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If you were going to start a new Legion force, you could go with one based off of Deliverance Lost; Raven Guard, but with bits and pieces of AL blue showing through the black. Then you can run it as either (or both) !

Fluff-wise, you could include the memories of the RG along with the Alpha Legionarre underneath.


Edit - also, the weathering looks spot on, ^^

Edited by SalvationOfReason
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After the Iron Hand and Dark Angel, you have to produce an Lightning Bearer. You know you want too. ;) Maybe a Luna Wolf, Grey WB and a Blackshield?


Both the RG and AL are fantastic though. Definitely amongst the top 5 out of the schemes you've done.


SoH, RG, AL, Salm, TS and NL are the ones I think you've really nailed. (Not to say the others are bad, just these are the ones I've felt have really hit the spot. DG are very close behind!)

Edited by Praetor of Calth
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Thanks for the kind words :)



Inspired by the latest FW release I did some more work on the VI Legion Terminator






That Alpha is lush dude. Utterly lush. You've got a tutorial lined up right?

Thanks a lot, bro! Yeah, I'll definitely put a tutorial up. That actually reminds me that I haven't put a tut up for the Word Bearer yet...


If you were going to start a new Legion force, you could go with one based off of Deliverance Lost; Raven Guard, but with bits and pieces of AL blue showing through the black. Then you can run it as either (or both) !
Fluff-wise, you could include the memories of the RG along with the Alpha Legionarre underneath.

Edit - also, the weathering looks spot on, ^^

Hahaha, that's a pretty good idea, but it sounds like it would be a lot of work and would also limit the choices I could take. Maybe I could do a Shattered Legions or Black Shield force of some kind...


The Alpha Legionaire looks great. The paint scheme would also work well for 40K Thousand Sons I think.

Thanks bro! Yeah, that could actually be pretty good (40k Thousand Sons) if you replace the Clear Green with some Guilliman Blue or Drakenhof Nightshade.


Please don't do alphas....

There's too many god damn Alpha Legion players out there.

Do ravens! Then you can use a primarch if you stay loyalist or do something crazy like hyaenidae's ideas on Traitor ravens

Hahaha, I haven't actually seen an Alpha Legion army in the wild yet, but there are definitely a few online. I'll have to check out Hyaenidae's Raven Guard idea.


I like the new Alpha Legionnaire... I really liked your original one as well. Either way, I say give them a shot... their rules are great and their rules allow an all-infantry list that's still quite nasty.

Thanks bro, glad you like them! Yeah, I love the flexibility of Mutable Tactics and the colour scheme is pretty fun to paint.


Do Wolves! But failing that i'd say go with Raven Guard, would be great to see you tackle a Primarch.

 Yeah, it's kind of strange that I haven't painted a Primarch yet...


I'm still voting hard for Wolves, especially with the new upgrades due out for warhammer fest in may.


And, If you make a space wolf army, I might just have to visit Melbourne with my Sons and get a proper battle in. Food for thought.


That said, beautiful Alpha and Raven!

Haha, I knew you would, and I even painted some more on the Space Wolf Terminator after I saw the FW release. I'm trying to come around to the VI Legion, but they're just not grabbing me. The new torsos are pretty nice though.


After the Iron Hand and Dark Angel, you have to produce an Lightning Bearer. You know you want too. :wink: Maybe a Luna Wolf, Grey WB and a Blackshield?

Both the RG and AL are fantastic though. Definitely amongst the top 5 out of the schemes you've done.

SoH, RG, AL, Salm, TS and NL are the ones I think you've really nailed. (Not to say the others are bad, just these are the ones I've felt have really hit the spot. DG are very close behind!)

Yeah, I'm planing to do a Lightning Bearer, I've even started collecting some pieces for him. I'm not sure how many alternative schemes I'll be doing though, it could go on for ever... Glad you like the Alpha :)




Thanks for looking ;)







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The Wolf Guard Terminator is finished.














The Wolf looks great. Hopefully you did a step by step i'd be interested in how you did your skin and gold.

Unfortunately I haven't done a step by step for the Terminator. The skin is Cadian Fleshtone washed with Agrax Earthshade and then layered with Cadian Fleshtone and highlighted by adding white to the fleshtone. The gold is a mix of Gahenna's Gold and Retributor Armour washed with Agrax Earthshade and highlighted with Runefang Steel.


I've gotta have a recipe/ tutorial on that grey!

Mechanicus Standard Grey basecoat. Wash with Nuln Oil and a small amount of Agrax Earthshade. Sponge with Mechanicus Standard Grey. Edge highlight with Mechanicus Standard Grey. As with all of my minis the armour is 'black lined' to add definition.


Looking great man!


That gray is pretty great for typically so boring a color :biggrin.:

Haha, thanks Flint!


Although I'm not particularly fond of the space puppies I do like what you did with that cataphractii.

Thanks a lot bro! Usually I don't find them very interesting either, but I had fun with the Terminator.


The Alpha Legionnaire looks great, I like the classic green stripe. 



Thanks a lot dude! Glad you like the Alpha.







Thanks for looking ;)

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Huh. This is the first guy in your long stretch of mini's that I'm not stoked about. I forgot he was supposed to be a Wolf, and thought he was an Iron Warrior at first. So my impression is actually 'meh'! Which is a weird but comforting feeling, seeing as all other stuff you've done is brilliant, and this mini proves you're not actually a god. Good. ;)

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The Word Bearer's step by step is well overdue.


I started off with a Chaos Black spray under coat.



The armour was painted with a 2/1 mix of Khorne Red and Abaddon Black.



I then washed the armour with Druchii Violet. Usually I probably would have used Nuln Oil, but because the armour was already very dark and fairly drab, I went with the violet to try to add some richness to the colour.



Next up I sponged the armour with a 3/1 mix of Khorne Red and Abaddon Black.



I then painted the steel areas with Leadbelcher.



Next up I used Balthazar Gold to pick out some of the smaller details.



The Leadbelcher was washed with Nuln Oil. I also 'black lined' the armour.



The Balthazar Gold was washed with Agrax Earthshade.



I then highlighted the Leadbelcher and Balthazar Gold with Runefang Steel.



The eyes were started with Snot Green (Warpstone Glow).



I then added a small amount of White Scar to the mix for the first highlight.



I then painted a small amount of White Scar in the corner of the eye lens.



The eyes were finished off with some Tamiya Clear Green.





See the next post for Pt. 2





Yup. That seals the deal. I'm doing Wolves. Some gorgeous work, man.

Haha, looking forward to seeing your Wolves! 


Killer work dude, as always.

Thanks a lot bro :)


Holy god your work woke Heinrich. :biggrin.:

Haha, call me The Necromancer...


Epic as always Kizz.

Thank mate!


Huh. This is the first guy in your long stretch of mini's that I'm not stoked about. I forgot he was supposed to be a Wolf, and thought he was an Iron Warrior at first. So my impression is actually 'meh'! Which is a weird but comforting feeling, seeing as all other stuff you've done is brilliant, and this mini proves you're not actually a god. Good. :wink:

Fair enough, I'll just have to settle for demi-god then... :P





Thanks for looking ;)

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Word Bearer step by step Pt. 2



​As usual I struggled with the decals on the shoulder pads, but because I was planing to weather him fairly heavily I wasn't too worried.



I used a 1/1 mix of Celestra Grey and White Scar for the freehand detail. I wasn't very happy with how it turned out, but again weathering would come to the rescue.



Time for the weathering. I started off by sponging some Abaddon Black onto selected areas.



Next up I sponge some Leadbelcher over the top of the Abaddon Black.



The prayer papers were base coated with Steel Legion Drab.



I washed the prayer papers with Agrax Earthshade.



I then layered them with a 1/1 mix of Steel Legion Drab and Screaming Skull.



The final highlight was with Screaming Skull.



I then dotted on the 'script' with Abaddon Black.



Based him using then same techniques that I used on the other legionnaires...



...and used the same two weathering powders that I used on all of the other minis. FW Aged Rust and Black Soot. Finally everything was sealed wit a coat of spray on matt varnish.







Thanks for looking ;)



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