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Praetor is looking sweet! What was used for the trophy rack?


The drop pod also looks cool. Interested in seeing the way you paint it and will it be receiving quite a bit of weathering?


Ah, the Nostraman Chainglaive. How can you not love that thing? I mean, who wouldn't want a chainsaw on the end of a pole?!

The person/victim whom said pole is being slashed at.:ermm:

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I've made a start on the Anvillus. As anticipated it is both boring and fiddly to paint...





I've also done a bit of work on a VI Legion terminator. It's challenging to achieved the right level of 'wolfyness'. I've tried to stear away from the direction that GW has taken the SWs in the last few years, but he still needs to be easily identifiable as a member of the Rout.








Ah, the Nostraman Chainglaive. How can you not love that thing? I mean, who wouldn't want a chainsaw on the end of a pole?!

Yeah, it's a very nice weapon and is super easy to convert/build your own designs and interpretations. Not to mention that chain weapons are just about as cool as it gets.


AWWW YISSSSS. Praetor looks fab so far. I don;t know how I feel about your DE-chaosifying of the shield, but hey, who can complain with the rest of that mini. :wink:


Also: how did you find assembly of the Dreadclaw? I have one and I haven't even finished building it I got so frustrated. Simultaneously binge-watching season 1 of Narcos also had something to do with that, but still. Did yours properly fit?

Thanks a lot, bro! I want the Praetor to clearly be a renegade but I want to avoid anything to 'chaosy' at this stage.

The Anvillus was pretty straight forward to assemble, but there are a few gaps that I haven't filled. Luckily they are too obvious.


Everything looks awesome...

But... What's wrong with being a traitor? ... *sniff*


Haha, nothing wrong with being a Traitor. I generally prefer the Traitor Legions, but when it comes to my beloved Emperor's Children I definitely prefer their pre Heresy/Loyalist incarnation.


Random question Kizz, how does the height of the MK III Captain compare to the rest of the Marines, especially the Betrayal at Calth ones?

He is a weird one. I originally thought that he was slightly smaller, but he looks fairly similar in this picture...






What's the base model for the praetor? Looks like it's lacking a bit of detail, but then your painting will probably bring it out. Will he be a loyalist?


Sorry to jump in, it's from the Masters of the Chapter box set




Kobrakei has is right. He is lacking in detail because I removed all of the detail that he originally had because it wasn't really VIII Legion appropriate. I'll be sure to add some more detail before I paint him up.


And it's lacking detail because it's been removed. :wink:

Exactly right! :tu:



Everything looks awesome...

But... What's wrong with being a traitor? ... *sniff*



In other news, excellent work Kizz, I'm actually really surprised at how non description the MkIII captain looks when striped of detail.


Yeah, he is very plain without the sculpted detail. Removing the detail has totally changed the look of the mini.


Pfft someone's got to stand up for the boys in purple, just keep it up buddy I'll be down your way for a game soon so I need a challenge

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That terminator looks excellent Kizz, the conversion work really hammers home the nordic influences of the Rout, which is a much more tasteful avenue than the wulfiness of 40k wolves.


Did you increase his height at all? he looks taller than a normal Cataphractii next to your VI Legionary.


Come on.... you know you want to commit to the VI as your next Legion... I'll see you on Prospero.

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Well, I'm back from a lovely week of camping at the beach, so time for an update.



The Praetor is pretty much finished now. I think I'll add some detail to the cloak, but I'm not sure what to go with, and I really don't want to stuff it up... So I might leave it for another day and focus on getting some other stuff painted up instead.














I also have a doubles tournament coming up in a couple of weeks, so I need to get that Anvillus finished...






That terminator looks excellent Kizz, the conversion work really hammers home the nordic influences of the Rout, which is a much more tasteful avenue than the wulfiness of 40k wolves.


Did you increase his height at all? he looks taller than a normal Cataphractii next to your VI Legionary.


Come on.... you know you want to commit to the VI as your next Legion... I'll see you on Prospero.

Thanks a lot, bro! The Terminator is stock except for the small cosmetic additions. No added height. 

If I can figure out how to get the Rout's colour scheme looking right I'd definitely be closer to committing to the VIth.


God damn brother I'm going to miss that one due to work but if I had of had a fortnight earlier of notice I'd be there with bells on, so unfair @_#

Ah damn! I'll try my best to keep you more up to date in the future.


Your wolves look good great and your purple is superb, keep uo the awesome work.

Thanks for the kind words :)


That's a very good shade of grey, can I ask how you achieved it?

Thanks, bro! It's just Mechanicus Standard Grey with a Nuln Oil wash and some light dry brushing with the grey back over the top.


The wolves look really good.


 I too am struggling to find a happy medium with my B@C terminators, but the little things like the belt certainly help. Dwarf stuff can help too :thumbsup:

Yeah, I saw your excellent use of Dwarf bits on your Wolves. I'll definitely keep that suggestion in mind :)


The amount of wolfiness is perfect on the TDA IMHO.


The wearer of the armour however looks like an inhabitant of Nocturne :wink:

Hahahaha, yeah it looks really weird when everything but the head is painted :P


That pod may be boring to paint, but... it totally looks like a gilded aubergine, and I think that's worth something. 


Also, that Wolfy terminator is looking the business! Are you doing his gold trim the same way as the Emperor's Children? It looks subtly different somehow. 

Hahaha, a gilded eggplant sounds perfect for the Emperor's Children :P

Well spotted with the difference in the gold. I used Balthazar Gold instead of the Gehenna's Gold that I usually use for my EC.


Sweet looking Wolves! Im actually considering doing them up as my next project so im wondering where in the emperors name did you get that axe bit? It fits great!

Thanks, dude! The axe is actually from the WHFB/AoS Chaos Warriors kit. The Chaos range has a lot of useful bits that fit the Wolves theme nicely.


Holy holy holy! I am loving your wolves. There is no doubt that they are of the VI without having the image of a wolf everywhere on them. GW should take notes.

Thanks bro, that's exactly the look I was going for :)


Now that's a Space Wolf! And by this I mean an actual space marine with some norse flair and not a wolf fetishist with bits of power armor taped on!

Haha, thanks :P Sometimes people get too caught up in the particular flavours of the different Legions and forget that all Astartes a bio-engineered, psycho-indoctrinated super weapons first, and space vampires/wolves/knights/wizards/etc second.


Wow. Wasn't expecting VI Legion out of you. Talk about a contrast to your clean III Legion. Great stuff.

Yeah, they're definitely a bit different. Glad you like them.


The Wolf with the axe and the bolter is perfect.  Well painted and great weathering.  I think you hit the "Wolfyness" of the Heresy era on the head.  The gray is exactly what I picture from reading the HH novels.  

Thanks for the kind words. Glad you think I hit the right level of 'Wolfyness'.






Thanks for looking ;)

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The Praetor looks the bomb as per, but I do have a nitpick (it does happen occasionally!). The red cape, although painted nicely, doesn't really work for me with the rest of the model. I'm not sure why that is, but the red just looks out of place. It's a bit of a weird criticism, and more about personal taste, but I'd have gone with a cooler colour, more than likely an Incubi Darkness built up.


It's all still painted fantastically as per though. Keep it up and I might really have to swap over to EC, as although I'm supposed to be painting Ultra's I'm not really feeling them....

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