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The Ultramarine is finished!













I'll be posting the step by step tomorrow :)





All most there with the Ultramarine. He just needs to be weathered and based :smile.:

/sigh Is there any Legion you can't paint? Seriously, everything you touch turns into gold, it makes my feeble attempts at paint seem all the more pathetic... :smile.:

+Edit : Please, you did plan a step-by-step for this one too, right?


Hahaha, well I'm not really happy with my Space Wolf or Iron Warrior scheme... but thanks for the kind words. And yes, there will be a step by step tomorrow.


Ok, you just know I need the recipe for that Ultramarine. 


I use a lot of sponging, don't you? It's a recipe I've never tried myself, but it seems like it gives good results so perhabs I should give it a go. How exactly do you use it and what do you use as sponge?

Before this particular project I hadn't used sponging before, so it's relatively new to me, but I have been using it quite a lot recently. For the sponge I just used a pice of the soft packing foam that used to come in GW blister packs back in the day. Typically I use it over the top of a base coat that has been shaded with a wash. It has a fairly organic look and I find that it's a good way to add a 'highlight' colour. I suppose I use it instead of drybrushing. 


Ps. and of course I use it for weathering.


Damn, that Ultramarine. :wub.:


Between this and Brother Captain Arkhan's Black One Hundred, I'm almost tempted to start a XIII Legion force. Almost.

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, I love Arkhan's Ultramarines. They're a big inspiration. 


Looking gorgeous. Inspired choice to change up the Ultramarine Blue shade, as the enchanted blue really does give it a great vibrancy.

Thanks bro, glad you like the enchanted blue. It's probably my favourite shade of blue after years of painting High Elves, so I like to use it when ever I get a chance.


Oh good Emperor almighty :biggrin.:

Hahaha, thanks dude!


That blue. How did you do that?

It's essentially Macragge Blue and Enchanted Blue. I'll be posting the step by step tomorrow.


Gorgeous. Looking forward to the Raven Guard too. Which legions are left?

Thanks bro, the Raven Guard is coming a long nicely. Dark Angels, Iron Hands, and Word Bearers (plus I'm planing to have a go at one Athrawes' II Legion, the Lightning Bearers).



Gorgeous. Looking forward to the Raven Guard too. Which legions are left?

IIRC, there's I, X, XVII and XIX left now.

I have to assume Word Bearers are next, since Kizz apparently doesn't like black :smile.:


Correct, although the Raven Guard is well underway. I don't really have any issue with painting black, I'm just struggling to decide how to model the remaining Legions... 






Thanks for looking ;)

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Time for the step by step/tutorial!




As usual I started of with an under-coat of Chaos Black spray.



Next up I base-coated all of the armour with Macragge Blue. As a 'base' colour it has great goverage and it shouldn't take to much effort to get solid, but thin coverage. Alternatively you could make it even easier you could just get your hands on a can of Macragge Blue spray.



I then washed the armour with some Nuln Oil.



Next up I made a 1/1 mix of Macragge Blue and Enchanted Blue (I think the current equivalent is Caledor Blue, but I'm not entirely sure) and used a sponge to apply it. I wasn't too sure how this would turn out because the two blues are quite different in shade and colour. In the end I was preety happy with the result as the Enchanted Blue really added some vibrancy which the usual GW Ultramarine colour scheme lacks. Plus Enchanted Blue is one of my favourite colours from my days of painting High Elves.



The metal areas were painted with Leadbelcher.



The gold areas were then painted with a 1/1 mix of Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour. I'd never tried this particular mix before but I wanted to try to replicate the pale gold colour on the Ultramarines in the FW art. Usually I'd go for a richer more vibrant gold on my Emperor's Children etc, but I was really happy with how the mix turned out.



The pipes and tubes were painted with Balthazar Gold.



I then painted the areas that were going to be black (bolter casing, amo pouches etc.) using Abaddon Black. I also took the opportunity to 'black line' the armour. This included painting the scars and cuts with black. You can see that the armour looks much sharper and more defined thanks to the 'black lining'. 



I then moved on to the washes. I started off by washing the Leadbelcher areas with Nuln Oil.



The gold areas were washed with Agrax Earthshade.



Next up I highlighted the armour. I used the Macragge/Enchanted Blue mix and added a small amount of White Scar. I used this mix to edge highlight the armour and along the underside of any scratches cuts in the armour.



I then moved on to the eyes. I started off with some Blood Red.



The first highlight was with Slayer Orange.



The final highlight was Golden Yellow.



I then gave the eye and lenses a coat of Tamiya Clear Red.







See the next post for pt. 2 of the tutorial






Nice, I think the shade of blue works nicley. Looking forward to your take on the Ravens.

Any more plans to continue your EC?

Thanks bro! I think I'll always be working on my Emperor's Children, they're my one true hobby love now that Warhammer Fantasy is dead. Next up for the III Legion I'll be working on my Veteran Breacher unit, and I've also got another Medusa and a unit of Phoenix Terminators to build and paint.



Hahaha, well I'm not really happy with my Space Wolf or Iron Warrior scheme... but thanks for the kind words. And yes, there will be a step by step tomorrow.

Tomorrow!? One more day? Argh, the agony!


Hahaha, well here it is. Sorry for the wait :tongue.:



I think that's what the Gal Vorbak say when they see Ultramarine Tactical Legionnaires...


Lovely work, mate. That blue is gorgeous. Still waiting to see those Veteran Breachers though. :wink:

Thanks, mate! Don't worry, the Breachers will have their time.


That's the level of 'pop' I was looking for with my attempts at Ultras. Great work!

Thanks a lot bro!


Dang bro!!! He looks properly ruffed up.

Hahaha, yeah all of my marines seem to be pretty beaten up these days...


awaiting the tutorial in anticipation

Hope it meets your expectations!


Very, very cool stuff! Especially a fan of the golden studs :smile.:

Thanks bro! I always like to pain the reinforcing studs a different colour to the rest of the armour. It helps them to stand out.

Edited by kizzdougs
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Ultramarine tutorial pt. 2



I then highlighted all of the metallics with Runefang Steel.



Next I moved on to the black areas. I used a 1/1 mix of Abaddon Black and Mechanicum Standard Grey to highlight the black.



Time for the decals... :dry.:



The first weathering that I added to the decals was the original mix of Macragge/enchanted Blue.



I then began to weather the armour by sponging on some Abaddon Black.



Next up I used the same sponging method to add some Leadbelcher to the areas that had be previously sponged with the black. I then mounted him on his base. I used the same method as described in the Emperor's Children tutorial to make the base.



Last of all I added the FW Aged Rust weathering powder to the base and lower legs as well as a small amount on anther carefully selected areas. 



I also used some FW Black Soot weathering powder to the exhausts/vents on the power pack.







Oh, and a little sneak peak of what I'm working on at the moment...









Thanks for looking ;)








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Wow, the Ultra looks great and I love the step by steps.


Only critique I have is that the leading leg on the Raven Guard looks like it is at a funny angle.


Might be a trick of the lens.


You are slowly but surely eroding my fear of weathering :smile.:

Edited by dantay_xv
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Not saying Raven Guard are the best, but they are! Really liking the black for this guy, it's dark but has nice hues in place of just pure black. Gonna pop any more white on there?

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That Raven Guard is perfect!!! It's the proper opposite of your stunning emperors children. The darkness of the RG is spot on and the stripe on the helmet breaks up the model nicely.
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Thanks bro! I think I'll always be working on my Emperor's Children, they're my one true hobby love now that Warhammer Fantasy is dead. Next up for the III Legion I'll be working on my Veteran Breacher unit, and I've also got another Medusa and a unit of Phoenix Terminators to build and paint.

Coolio, while I love all the ones offs your EC are just amazing. I need to find a hobby love, lol.


Ravens looking great mate, will be interesting to see how you make the 3 black legions different.

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My first sight of this thread somehow. I don't know how I've missed it for so long. I cannot wait to skim through all the posts. I am COMPLETELY inspired by everything I am seeing on here! Keep these legions coming! I'm drooling.

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The Raven Guard legionnaire is finished! He is pretty different to my usual painting style and look. I hope you like how he turned out.

















I'm also making good progress on the Word Bearer.






Oi! Where's part 2?? :wink:


EDIT: Oh crap, you ninja'd me. :biggrin.:

Haha, I was worried that someone would ninja me, but it looks like I got in just in time...


Wow, the Ultra looks great and I love the step by steps.


Only critique I have is that the leading leg on the Raven Guard looks like it is at a funny angle.


Might be a trick of the lens.


You are slowly but surely eroding my fear of weathering :smile.:

Thanks bro! Hopefully it's just the image that is making the legs look strange. The legs are the MkVI legs from the old Assault Marines box set (see the image below). I haven't altered them in any way. 

I'd definitely recommend having a go at some weathering, it's a lot of fun.




Not saying Raven Guard are the best, but they are! Really liking the black for this guy, it's dark but has nice hues in place of just pure black. Gonna pop any more white on there?

Haha, pretty sure you'll find that the III Legion were the greatest...

Glad to hear that you like him. The weathering powder and sponged on damage really helps to add some depth and character to an otherwise bland colour scheme. I decided to keep the white to a minimum, just the veteran stripe and the shoulder pad markings. I wanted to make him look like a special forces soldier. 


That Raven Guard...



Thanks bro! Glad you like him.


Nice, thanks for that tutorial on the ultramarine!


The raven guard looks really nice so far.

No worries, dude! Hopefully you like how the Raven turned out.


That Raven Guard is perfect!!! It's the proper opposite of your stunning emperors children. The darkness of the RG is spot on and the stripe on the helmet breaks up the model nicely.

Thanks bro! Glad you like darker looking Raven. I really wanted to keep him pretty minimalist. He's all about business.



Thanks bro! I think I'll always be working on my Emperor's Children, they're my one true hobby love now that Warhammer Fantasy is dead. Next up for the III Legion I'll be working on my Veteran Breacher unit, and I've also got another Medusa and a unit of Phoenix Terminators to build and paint.

Coolio, while I love all the ones offs your EC are just amazing. I need to find a hobby love, lol.

Ravens looking great mate, will be interesting to see how you make the 3 black legions different.


Yeah, finding a 'hobby love' can be quite difficult, but I was really lucky with the Emperor's Children. As soon as I read their Index Astartes article in a White Dwarf several years ago, I new they were the Legion for me. 

As for the different 'black Legions' I went for a greyish-soft black with the Raven Guard. For the Iron Hand I'm planing to go for a dark metal look. He'll probably have black shoulder pads, but the rest of his armour will be metallic rather than a true black. For the Dark Angel I'll probably go for a more traditional black armour look, similar to how I painted my Black Templar hero.


My first sight of this thread somehow. I don't know how I've missed it for so long. I cannot wait to skim through all the posts. I am COMPLETELY inspired by everything I am seeing on here! Keep these legions coming! I'm drooling.

Welcome! Glad to hear that you're enjoying the thread. I'll endeavour to keep it moving along as best as I can :)


Fantastic as usual!

Thanks, dude!








Thanks for looking ;)

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Oh nice black. Adding battle damage to black armour is always a challenge. Either the armour turns out grey because people want to add black lines for the scratches to suggest depth, or the paint sharp grey lines under barely visible scratches and it looks weird or they add very sharp metallic tones to those scratches and again, it's the same problem as before. You have achieved a really nice balance with the armour colour and the battle damage, definetly better than anything I have ever been able to make. 


Great work!


EDIT: Worth noting I hate painting black armour hehe.

Edited by GrandMagnus
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