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Starting from a very light grey works even easier. White isn't ever truly white apart from the points where the light hits. And grey has better coverage and white goes over it easier too ;)
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That apothecary looks fantastic. Liking the sharp highlights on the metallics, they pop really hard.


The praetor looks ridiculously pretty, which I'm sure is exactly the point, so congrats :wink:

Thanks mate! Yeah the Praetor is a bit over the top (even for a EC). Hopefully it comes together a bit better once he is painted.

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Just a very small update on my Praetor's progress (sorry about the dark pic).



I've got my last exam for the semester today, so I'm hopping to make some serious progress on my vow this weekend.


I've also started to build by first Legion Veteran Squad.





I'm hopping to give most of the veterans pteruges like this chaps.



If I had known how well MkIII and Phoenician helms look together I might have ordered the MkIII bundle instead of the MkIV (even if it is reserved for specialist formations in the EC).







The veterans are still very much a WIP. I plan to add more detail such as grenades, spare amo, combat blades, and pteruges. The majority will be in MkIV, with only two or three MkII-III per squad. I'm still trying to decide how to arm the Sergeant and am waiting on a set of plasma guns to arrive from FW.


Thanks for looking ;)

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Those look excellent. 


Though, I'm not sure of the bit used on the first guy's plume. Way too pony-tail for my tastes. 

Yeah, I was struggling to find ways to mark them out as veterans and promote an EC vibe. If I can come up with a better idea I'll certainly run with it.

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Some more work done on the Praetor. I'm not sure what colours to paint the tabard and cloak, so any suggestions would be appreciated. At this stage I'm thinking a black tabard and red cloak. The sword also needs some more work. I'd also appreciate some ideas for what to paint on the white 'discs' on the shoulder guards.




Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks for the feedback guys, it's just what I was after.


At this stage I'm fairly keen on a crimson cloak, but still not sure about the tabard. I'll paint up the cloak first and then make a decision.

As for the white discs, I'm leaning towards Chickenleg and Tarvik's suggestion of the Legion numeral.


Thanks again for the kind words and useful feedback :)

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So I decided to go with a red cloak. I'm reasonably happy with how it turned out, but I still haven't decided on the tabard colour.



I also got some work done on the Legion Standard and veteran vexilla bearer. The vexilla is inspired by the work of Poom and other members who have come up with similar designs.



Thanks for looking ;)

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All coming together nicely. The red works well too.

Thanks forte! I'm looking forward to seeing some more work on your Sorcerer.


Magnificent. The Praetor is stunning.

Thanks a lot Sevatar!


I love the banners, they look great. And the red cloak looks great. 


Thanks Tarvik! Glad you like the banners, I was pretty happy with how they turned out. It is a bit intimidating when I think about painting the Legion Banner though :P


I'm sorry Captain Semper, but I think I like these Emperor's Children more than yours. :tongue.:


This is one of the best-looking praetors I've ever seen.

Thanks! Such high praise :blush.:  Semper's EC are a big inspiration for me. I'm almost looking forward to the end of the ETL so that he can get back to painting the glorious III Legion.


That is one awesome looking Praetor! You really nailed the purple, and your gold makes me jealous!


EIther white or red on the tabbard would work well, me thinks! Have you figured out what to do with the shoulderguard 'discs'?

Thanks mate! Loving your LWs by the way, especially the Glaive.

I'm planing to stay pretty simple with the 'discs', probably just the Legion numeral 'III'.

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ETLIII VOW 2: Complete!




The Lord Commander is finally finished! I'm fairly happy with how he turned out but certain areas such as the sword could do with some more work.









I've nearly finished assembling my first veteran squad and they'll probably be my next ETL vow.


Thanks for looking ;)

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He looks awesome. Love the color scheme.



Thanks! Such high praise :blush.:  Semper's EC are a big inspiration for me. I'm almost looking forward to the end of the ETL so that he can get back to painting the glorious III Legion

I'll be honest, it's more the color scheme and kitbashing than the actual painting that drew my eye, since I know so little of painting that I can hardly make a difference between good, moar good and moar gooder.


And I want to see more Consecrators myself, but I think I'll have to wait for Forge World to make legion heresy armor sets before that happens. :tongue.:

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Wow, very nice blending on the.. err.. everything! I would like to know which steps you took with the white tabard!

I started with Mechanicus standard Grey and slowly mixed in increasing amounts of Astronomican Grey. Once I had worked all the way up to pure Astronomican Grey (after about 3/4 different stages) I started to add Ceramite White until I finished off with pure white. Sorry I can't really be more specific as it was a pretty organic process and I used many watered down coats. When shading and blending it's hard to stick to a specific structure or formula, you just have to role with what looks best.

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