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It's great work as always mate, however my initial reaction is it is too white, perhaps it's because of the hefty pads and fist! I'd maybe consider making the shield purple or putting a stripe down the middle.


Perhaps because he is the Sgt, you could leave more white on him, and more purple on the troops. Leave the shins purple rather than white...


I'd certainly go for the red cloth, it's the colour they wear to war after all. I think it just needs a little colour as its slightly monochrome with the black...

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A bit late to the party as well, but I thought I'd give my 10 pence worth...


Personally, I feel the white dominates too much. Yeah, some white here and there works, but I feel like there's too much white on this breacher.


As for the loincloth, I have to agree that a nice crimson would work wonderfully with the mini.

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I've finally changed the loin cloth to red and I've also made some good progress on the next three Legionnaires.



http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN4393_zpsiafmmh6j.jpg http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN4390_zpseumoabbj.jpg














I'm a bit late to the party, but the white and purple paintjob is indeed fantastic! On a related note, here's another vote for a red loincloth! :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro, glad you like the scheme and I hope you like how the red cloth turned out.


Fantastic work on the sergeant! Here's another vote for the red loincloth too.

Thanks mate! Hope you approve of the change.


It's great work as always mate, however my initial reaction is it is too white, perhaps it's because of the hefty pads and fist! I'd maybe consider making the shield purple or putting a stripe down the middle.

Perhaps because he is the Sgt, you could leave more white on him, and more purple on the troops. Leave the shins purple rather than white...

I'd certainly go for the red cloth, it's the colour they wear to war after all. I think it just needs a little colour as its slightly monochrome with the black...

Thanks mate! Yeah, it's definitely different to the usual Emperor's Children scheme, but that's what I was going for. I was originally considering painting them almost completely white with only a small amount of purple, but that sounded to much like hard work. 


A bit late to the party as well, but I thought I'd give my 10 pence worth...

Personally, I feel the white dominates too much. Yeah, some white here and there works, but I feel like there's too much white on this breacher.

As for the loincloth, I have to agree that a nice crimson would work wonderfully with the mini.

Thanks bro. Yeah, it's pretty difficult to stop large areas of white from dominating any scheme they're used in. Hopefully once the squad is fully painted and ranked up, the white scheme will come together a bit more.


Kizz, the White is amazing. Now he's painted I've come round on him a lot more, the very regal paint job works nicley with the pose.

Thanks bro! I hope you like the scheme on the new breachers as well.







Thanks for looking ;)

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The crimson loin cloth is much better, it looked kinda unfinished in black. I didn't expect to ever see such convincing EC Breachers, but man you really delivered there. They're perfect

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The red makes all the difference dude! It breaks up the white nicely! You've pulled this one out of the bag so to speak. The different angles also show the White isnt all encompassing.


Really like the new marines too, this is going to be an epic unit!! Going to have to come up with something jazzier...

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Red is definitely the way to go, brotha! They are looking excellent. The Palatine Blades might be my favorite group of FW models, and you are nailing it! Even better when they have breacher shields! 

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The next three Breachers are nearly finished. I'm hoping to apply the decals tonight and then finish off the shields and the final details over the next couple of days. I've also started working on some fluff/background for them...









10 out of 10. 'Nuff said :wink:

Thanks a lot bro! :)


The red makes all the difference mate, looks awesome!

Thanks dude, I'm pretty happy with how the red turned out. I'll probably leave the cloths on the other breachers black, and just have the sergeant in red. But then again I'm quite likely to change my mind at the end anyway...


It looks great in red! I like the combination of white and purple, it really marks them out as a special or veteran unit.

Thanks bro! That's the exact effect I was hoping for.


Please guess us a guide for that cloth. Those are frickin awesome.

I'm going to do a step by step for one of the regular breachers, but I didn't take any WIP pics of the red cloth on the sergeant unfortunately.


The colours I used: I started with a base coat of a 2/1 mix of Khorne Red and Xereus Purple. I then washed this base coat with Druchii Violet and highlighted it with pure Korne Red. I finished it off with a highlight using Blood Red.


Yup, looks even better with the red. The next three are coming along nicely too.

Thanks a lot bro, glad you like them!


That banner bearer looks fantastic!
Rest of them are on point as well.
Really like white armor, is it several thinned layers over a grey undercoat?

Thanks bro! The white is a 2/1 mix of White Scar and Celestra Grey. I had to paint two watered down coats to get a solid finish and then I 'black lined' it with some watered down Mechanicus Standard Grey. I'm planing to finish it off with a White Scar highlight, but I haven't got there yet. I'm going to leave the white until last of all because it's so difficult to keep the white clean while painting other parts of the mini. You'll be able to see the process when I post the step by step pics.


The crimson loin cloth is much better, it looked kinda unfinished in black. I didn't expect to ever see such convincing EC Breachers, but man you really delivered there. They're perfect

Thanks for the kind words! I agree regarding the red cloth. I'm much happier with how it looks now.


The crimson works perfectly! While I love the Sergeant with the powerfist, I have to say the far left breacher in the trio-picture is my favourite :smile.:

Yeah, I definitely agree. Some of the regular breachers look much better than the sergeant and vexilla bearer. The gladius/shield combo suits the fluidity of the Palatine Blade minis much better.


I love you... I love this thread... I love these minis.

Thanks bro, back at you!


Wow, they look so pretty! :wub.: :wub.: :wub.:



I hate you a little. :furious: :furious: :furious:

Hahaha, thanks bro! Still waiting for you to try your hand at some III Legion pretties. I recon you'd kill it ;)


The red makes all the difference dude! It breaks up the white nicely! You've pulled this one out of the bag so to speak. The different angles also show the White isnt all encompassing.

Really like the new marines too, this is going to be an epic unit!! Going to have to come up with something jazzier...

Thanks bro! I'll post some better pics once they're all done. If you see them from behind there is definitely much more purple on them than you can see from the front. Can't wait to see what you come up with!


Those are really excellent, you understand the aesthetic of the 3rd Legion so well. As a result of making them so pretty, they do look almost too dainty to be breachers! However rule of cool.

Thanks a lot bro! I take that as a great compliment. Whenever I paint a legionary I always try my best to capture the aesthetic of which ever Legion he hails from. I've also started working on some fluff for them. They won't be your average down and dirty breacher unit, more of an elite bodyguard unit.


Red is definitely the way to go, brotha! They are looking excellent. The Palatine Blades might be my favorite group of FW models, and you are nailing it! Even better when they have breacher shields! 

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah the Emperor's Children are blessed with some of the nicest minis produced by FW, and the Palatine Blades are a definite standout. They're a real pleasure to paint and lend them selves really nicely to the painting style that I've been using for the army.





Thanks for looking ;)

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I'm running out of explatives to trll you how much I love your work. Suffice to say I like them. I lied when I said I hate you for it, but there are definitely smudgeons of feelings of envy here.


To respond to you suggestion of me doing some III... I do have some palatine blades lying around, which I plan on using as noise marines... Some day.

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