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Absolutely stunning Fist. Love it. I really enjoyed these last two updates, and really appreciate you took shots from multiple angles. I always like miniatures that look good from all angles, instead of from only one. Also, it gave me a peek at all the techniques you've used, which I've learned a lot from - the weathering especially. So thanks for the inspiration. 


Echo these sentiments!


What a group shot too - can't wait to see your next work :)

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The fist looks amazing! How do you do your weathering? I keep seeing sponge chipping and weathering. Is is essentially get a sponge, dunk in paint, wipe excess, sponge on? Essentially drybrushing with a sponge?


Apologies for the ramble as its 3am now and I've been up since 1am with wide awake baby having gone to bed after 11 (painting - first wash done on a 16 man tac squad, currently regretted not being in bed earlier...)

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I've done some work on the Night Lord, but I'm not very happy with him so far. I'm sure that I'll start to like the mini a bit more once I've got some more done.






Absolutely stunning Fist. Love it. I really enjoyed these last two updates, and really appreciate you took shots from multiple angles. I always like miniatures that look good from all angles, instead of from only one. Also, it gave me a peek at all the techniques you've used, which I've learned a lot from - the weathering especially. So thanks for the inspiration. 


I'm so happy you've chosen my two favourite legions, and am super stoked to see your take on the VIII. 

Thanks a lot, bro! I'm really enjoying playing around with some new painting techniques and colour schemes. Glad you can enjoy it too.


Imperial Fist looks gorgeous Kizz, fantastic weathering on the yellow. I'm really glad to see you continue with your Legions on Parade. I'd love to see you tackle a Lightning Bearer, you know... if you wanted a mini to represent each of the 20.... Just a selfish thought. :tongue.:

Thanks, mate! I've actually been thinking about painting up a Lightning Bearer, but I didn't want to just tread all over your awesome hobby IP without your permission. So thanks for the permission and it will be an honour :tu:


He looks great, Kizz!

Thanks, bro!


He's an absolute stunner, mate. And thanks for the recipe, it might be what I need to break my painter's block and get my brushes wet again :thumbsup:

No worries, champ! Hoping to see some more of your work soon.


He looks great mate. I like the black on the power pack, I think it's a good choice that brakes up the silver with overdoing the yellow. Looking forward to the Night Lord now.

Thanks, dude! Glad you like the power pack.


He's great and that yellow is simply mouthwatering. Something else than the mustard Fists sitting on my shelf.

Thanks, mate! Glad you like the yellow. I wasn't really sure about the shade of yellow that I wanted to go for, but I'm happy enough with how it turned out.


That's an absolutely ingenious recipe dude. Hadn't even considered that.

Thanks, bro! Sponging is my new best friend when it comes to adding depth to armour.


That Imperial Fist is delicious. Can't wait to see the Night Lord. Also I love your Space Wolf and Son of Horus. I also can't wait to get my copy of BaC for Christmas now!

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you do with your copy of B@C.



Absolutely stunning Fist. Love it. I really enjoyed these last two updates, and really appreciate you took shots from multiple angles. I always like miniatures that look good from all angles, instead of from only one. Also, it gave me a peek at all the techniques you've used, which I've learned a lot from - the weathering especially. So thanks for the inspiration. 


Echo these sentiments!


What a group shot too - can't wait to see your next work :smile.:


Thanks a lot, bro!


The fist looks amazing! How do you do your weathering? I keep seeing sponge chipping and weathering. Is is essentially get a sponge, dunk in paint, wipe excess, sponge on? Essentially drybrushing with a sponge?

Apologies for the ramble as its 3am now and I've been up since 1am with wide awake baby having gone to bed after 11 (painting - first wash done on a 16 man tac squad, currently regretted not being in bed earlier...)

Yeah, pretty much. I use a piece of sponge/foam from one of the old GW blister packs. Check out this video for a quick demo. The main thing to remember is to NOT thin down your paint.


About time I actually comment on your exceptional project log instead of just the stuff you post on FB :biggrin.: Generally I love the work you do, but that IF marine is especially fine, and you manage to get him to look very beefy which I really like. Keep up the awesome work man! :biggrin.:

Haha, thanks bro, and thanks for the support on FB!





Thanks for looking ;)

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Fantastic work Kizz!


Love what you've done with the Fist and the Wolf - in fact, on the back of that, I might have to add some of the Mk. IV Armour into my wolves... I was torn before, but he's brilliant.


I'm in awe of the Night Lord as well - no lightning or terror marking, yet still incredibly sinister! Awesome!


Out of interest, where did the knife and the loin cloth come from? And please tell me the insignia is a decal. If you free handed that, I'm just gonna pack up my paints and go home!


Looking forward to seeing what's next.





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I think with any model there's always a point where they look just OK, until you get that one detail or effect in place and then BOOM, it pops and everything looks awesome, and that's what I get with this guy. He's deffo at that 'just before' section for me personally, and that's only because he's so dark. Once the eyes and other details are painted in (please tell me you'll be using some blood effects!), and maybe a terror marking is in place he's going to look boss :)

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Yes. I say yes to where this is going. I love the way you made the midnight blue, but I agree he's missing something. A teeny tiny bit more edge highlighting with a slightly brighter hue perhaps? In any case , he needs something that'll make him 'pop'. Perhaps SkiMaskMohawk's idea of doing the vents brozne? Or - and now that I think of it this is my advice - give him a terror mark: his face needs a skull marking. And perhaps his right pauldron could use some Nostraman scribblies or a squad marking of some kind? Also: blood effects on that fresh fleshy loin cloth. And, and, and... he's your model.  I can't wait to see what route you'll choose, and have every confidence you'll again do this miniature absolute justice.

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Some more progress on the Night Lord.




I'm not looking forward to trying to paint lightning...



I love the direction the Night Lord is taking. Suitably dark. It may look better to you once you get to the lightning and weathering.

Thanks, mate! I'm not looking forward to painting the lightning, but I'm hoping the weathering will help bring him to life a bit more.




I can only take so much awesome painting!

Hahaha, glad you like him :tongue.:


Fantastic work Kizz!

Love what you've done with the Fist and the Wolf - in fact, on the back of that, I might have to add some of the Mk. IV Armour into my wolves... I was torn before, but he's brilliant.

I'm in awe of the Night Lord as well - no lightning or terror marking, yet still incredibly sinister! Awesome!

Out of interest, where did the knife and the loin cloth come from? And please tell me the insignia is a decal. If you free handed that, I'm just gonna pack up my paints and go home!

Looking forward to seeing what's next.



Thanks a lot, bro! The knife is from the Dark Elf Corsair's kit, and the loin cloth is from the Chaos Marauders kit (I had to cut it to fit). And yes, the Legion icon is freehanded... please don't go home...


Do the vents on the Night Lord a bronze  instead kizz, I think it would really help. The highlight's shade seems a bit off too, looks like an enchanted blue (no idea what the new version is called) where a guilliman blue might be better

Spot on with the Enchanted Blue comment, that's exactly what it is. Hopefully now that I've painted the terror markings it's less of an issue (considering that it was most obvious on the helmet).

You're right about needing some bronze, but I've decided to put it on the kneed/elbow pads instead of the power pack vents. I hope you approve :smile.:


So far so AMAZING! Obviously I'm biased but your blue is great! I think as you continue to get more paint on him you'll really start liking him....or so I hope!

Thanks, bro! I'm starting to like him a bit more, but I'm still a bit intimidated by the idea of painting the lightning...


I think with any model there's always a point where they look just OK, until you get that one detail or effect in place and then BOOM, it pops and everything looks awesome, and that's what I get with this guy. He's deffo at that 'just before' section for me personally, and that's only because he's so dark. Once the eyes and other details are painted in (please tell me you'll be using some blood effects!), and maybe a terror marking is in place he's going to look boss :smile.:

Hahah, I usually feel like I'm at that stage right up until the mini is finished... Hope you like the eyes/terror markings.


Oh sweet baby haunter yes.

Hahaha, thanks dude!




Yes. I say yes to where this is going. I love the way you made the midnight blue, but I agree he's missing something. A teeny tiny bit more edge highlighting with a slightly brighter hue perhaps? In any case , he needs something that'll make him 'pop'. Perhaps SkiMaskMohawk's idea of doing the vents brozne? Or - and now that I think of it this is my advice - give him a terror mark: his face needs a skull marking. And perhaps his right pauldron could use some Nostraman scribblies or a squad marking of some kind? Also: blood effects on that fresh fleshy loin cloth. And, and, and... he's your model.  I can't wait to see what route you'll choose, and have every confidence you'll again do this miniature absolute justice.

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for suggesting the terror markings. I was going to wimp out and avoid them until I saw your comment... you guilted me into it :tongue.:


I second Auggie's terror mask idea -- that should really sell him as a Night Lord, plus it would work really well with a helmet of that particular mark.

Thanks, bro! Hope you like the terror markings.


All I thought was missing was the basing... you all get much more detail in than me...

Hahaha, still plenty of work to go.


Oh Hot Mama! That is one marine I would't want to upset.


Is the winged skull free hand?

Thanks, mate! Yep, freehand.




Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Oh yes, that's come out beautifully. Breaking up the blue with the gold elbow armour is inspired, and the eyes and terror marking are spot on. Great job as per Kizz!


So...what's next? 


(Raven Guard please)

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Great terror marking! From just the picture it no longer looks like a mk IV piece, which is kinda awesome.

If you do decide to do lightning, a little splash across the edge of a shoulderguard or greave is all he really needs. Lightning is cool and all, but on him it seems as if it might crowd the model too much.

Okay, now for the critique - the light bronze you have going on, while nice looking, doesn't exactly scream Night Lord to me. While it makes an effective contrast to the blue, it might benefit the model more if it were a tad darker, with the silver only lightly applied to the extreme edges.

You also have the severed heads just kinda dripping there, with no hint of blood anywhere else. They look good on their own, but the lack of blood elsewhere makes them seem a bit forced in. Maybe bloodstains on the hand/forearm holding the heads?

Either way, great job as always. Keep it up!

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That's a splendid Night Lord you've got going there. I'll add my voice to those wishing for some lightning though, It doesn't have to be much but he would benefit from it. It's actually not that hard to do either, considering you skills it should go really smooth.

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