and I tend to rant on such topics.

One last thing, though. Don’t burn yourself out. If you start to get tired of painting your CSM footsloggers, switch it up and paint, say, a Rhino. Have a couple projects you can swap between at any given time. And please, please, paint something other than power armor once in a while. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

But thanks for tolerating me, dudes. Hope to see y’all ‘round the interwebs.



I think that you should do the Sons of Horus, because they suit your style so well. The Wolf is nice, and people have made fair points for doing such, but I love the Sons of Horus and your test miniature is awesome. But I'm definitely in the minority, so you'll probably end up doing the Wolves, which I also look forward too.

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As a few others have said, the SoH lends itself far better to your style. That being said I think you should do the wolf as going outside your comfort zone is how you get better


Well, as I have said:


Any advice for your fellow frater, any parting words of wisdom?

Don’t be afraid to stay in your comfort zone. A lot of people will tell you the opposite, to go out and try new things whenever you can, and while this is excellent advice, I feel that staying within your soft limits is equally important and necessary. For example, I can paint the color red with some modicum of skill. I like painting red, and thus quite a bit of my model collection is red (Khorne Berzerkers, Blood Angels, Evil Sunz Orks, et al.) This goes contrary to the standards set by our small society, which tells us that we should paint our individual armies in different color schemes so that we might be able tell them apart. I’m sorry, but how does this make sense? The differences between our armies should be expressed by something more than a simple pallet swap, they should be apparent in the aesthetic style of the miniatures sculpts themselves, in the larger composition of the army as a whole. While it is true that we do occasionally separate our armies by color, this should not be the deciding factor.

Anyways, I’m sorry about going off on that tangent. It’s an issue I feel rather passionate about, and I tend to rant on such topics.

One last thing, though. Don’t burn yourself out. If you start to get tired of painting your CSM footsloggers, switch it up and paint, say, a Rhino. Have a couple projects you can swap between at any given time. And please, please, paint something other than power armor once in a while. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

But thanks for tolerating me, dudes. Hope to see y’all ‘round the interwebs.



I think that you should do the Sons of Horus, because they suit your style so well. The Wolf is nice, and people have made fair points for doing such, but I love the Sons of Horus and your test miniature is awesome. But I'm definitely in the minority, so you'll probably end up doing the Wolves, which I also look forward too.



So he should never learn new techniques and improve on them because of....? Your points are "I like to paint red so I do it" and "armies should be defined other than their colour scheme".


Kizz is an excellent painter and I'd like to see him get even better and a gritty, weathered scheme is the perfect opportunity to do it. I love his ultra crisp, super clean style, in fact I like the TS, Custodian, and SoH more than the wolf, but trying a new style will only open up his skill pool and really let him do some amazing things. 

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Guys don't respond negatively in kizzdougs thread it takes it off topic.


Anyway kizz I like the SoH I just feel personally that the green is a bit dark but then again the sea does range in colour



We were discussing the topic of which legion he should paint next and why we thought so. The literal topic of discussion right now

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I am very happy to see Sea Green on a righteous son! I like the Reavers and all but if this guy is a one off I wanted to look upon your take of the main armor scheme. And it does not disappoint.


I also see a lot about going back and forth on what Legion you should do. Frankly, after seeing your work I do not think there is one you cannot do.

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Ermagerd that SoH is beautiful. I totally get your need to experiement, but as has been said by others, the SoH just lends itself to your style so much better. So please, finish a squad of five of those Wolves, indulge your diversion - get it out of your system. And then please paint an army of those Sons of Horus. 

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I've done the sponge weathering on the Son of Horus and painted the eyes. Now I'm just trying to decide which weathering powder to use. The Black Soot or the Aged Rust. I'm also going to add some blood to the chainsword...






And a side by side pic. Both minis are at the same stage (pre weathering powder).




I like that. How did you paint the sea green?

Thanks, bro! The armour is Kabalite Green washed with Coelia Greenshade. Super simple.


Lovely sea green. I'm glad I guilted you :tongue.:

Haha, me too. I'm really happy with how it turned out.


That Space Wolf is rather nice, but that SOH...wow. Utterly amazing looking, it just pops in the right way. My only worry is you might get bored as he is in the same clean style as your Emp's Children, and I get the impression you'd like to experiment.

Thanks, mate! I'll be experimenting with weathering, whichever Legion I go with. So the end result will be quite different to my Emperor's Children regardless of the chosen scheme.



That test mini is amazing!

Thank, dude! Glad you like the SoH.


I'm digging the SoH dude, feels like your style and all that for sure. Vylka Fenryka still gets my vote though, just because it feels like such a violent gritty contrast to your Emperor's Children. Also I love the gray you did.

Thanks for the vote, bro. I'm still undecided at this stage. I think I'll probably need to properly finish each of the test minis before I can get a proper appreciation of the relevant schemes/looks.


I like your SoH Legionnaire, but the VIth Legion still gets my vote for the reasons Heinrich posted above.

Thanks for the vote, Dos!


What the above two said. Really nice colour on the SoH, but the Wolf was just so nice.

Thanks for the input, bro!


Very nice paint job on the SoH. The eye is awesome. Would you mind sharing the recipe for the green? The headdress and the chainsword aren't part of the BaC box, right?

Thanks, mate! The green is Kabalite green washed with Coelia Greenshade. The chainsword is from the Chaos Space Marine set and the topknot is from the Space Wolves kit (a Wolf Scout head to be precise).


I'm a bit up and down on my opinion with the Space Wolf. On the one it's well pa inter and looks pretty good. But it doesn't really look like a Space Wolf to me. It's feel a little too dark. I think that colour scheme would work really well for a unit of destroyers, but for normal marines the grey needs to be a shade lighter. Just my two cents.

Your Prospero diorama, and Reaver are outstanding though. Based on the test models I'd say go with the Sons. You could even theme the army alongside your loyalist EC. A few trophies etc;

Keep up the good work Kizz!

Thanks, dude! Yeah, I've been considering painting the armour with Dawnstone instead of Mechanicum Standard Grey. That would make it a bit lighter. 

And thanks for the kind words regarding the diorama. Hopefully the judges like it.


The Sons of Horus looks vibrant and beautiful, but I'm still going to throw my vote behind The Wolves. The grey of the wolf you painted is just so ominous, they eyes are striking and, I think tackling the Rout gives you a lot of freedom when it comes to modeling and minor conversion to infuse character into each model. The Rout is the army I want to see you tackle.

Thanks for the vote, bro! I feel like you might have an ulterior motive, though... ;)


As a few others have said, the SoH lends itself far better to your style. That being said I think you should do the wolf as going outside your comfort zone is how you get better 

Thanks for the vote, bro! Both Legions are very different to my Emperor's Children, but you're right that the Wolves are the most different.


I think that you should do the Sons of Horus, because they suit your style so well. The Wolf is nice, and people have made fair points for doing such, but I love the Sons of Horus and your test miniature is awesome. But I'm definitely in the minority, so you'll probably end up doing the Wolves, which I also look forward too.


Thanks for the vote, bro! I'm really enjoying painting the SoH, it's been a good experience so far.


Beautiful model, and I'm glad you did the eye in the centre of the chest! 

Thanks, mate! I knew I had to get the eye of Horus in there somewhere.


I have to agree with everyone else here man your SoH looks stunning. I reall hope to see more.
One the model has been weathered any chance you could post or PM a tutorial?

Thanks, bro! What kind of tutorial are you after? Weathering?


Your models have a distinct cleaness that makes them stand out from the rest I would advise you to keep up with those sharp colours instead of weathering it's what adheres more to your style I think.

Thanks for the suggestion, bro. I'll always keep adding clean marines to my Emperor's Children, but I just want to try something a little bit different.


Bloody beautiful! For me this edges past the VI with the current schemes.

Thanks, dude! Glad you like him.


Guys don't respond negatively in kizzdougs thread it takes it off topic.

Anyway kizz I like the SoH I just feel personally that the green is a bit dark but then again the sea does range in colour

Thanks, bro! I'm more than happy for people to express conflicting opinions in my thread, as long as they stay civil and respect each other.


Wow... Dat SoH... Somehow you have a Son of Russ questioning his life decisions.

Hahaha, surely not... :P


I am very happy to see Sea Green on a righteous son! I like the Reavers and all but if this guy is a one off I wanted to look upon your take of the main armor scheme. And it does not disappoint.


I also see a lot about going back and forth on what Legion you should do. Frankly, after seeing your work I do not think there is one you cannot do.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! If I can't decided on one of the Legions I'm working on now I might try out some other schemes.


Too dark or not that wolf rules and how I'd paint wolves if I ever tried doing them again.

Glad to hear it bro! 




Thanks for looking ;)

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