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Some more progress!









I've also made a start on the next two Blades, armed with Phoenix Power Spears.








Awesome work again mate! That squad is going to look amazing all together man :biggrin.:

Thanks, bro! I'm having fun with them at the moment, so hopefully I can keep the momentum going :)


Beautiful as always. The platinum really looks awesome! How'd you do it please? :smile.:

Thanks, dude! The Platinum is just Ironbreaker washed with Nuln Oil. In the latest pictures they've also had some Runefang Steel added.


Killer work Kizz as per! Your colour pallette with your Emp's Children makes me want to get some tri-colours in my Ultras :smile.:

Thanks, champ! I'd definitely recommend experimenting with some different/alternate colours schemes on elite units. I'd probably be a bit more conservative with the Ultramarines (as opposed to the Palatine Blades which are a squad of individual master bladesmen rather than an actual designated unit), but there is still plenty of opportunities to add some more detail/colour :)


The mixture of silver gold and purple works so well.

Thanks, mate! Glad you like how it turned out :)


Gorgeous, mate. It's incredible how smoothly you manage to get your paints on the model. Jealous as always :wink:

Thanks for the kind words, bro! 





Thanks for looking ;)

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I've started painting the spear armed Palatine Blades.







I've also started working on a new Artificer armoured Praetor to lead my army...



How d'you do the blades? Guilliman Blue glaze over Ironbreaker?

Yeah, exactly right :tu: I also give them a highlight with Runefang Steal, but it doesn't show up that well.


Beautiful!! :drool:


Funny thing is, the Blades look a lot more slender then normal marines, especially the Palatine Prefector. But perhaps my eyes are fooling me haha.

Thanks, bro! Yeah I think they are slightly thinner than regular MkIV marines, the difference is even more obvious when compared to the B@C marines.


Hot Damn, kizz. I thought you hit the ceiling, but you've gone straight through with these. Where will this end?


Seriously awesome stuff. Love the poses, the bits, the weaponry. :wub.:

Thanks a lot, bro! It means a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to push on and get the rest of the unit finished soon.


Nice work on the eyes. Liking the use of silver as opposed to white too.

Thanks, dude! I followed the Palatine Blade scheme in Betrayal for the silver panels. I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out so far.




Thanks for looking ;)

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I've done some more work on the Palatine Blades.








I'm also going to make a new FW order tonight, so expect to see some new goodies in a few weeks time ;)




Seriously! STAHP IT!

Haha, never! I'm going to make a FW order tonight, so there'll be plenty more to work on soon :)


They look awesome. That's going to be a really nice unit when finished.

Thanks, bro! I certainly hope so :)


Kizz, you are one of the few that sicken me with the amount of skill you apply to each mini. Carry on, good sir.

Hahaha, thanks mate!


Gorgeous. A great inspiration for me to keep painting my III Legion




Thanks, bro! I'm loving the progress that you've made on your III Legion warriors. The Contemptor is looking beautiful. Keep it up :tu:


Looks like the emperors children succeeded in the quest for perfection. These are nothing short of art!

Haha, thanks bro! That's what the III Legion likes to hear :P


Gorgeous work as always Kizzdougs. I have to say however, That the Legionary with spear lowered is probably one of my favorite posed miniatures of yours. 


Also, patiently anticipating great things from your praetor! 

Thanks, mate! I'm pretty happy with how the spear armed warriors turned out. They took a bit of work to get right though. I'm just waiting for some more bits to turn up before building the Praetor.


I'm intrigued about your praetor - no point commenting on the blades - they're awesome as they always are :smile.:

Did you give them spears from Phoenix terminators and did you have to mod much for the double hand holding dude?

Thank, bro! The spears are from the Phoenix Guard terminators. I had to cut them in several places and use a lot of pins to get them right, but it's pretty straightforward. 




Thanks for looking ;)

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I cant help but see the rather fat highlight on the underside of the right shoulderpad (Metalic part) in the second pic, besides that, great work!

Edited by AlphariusOmegon108
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The first five Palatine Blades are finished. The unit will be eight strong and I've started working on the next three warriors. I've also just ordered an Anvilus drop pod (plus a couple of other goodies) for the Blades, Praetor, and Primus Medicae to ride in.















I cant help but see the rather fat highlight on the underside of the right shoulderpad (Metalic part) in the second pic, besides that, great work!


Thanks for the heads up, bro! I've tried to fix it up a bit :)



Thanks for looking ;)

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Dude I just can't with you. Always such beautiful work. I know it's somewhere in this thread but how do you do that platinum silver color? The spears really grow on you.


I slightly wish the swords were just full blown scimitars. They want to be one or the other but can't decide. Lol


Keep up the phenomenal work

Edited by jimbo13
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