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EC tutorial part 2...






Next up I started on the eyes. Most of the steps of my painting are very deliberately ordered to achieve the best result. The eyes are not. I could have painted them at the very end, but I fancied painting a different colour (plus eye/faces are the most enjoyable part of a mini to paint) to break up the monotony of painting purple and metallics. The first step was to paint the eyes with Snot Green ( the modern equivelent is Warpstone Glow). I also painted a thin line of the green around the lower edge of eye lens to create a 'glow' effect.



I then highlighted the eyes with a 2/1 mix of Snot Green and White Scar.



I finished of the eyes with a highlight of a 1/1 mix of White Scar and Snot Green.



Next up I highlighted all of the gold areas with Runefang Steel.



I then used Runefang Steel to highlight all of the silver areas.



The black leather areas such as the scabbard holster and ammo pouches were highlighted with a 1/1 mix of Abaddon Black and Mechanicus Standard Grey.



Next up the decals. I started off by giving the areas that would be receiving decals a coat of gloss varnish. The idea is the that the varnish will provide a smooth area that the decals can adhere to. After applying the decals I gave them a coat of decal softener. I finished the decals off by giving them a quick spray of matt varnish. I learned the hard way with my Lightning Fighter that weathering powders don't go well of the top of unsealed decals...





It's pretty difficult to see in this picture, but I've highlighted the edges of the pteruges and the battle damage on the shoulder pads with White Scar.



Next up I weathered the white areas. I started by sponging on some White Scar. This step was particularly important in regards to the decals. The idea is that by sponging some of the base colour over the top of the decals it will create the illusion of chipping and flacking on the decal. Pristine, unweathered decals can look pretty unnatural so I'd nearly always some degree of weathering. I then finished of the weathering by sponging a 1/1 mix of Mechanicus Standard Grey and Abaddon Black over the top of the white sponging.





Time for the base. I built up the base with a thin layer of cork and then used PVA glue to attach the sand and crushed rock. Before glue the sand and rock I traced around the feet of the marine so that I could leave the spaces for his feet glue free. I simply place the marine on the base and then painted a line around his feet, being careful not to get any paint on the mini itself.



The base was basecoated with a 1/1 mix of Rhinox Hide and Slayer Orange.



It was then dry brushed with a 2/1 mix of Slayer Orange and Rhinox Hide.



I then added a small amount of Screaming Skull to the previous mix for the next dry brush.



The base was finished with a light dry brush of pure Screaming Skull.



I then attached the legionary to the base.



The last step was to add weathering powders. I used Forgeworld's Aged Rust on the base (leaving the tops of the rocks powder free) and on the lower legs of the marine as well as on certain other parts such as the pteruges and even a small amount on the shoulder pads (it's pretty difficult to keep your white clean in the desert). I used Black Soot on the vents of the power pack and a small amount on the gold casing of the bolt pistol because I just felt that it looked a bit to clean. Last of all I sealed the mini with a coat of matt varnish. This seals the weathering powder and decals nicely.








Hope you all enjoy the step by step :)

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The next Legionnaire. Still a WIP, but nearly finished. I hope you all like him.





Another amazing step by step Kizz. Always wondered how you did your bases might try it with my Iron Warriors :biggrin.:

Thanks bro! Yeah the bases are pretty simple, plus the red earth/dust would look great with the Iron Warrior's colour scheme :tu:


Hey kizz I know you want to paint up some Traitor elements in that scheme....

Kakophoni and Eidolon....

You know you wanna

Haha, nah not really :P I would like to paint this scheme again but the Traitor Emperor's Children don't really interest me that much at the moment. If I was to start a traitor army there are many other traitor Legions that I find far more interesting such as IW, AL, NL, SoH etc.


That was a great step by step Kizz! Going straight to my friend who's doing EC. Would you be willing to do one for your wolves when you do one again? They have one of the best schemes I've seen someone do. 

Thanks bro! I hope your friend finds it useful/interesting :) I'm going to endeavour to take step by step pics each time I try a new colour scheme from now on. I'm not sure when/if I'll get around to painting another wolf, but I could easily give you a break down of the colours if you wanted.





Thanks for looking ;)

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The Salamander is finished except fro the weathering powders. The more I look at him, the more I see Armageddon rather than the 31st Millennium... I might have to rebase and weather my Black Templar Marshal so that he can fit in with the Blood Angel and Salamander...







And a pic of the shoulder pad for GrandMagnus







The eyes are really striking, good work!

Liking the flamework also.

Thanks dude! I'm really happy with how the eyes turned out. I gave them a coat of Tamiya Clear Red which really made them 'glow'.


Damn Kizz, that Salamander is nigh-on perfect

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like him. I just hope I can do you justice when it comes to painting an Iron Hand legionnaire :smile.:


That's made me like Salamanders. You must be doing something right :tongue.: Same excellent work as always!

Hahaha, whats wrong with the Salamanders?!


Looks really good, the eyes in particular. Im quite curious to see more of his right shoulder pad.

Glad you like the eyes! I've added a pic of the shoulder pad for you :smile.:


Oh come on, man! When will you stop this madness! 


Seriously. Great tut. Lovely Salamander. 

Once I've painted a legionary from the five remaining Legions (plus a Lightning Bearer)? But in all seriousness I've really enjoyed painting the different Legions so I might go on and paint some more stand alone marines once I've got one warrior from each Legion.






Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Oh, there's nothing wrong with them, I just find the legion/chapter a bit dull. They don't really grab me for some reason.


If you're thinking of re-basing your Blood Angel and Black Templar to match though, it would be rude to not paint a model for every chapter involved in the Armageddon Wars. Just saying :wink:

Edited by kobrakei
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Thanks for the pic of the shoulder pad :thumbsup: Looks really cool. The flames are obviously freehand, but what about the skull? I kind of looks like it could be a decal, but then again it is one of your minis so it could also be an amazing piece of freehand.

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How about a Thunder Warrior. You would need to grab some Mark I and maybe do some converting, but in sure your ability is up it. Plus you have free reign on the painting.


Oh and the Salmander is great.

Edited by The Hydra
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The Salamander is finished! 











The 'Trefoil'




I'll post the step by step tomorrow :)




Oh, there's nothing wrong with them, I just find the legion/chapter a bit dull. They don't really grab me for some reason.


If you're thinking of re-basing your Blood Angel and Black Templar to match though, it would be rude to not paint a model for every chapter involved in the Armageddon Wars. Just saying :wink:

Fair enough. I think people often focus too closely on their dedication to protecting humanity rather than their incredible fortitude and strength of character. The FW fluff such as the 'Assault on the Tempest Galleries' gives them a bit more flavour. But I can definitely see where you're coming from.


As for painting a marine from each of the Chapters involved on Armageddon... I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't have the patience, let alone the time :P


Thanks for the pic of the shoulder pad :thumbsup: Looks really cool. The flames are obviously freehand, but what about the skull? I kind of looks like it could be a decal, but then again it is one of your minis so it could also be an amazing piece of freehand.

Haha, yeah the skull is free hand. I'm not that crazy :P


Helmet less option perhaps...?

Usually I love to paint bare faces, but for this project I'm planing to have all of the legionnaires wearing helmets because I'm trying to create a small representation of each of the Legions and I feel that bare faces might distract from that.


How about a Thunder Warrior. You would need to grab some Mark I and maybe do some converting, but in sure your ability is up it. Plus you have free reign on the painting.

Oh and the Salmander is great.

Now that would be a challenge. The only MkI that I'm aware of is the special mini in the set released by GW years ago. Is there another source?


Best Salamander ever

Damn! Thanks bro :)


The Armageddon thing is grabbing my attention as well. Why not rebase the templar? 


Astounding salli mate.

Yeah, I'm going to go and pic up the Templar tomorrow, and sort out a new base. He is on display at my local GW and I need some new paints anyway.


Of course the Salamander rocks a flamer. :laugh.: And you made it look good too, and I don't even like the 'old skool' flamer in the first place!

Haha, he had to have a flamer! I was going to give the Death Guard a flamer as well, but I couldn't get it to fit properly with the pose I wanted.


Oh my, that sun of Vulcan is fantastic!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like him.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Now that would be a challenge. The only MkI that I'm aware of is the special mini in the set released by GW years ago. Is there another source?

Unfortunately I don't think there is. It's quite a big challange if you don't want to use the old GW model, maybe something to think about in the future.

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