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Alpha Legion step by step





I've been a fan of the metallic Alpha Legion colour scheme for a while but without an airbrush it's never really seemed achievable, especially not in a large quantity. I'd previously tried my hand at painting the metallic scheme by hand using the Tamiya Clear range that was used by the FW team to airbrush their Alpha Legion, but it was a pretty challenging and frustrating process. So while I was fairly happy with the finally result, it wasn't something that I was willing to try again anytime soon.



Because I painted the Alpha legionnaire well before I started working on the other Legions for my mini 'March of the Legions', he felt more and more out of place the further I went. For example unlike the other marines he is unweathered, and the  25mm base is a clear sign of his vintage. When I came across the Tamiya metallic spray range my prayers were answered :P The metallic spray will never give you the same effect as a proper airbrush job, but it's good enough if you're not too fussy.


I started off by under coatign the mini with Tamiya Light Metallic Blue spray.



Next up I gave the armour a coat of thinned down Tamiya Clear Green, applied by brush. It doesn't really show up very well in the photos, but the green hue is much more noticeable in person.



I then 'black lined' the armour with some watered down Abaddon Black and the armour was finished. Definitely the quickest and easiest of my schemes so far. I also painted all of the non armour areas with Abaddon Black.



Next up I painted all of the Leadbelcher areas.





I then use Balthazar Gold to pic out some of the details.





The Leadbelcher was washed with Nuln Oil and the Balthazar Gold with Agrax Earthshade.






See the next post for Pt. 2






Cant wait for the first legion

Not sure when I'll get around to the I and X Legions. Probably after the ETL :)

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Alpha Legion Pt. 2



The 'white' strips are a 1/1 mix of White Scar and Celestra Grey.



The eyes were painted in the same way as the other legionnaires: Blood Red, Slayer Orange, Golden Yellow, Tamiya Clear Red.



The Leadbelcher and Balthazar Gold were highlighted with Runefang Steel.





The black leather holster was highlighted with a 1/1 mix of Mechanicus Standard Grey and Abaddon Black. The green stripes on the helmet and knee pad are Snot Green.



The mini was finished off using the same basing and weathering techniques that I've been using on the other legionnaires.





Thanks for looking ;)








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Great guides, so many more steps than I even used on Horus. Bravo.


Quick question is black lining just carefully using a black wash or ink on the armour lines?

Yeah, pretty much, but I use watered down Abaddon Black instead of an ink or wash because I find that it's easier to control and I can make it as thin or as thick as I like. I use it in the lines of the armour, to seperate the different colours, and to pic out any battle damage that I've cut into the mini :)


Those eyes, those eyes!

Haha, glad you like them bro :)

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I've done some more preparation work on the Palatine Breacher unit. The plan is to have ten built and ready to paint by the start of this year's ETL challenge. Definitely not the best balance of points per model/painting time, but that's not really the point of the ETL anyway.














Those eyes indeed! He looks really sharp man.

Thanks a lot bro! :)


Nice to see you've used one of the tamiya metallic sprays. Theyve always intrigued me when I used to see them in a hobby store I frequent, but never tried one. Thanks for another great tut.

Yeah, I wasn't sure how they'd turn out, but I'm pretty happy with the result. It'll never produce a finish of the quality possible with an airbrush, but it's okay for people without an actual airbrush :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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Those 3 guy look awesome, sufficiently detailed and characterful not to be just palatine blades with shields. Good use of the crests and plumes to add something a little different!


I really think I need to get some shields......:wink:


Will look forward to seeing what you do for the ETL!

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The shields are finished and ready for painting as soon as the ETL is launched.


Edit: Thanks again to EdT for the Romanesque etched brass :tu:






I'm still working on a few details such as the crests for the rest of the unit.



I like the standard sword and shield guy, great movement. The power dust guy feels a bit static compared to him although I not sure what you can do about that.

Thanks bro :smile.: Yeah, it's pretty difficult to get some of the poses right because the torsos and legs of the Palatine Blade minis are in one piece. I like my III Legion characters to look confident and a little imperious...


Wonderful tutorials, Kizz! Bookmarked for when I have the guts to paint :smile.:

Thanks a lot dude! Glad you like the tutes.


Thanks for the guides it was very interesting seeing how you went about getting such great looking models.

No worries, bro. I'm always happy to share.


Aren't you happy that we suggested this!?

They are looking amazing bud like truly one of a kind

Hahaha, yeah they're coming along nicely, but they're definitely a lot more labour intensive than any other III Legion unit that I've worked on so far. The paint job will be even more involved :tongue.:


That vexila! Wow, such a great idea.

Also, that power fist toting guy is looking hella regal.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the Sergeant and vexila.


Loving the breachers, they have the perfect balance of both beautiful nobility and menace  .

I'm glad to hear you say that! Sometimes it's difficult to get the balance right with the Emperor's Children.


Those 3 guy look awesome, sufficiently detailed and characterful not to be just palatine blades with shields. Good use of the crests and plumes to add something a little different!


I really think I need to get some shields......:wink:


Will look forward to seeing what you do for the ETL!

Thanks a lot bro! I'm planing to paint the breachers and maybe some Phoenix Guard for the ETL.


Those breachers are freakin sharp. They look amazing.

Thanks a lot bro!





Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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I love the way the shields' brass etch details in the pic with the three Breachers are a pretty close match to the Forge World armor detailing -- I'm looking at the plastron on the left and the shield in the middle. 


I also really like the Alpha Legionnaire done with Light Blue Metallic spray washed with Clear Green.  And the weathering really ties that whole model together.  Keep up the good work!



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After finally slogging through all 74 pages of this, I never thought I would say this, but I am in love with your EC's. The purple and white are gorgeous and the poses and bases bring them all together. I kinda want to see what you do with the Phoenix Guards and how the rest of your EC breachers come out. All in all, 10/10 army for the EC. I also love what you have done with the models representing each legion. Keep up the good work and.... MOAR EC!!

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