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These are great as per Kizz. One thing that surprised me though was the lack of white you've put on them, especially compared to your Palatine Blades who are a similar legion elite force. Any reason, or was it just that it didn't fit in your head?

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These are great as per Kizz. One thing that surprised me though was the lack of white you've put on them, especially compared to your Palatine Blades who are a similar legion elite force. Any reason, or was it just that it didn't fit in your head?

There is some white on them, but not as much as the breachers, I think it would have overpowered the purple...



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Lovely work. The variability in the amount of white works I think. The breachers were very white, the blades less so and the Phoenix guard less again. I love the variability whilst still having a unifying feel. I've avoided Phoenix guard (rules being pants and all that), but with their new stat line I may have to invest.


Did you have a tutorial for the gemstones?

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Like everyone else, I am running out of superlatives here, so suffice it to say that your work never fails to amaze. Fantastic stuff, even if you happen to be on the wrong side for this ETL, of course :wink:

If kraut's running out of praising words...then the rest of us are kinda screwed hahaha

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Beautiful as always, kizz. The richness of your purple is so delicious. Omnomnom. Sadly, but not surprisingly, many frater beat me to it with comments noting how the new preator would go with them nicely. Did you get your hands on it?
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Beautiful as always, kizz. The richness of your purple is so delicious. Omnomnom. Sadly, but not surprisingly, many frater beat me to it with comments noting how the new preator would go with them nicely. Did you get your hands on it?

Oi Auggie....stop drooling..you're leaving puddles *hands auggie a towel*.


I'll bet he did manage to snag a tribune, but he's keeping it as a surprise to spring on us....maybe....

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Now, I've never actually commented on any of your posts. One of those "Long time listener, first time caller"-type situations.


I adore your Emperors Children. So much so, that you've turned me from kinda hating them through the books, to having just ordered a :cuss ton of Emperors Children as my first 30k project. Your models are simply stunning and I love how clean and regal they look. 

Thank you for this topic, the inspiration it instilled and the guide on how to try and follow suit through the tutorial. Kudos to you. 

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Beautiful as always, kizz. The richness of your purple is so delicious. Omnomnom. Sadly, but not surprisingly, many frater beat me to it with comments noting how the new preator would go with them nicely. Did you get your hands on it?

Oi Auggie....stop drooling..you're leaving puddles *hands auggie a towel*.

Nope. I'm drooling all over those miniatures.  Like the beautiful soon to be Slaanesh worshipeprs they are. Until they're nice and sloppy wet. And after that, I'm going to =][= UNSPEAKABLE THINGS DELETED =][= though morning.  After that, I'll go have brunch. :D :p

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Beautiful as always, kizz. The richness of your purple is so delicious. Omnomnom. Sadly, but not surprisingly, many frater beat me to it with comments noting how the new preator would go with them nicely. Did you get your hands on it?

Oi Auggie....stop drooling..you're leaving puddles *hands auggie a towel*.

Nope. I'm drooling all over those miniatures. Like the beautiful soon to be Slaanesh worshipeprs they are. Until they're nice and sloppy wet. And after that, I'm going to =][= UNSPEAKABLE THINGS DELETED =][= though morning. After that, I'll go have brunch. :D :p

*Throws drool off my hands* thanks for those....lovely....images there augmeister...I'm..sure...yick ...


Yeah so purple, loving the purple and gold of them there walking tanks Kizz...I think...yeah


*Goes off to find a mop to clean up after auggie*

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. Much appreciated!




These are great as per Kizz. One thing that surprised me though was the lack of white you've put on them, especially compared to your Palatine Blades who are a similar legion elite force. Any reason, or was it just that it didn't fit in your head?


These are great as per Kizz. One thing that surprised me though was the lack of white you've put on them, especially compared to your Palatine Blades who are a similar legion elite force. Any reason, or was it just that it didn't fit in your head?

There is some white on them, but not as much as the breachers, I think it would have overpowered the purple...



Thanks mate! My Palatine Blades don't actually have any white on them... are you talking about the Breachers?

I decided to go with a fairly traditional scheme for the Phoenix Guard and also leave them unconverted. I didn't really want to convert any of them because they are already such beautiful minis. When I finally get around to painting the last five PG I'll probably have one of them with out a helmet, but that will most likely be the only change that I make. I decide to keep the scheme fairly simple for a couple of reasons. After painting the Breachers I was fairly burnt out as far as painting white was concerned and I wanted to keep this nice and easy. I also wanted to keep them relatively true to the FW minis because they have an established scheme and are an extremely elite force that probably wouldn't include to much diversity. The amount of white that I used on the Breachers was pretty extreme and I'll be writing some fluff to explain it, but I didn't want the whole force to be too divergent from the traditional scheme.


Lovely work. The variability in the amount of white works I think. The breachers were very white, the blades less so and the Phoenix guard less again. I love the variability whilst still having a unifying feel. I've avoided Phoenix guard (rules being pants and all that), but with their new stat line I may have to invest.

Did you have a tutorial for the gemstones?

Thanks bro! The Phoenix Guard are pretty decent now. They're still outclassed by Red Butcher, Firedrakes etc. but now that they can sweeping advance and have WS5 they're more viable than before. I don't have a tutorial for the gems, but I painted them in the traditional GW manner. I used Snot Green and added White Scars for the highlights. Kind of like this...



Like everyone else, I am running out of superlatives here, so suffice it to say that your work never fails to amaze. Fantastic stuff, even if you happen to be on the wrong side for this ETL, of course :wink:

Hahaha, thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like them :)


Awesome work as usual, I particularly like the green on these guys, luminous. I don't think I've noticed it to the same degree with other units you've painted. A nice but subtle point of difference. 

Thanks, dude! All of the gems and eyes lenses on my Emperor's Children are painted the same way, they're just much more visible on the Phoenix Guard. The gems on the shoulder pads and the one at the centre of the aquila are quite large compared to most of the other gems EC minis and the fact that the are all forward facing means that they are way more noticeable.


Beautiful work as always, as always Im in awe of your green gems :biggrin.:

Thanks, bro! Glad you like them.


Fantastic Phoenix Guard!

Thanks, mate!


How about I build the Tribune as a Emperors Children tribune and get 2 sets of Pheonix Guard then will you ally with me

Sounds good, bro! There can never be too many EC.


Beautiful as always, kizz. The richness of your purple is so delicious. Omnomnom. Sadly, but not surprisingly, many frater beat me to it with comments noting how the new preator would go with them nicely. Did you get your hands on it?

Thanks for the kind words, bro! I didn't get my hands on the new Praetor because I didn't really like the mini when I first saw it and I don't feel that it would really fit with my Emperor's Children. The price was also an issue. AUD$70 just seems a bit ridiculous for a single Terminator, especially when it's only £25 (aprox. AUD$50) in the UK. That's a 40% mark up... Since it was released I've seen some really nice conversion that make the mini look much better than the standard version and I'm starting to regret not getting one. But I'd still paint it up in a different Legion's colours (no idea which one).


As Augustus said, having had a go at making the tribune IIIrd legion myself, I want to see you work your magic and put us all to shame again ;-)

Awesome! I'd love to see a EC version of the Tribune. Unfortunately I didn't get my hands on a copy.


Very, very nice! I'm a big fan of the loin cloth transfers! Oh, and those gems are lovely!

Thanks, bro! I took the idea for the loincloth decals from the FW minis. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out although it took quite a bit decal softener...


Now, I've never actually commented on any of your posts. One of those "Long time listener, first time caller"-type situations.


I adore your Emperors Children. So much so, that you've turned me from kinda hating them through the books, to having just ordered a :censored: ton of Emperors Children as my first 30k project. Your models are simply stunning and I love how clean and regal they look. 

Thank you for this topic, the inspiration it instilled and the guide on how to try and follow suit through the tutorial. Kudos to you. 

That's awesome bro!!! Glad to hear that I've helped you come to love the Emperor's Children. They have a bit of a bad reputation because of how far they fell after their corruption, but during the Great Crusade they were the pinnacle of what it meant to be a space marine. 

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you're EC project goes. Best of luck!


Oh aye the LE model would look great as one of your EC

I recon it would take a bit of converting, but it could be done. Unfortunately I didn't get my hands on a Tribune.


Love the termies man, but as good as they are they couldn't follow the breachers! They were something else!!


Did you sell a kidney and get the limited edition praetor? I'd love to see your take on it... 

Yeah, that's true. I had to put a lot more effort into painting the Breachers than the Phoenix Guard and the huge amount of white really makes them stand out. I didn't get my hands on a Tribune, but I've enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful conversions on FB.




Thanks everyone!

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The Hydra, on 28 Jun 2016 - 12:40 PM, said:

Oh aye the LE model would look great as one of your EC

I recon it would take a bit of converting, but it could be done. Unfortunately I didn't get my hands on a Tribune.


Same. Once the Phoenix Terminators are done what's next?
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Next up, some more Tactical Support marines and a second Medusa. I'm also going to have a go at a metallic Thousand Son. I'll just need to wait for some good weather...









I am definitely going to put that tutorial to use.

Yeah, it's pretty straight forward and produces a good result. It's the classic way that GW paint most of their gems.



That is awesome! The cloak really adds to the mini's sense of movement. I'm surprised that Eidolon's head fits so well. Nicely done :tu:







Thanks for looking ;)

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