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Looking forward to seeing your work during the ETL. Good luck with it!

Thanks, bro! I've just started priming my first vow :D


Been an absolute pleasure spending some time to catch up kizz, those breachers are going to be incredible man! 

Thanks, dude! Glad you're enjoying it :)


I love the way the shields' brass etch details in the pic with the three Breachers are a pretty close match to the Forge World armor detailing -- I'm looking at the plastron on the left and the shield in the middle. 


I also really like the Alpha Legionnaire done with Light Blue Metallic spray washed with Clear Green.  And the weathering really ties that whole model together.  Keep up the good work!



Thanks a lot! Good to hear that you like the shields and the Alpha legionnaire :)


After finally slogging through all 74 pages of this, I never thought I would say this, but I am in love with your EC's. The purple and white are gorgeous and the poses and bases bring them all together. I kinda want to see what you do with the Phoenix Guards and how the rest of your EC breachers come out. All in all, 10/10 army for the EC. I also love what you have done with the models representing each legion. Keep up the good work and.... MOAR EC!!

Thanks mate! And thanks for taking the time to look through all 74 pages. A lot of people seem to be surprised when they find themselves liking the Emperor's Children (and I find it strange when they don't). At this stage all of my ETL vows with be Emperor's Children this year, so you can look forward to seeing some more soon :tu:




Dying to see how you paint these bad boys up. Have you considered a dark metallic for them like the reaper adamantium black kind of color?

Are you suggesting that I paint my Emperor's Children like Iron Hands?!? Haha, I'm planing to go with a scheme similar to the Tartaros armoured Praetor. So mostly white :)



I second this! I can't find your Iron Warriors tut....


Only half of the legion minis that I've painted have tutorials, and the Iron Warriors are not amongst them. Fortunately they're also the easiest Legion to paint. Here are some links:


Legions without tutorials:


World Eaters


Iron Warriors


Sons of Horus


The Rout


Imperial Fists


Night Lords


Thousand Sons


White Scars



Legions with tutorials:


Blood Angels


Death Guard


Emperor's Children






Raven Guard


Word Bearers


Alpha Legion





Thanks for looking ;)

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I made a start on my first ETL vow whilst listening to the latest Eye of Horus Podcast episode. I usually just batch paint these days, but I decided to paint the sergeant individually just to see if the white/purple scheme worked. I'm considering repainting the loincloth a nice crimson, but I can't decide...







What do you guys/gals think of the colour scheme?



Lol not like Iron Hands for their flesh was weak. Like dis- http://wilhelminiatures.blogspot.com/2015/11/fulgrim-slaanesh-emperors-children.html

I apologize if I posted this improperly. I saw these a little while back and could see your EC breachers in a similar fashion.

Yeah, I've seen those Emperor's Children before, they're pretty awesome, especially the Fulgrim conversion. The only issue is that the scheme suits traitor EC much better than it suits loyalists.


I just spent a few happy hours going through this entire thread.  Everything is spectacular and I'm really loving the BA scheme. I may just have to revamp my own scheme from this.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the thread and the Blood Angels colour scheme :)


Amazing EC Breachers! :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot bro :tu:






Thanks for looking ;)

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The white and purple looks stunning, in my opinion. That's one of the best EC models I've ever seen. I do think the red loincloth would possibly look better. It looks a little dark in the middle. But either way, lovely model.


Is the purple painted differently to the purple in your EC tutorial? It looks a lot darker. I prefer it, personally.

Edited by fire golem
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My word Kizz, that white! I think the loincloth deffo needs that crimson pop to finish him off. I've finally commited to Emp's Children for my Heresy army, and with seeing more of yours I know I've made the right choice!

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I made a start on my first ETL vow whilst listening to the latest Eye of Horus Podcast episode. I usually just batch paint these days, but I decided to paint the sergeant individually just to see if the white/purple scheme worked. I'm considering repainting the loincloth a nice crimson, but I can't decide...







What do you guys/gals think of the colour scheme?



Lol not like Iron Hands for their flesh was weak. Like dis- http://wilhelminiatures.blogspot.com/2015/11/fulgrim-slaanesh-emperors-children.html


I apologize if I posted this improperly. I saw these a little while back and could see your EC breachers in a similar fashion.

Yeah, I've seen those Emperor's Children before, they're pretty awesome, especially the Fulgrim conversion. The only issue is that the scheme suits traitor EC much better than it suits loyalists.


I just spent a few happy hours going through this entire thread.  Everything is spectacular and I'm really loving the BA scheme. I may just have to revamp my own scheme from this.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the thread and the Blood Angels colour scheme :smile.:


Amazing EC Breachers! :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot bro :thumbsup:


Thanks for looking :wink:


That breacher is absolutely amazing, one of the best EC models I've seen! Regarding the loin cloth, I'd be inclined to suggest maybe a green? It would tie in with the other details on the model (eyes, shield details) but still give you that splash of colour.

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Loving the white brother, now with the loincloth I think a deep scarlet red with maybe yellow gold flourishes would pop well.


Good thing etl is here, these guys will need the artificer award for sure! I'll also be nearly ready to visit now I'm pushing out my militia

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Sweet Slaanesh, you continue to amaze.


Yeah deffo go with red. Although... The white is quite overwelming and I fear that perhaps the red loin cloth combined with the white would overpower the purple completely. It'd almost be as if the purple is the spot colour, only it's quite dark. This might be something to consider in your choice.


Keep it up. :tu:

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Thanks a lot everybody! The breacher got a much warmer reception than I expected. He definitely isn't one of my better paint jobs, but the white/purple scheme seems to have worked out really well. I'm hoping to make a start on the rest of the squad soon :)



The white and purple looks stunning, in my opinion. That's one of the best EC models I've ever seen. I do think the red loincloth would possibly look better. It looks a little dark in the middle. But either way, lovely model.


Is the purple painted differently to the purple in your EC tutorial? It looks a lot darker. I prefer it, personally.

Wow! Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how he turned out. The purple in my EC tutorial is different to the purple that I've used in my army. For my army, this guy included, I use Xereus Purple as the base, I then black line it with some watered down Abaddon Black and finish it off with a Geenesteeler Purple highlight.


My word Kizz, that white! I think the loincloth deffo needs that crimson pop to finish him off. I've finally commited to Emp's Children for my Heresy army, and with seeing more of yours I know I've made the right choice!

Great to hear that you'll be doing some Emperor's Children! They're definitely a painter's army and we're lucky enough to have some of the best FW HH sculpts so far. Looking forward to seeing your EC :tu:


Kizz, that breacher is absolutely incredible :ohmy.: That purple and white scheme is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! 

Thanks a lot dude! Really glad to hear that.



I made a start on my first ETL vow whilst listening to the latest Eye of Horus Podcast episode. I usually just batch paint these days, but I decided to paint the sergeant individually just to see if the white/purple scheme worked. I'm considering repainting the loincloth a nice crimson, but I can't decide...







What do you guys/gals think of the colour scheme?



Lol not like Iron Hands for their flesh was weak. Like dis- http://wilhelminiatures.blogspot.com/2015/11/fulgrim-slaanesh-emperors-children.html

I apologize if I posted this improperly. I saw these a little while back and could see your EC breachers in a similar fashion.

Yeah, I've seen those Emperor's Children before, they're pretty awesome, especially the Fulgrim conversion. The only issue is that the scheme suits traitor EC much better than it suits loyalists.


I just spent a few happy hours going through this entire thread.  Everything is spectacular and I'm really loving the BA scheme. I may just have to revamp my own scheme from this.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the thread and the Blood Angels colour scheme :smile.:


Amazing EC Breachers! :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot bro :thumbsup:


Thanks for looking :wink:


That breacher is absolutely amazing, one of the best EC models I've seen! Regarding the loin cloth, I'd be inclined to suggest maybe a green? It would tie in with the other details on the model (eyes, shield details) but still give you that splash of colour.


Thanks for the kind words! You're right, he does need some more colour and green would look great, but I'm leaning towards the red because I've used it on a few other minis as a sign of rank and I'd like to keep things consistent.


Sweet mother of Pearl that is nice!!


The white enamel /platinum is cool, and makes him really sand out from the crowd.

Thanks bro! I'm going to use the white heavily throughout the squad to give them a real veteran/elite feel. It also nicely ties them to Terra and the Imperial court.


Wonderfull mix of purple and white! I think you are right, painting the loincloth crimson would look better. Or... OR, how about a royal blue or a cream colour?

Thanks a lot bro! I might have to try repainting the loincloth tomorrow, although I am leaning towards red for the sake of consistency (a few other officers and Contemptors have red as a spot colour).


Dang... That is a stunning rendition. The Crimson would look solid with that beautiful model.

Thanks bro! Glad you like him.


Crimson and/or cream, I think, would look good, but I also think that the helmet crest should match if you choose to go that route. Just my two cents. He looks really good.

Thanks bro! I don't think I'll be changing the helmet crest, although a red crest would be pretty striking. I'm definitely considering the crimson cloth though.


I agree with everyone else, the loincloth would pop more against the purple and white if it was a crimson or a cream/bone type color. All in all, the breacher looks great! 

Thanks a lot! I think cream would be too similar to the white of the armour, but crimson is definitely a chance.


I would expand on the green loincloth and perhaps suggest aquamarine. It'll have the softness to compliment the white, yet contrast with both white and purple. Just a thought.

If I ever do some Traitor Emperor's Children (which is more and more likely the more I read of The Path of Heaven) I'll definitely use aquamarine as the spot colour. It contrasts so well with the purple and gold. For my loyalist I want to keep it a bit more traditional.


Beautiful breacher!!:wub.:  I'd also echo the idea of going with a red loincloth as cream might be too bright and too close to white.

Thanks bro! I like the way you think regarding the loincloth.


That looks great man. I like the dark look of him, I'd keep the black loin cloth instead of red.

Thanks bro! I think I'll give the red a go, and if it doesn't work out it'll be really easy to repaint the black.


Loving the white brother, now with the loincloth I think a deep scarlet red with maybe yellow gold flourishes would pop well.

Good thing etl is here, these guys will need the artificer award for sure! I'll also be nearly ready to visit now I'm pushing out my militia

Yeah, I like it. Great to see the awesome progress on your Militia :tu:


Sweet Slaanesh, you continue to amaze.

Yeah deffo go with red. Although... The white is quite overwelming and I fear that perhaps the red loin cloth combined with the white would overpower the purple completely. It'd almost be as if the purple is the spot colour, only it's quite dark. This might be something to consider in your choice.

Keep it up. :thumbsup:

Yeah, that was my fear (too many bright colours, he is a loyalist after all). I think I'll try the red tomorrow because even if I don't like it, it'll be relatively easy to repaint the black







Hahaha, glad you like him!


Absolutely stunning mate. 

Thanks a lot dude!


It's perfect as is, the black is a really nice contrast to the white armour. Seriously I need to see more models painted this way, please do the rest and then re-do your palatines because I love this scheme

Hahaha, no chance that I'll redo the Palatine Blades...

I'm going to try the red, but if it doesn't work I wont hesitate to repaint the black.


Wow, way to crack your first vow right in the jaw! Looks amazing :smile.: I'd keep the cloth black. Make that white crack like it does.

Thanks a lot bro! Great to see some progress on your Titan in the ETL thread :tu:

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