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Next up, some more Tactical Support marines and a second Medusa. I'm also going to have a go at a metallic Thousand Son. I'll just need to wait for some good weather...


Thanks for looking ;)


Bloody hell! I'm doing a plasma support squad. Might have to burn them now! They can represent the inevitable overheating...

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Next up, some more Tactical Support marines and a second Medusa. I'm also going to have a go at a metallic Thousand Son. I'll just need to wait for some good weather...


Thanks for looking ;)


Bloody hell! I'm doing a plasma support squad. Might have to burn them now! They can represent the inevitable overheating...
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Next up, some more Tactical Support marines and a second Medusa. I'm also going to have a go at a metallic Thousand Son. I'll just need to wait for some good weather...


Thanks for looking ;)


Bloody hell! I'm doing a plasma support squad. Might have to burn them now! They can represent the inevitable overheating...
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Sweet looking squad! Loving all the extra GS work on them and a we bummed the weapons block them a bit form sight.


The marine pictured second from the left. What else did you sculpt on there around the aquila?

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So I went into my local GW to pick up Angels of Caliban, and saw that they had a few copies of the Praetor Tribunes on the shelf...  I had to get one. 




Now I need to decide which Legion to model/paint him as. I don't think he'll fit very well with my other Terminator armoured Emperor's Children characters, so I'm looking to paint him as something a bit different. From just looking at the mini the first Legions that come to mind are the Imperial Fists, White Scars, and the Alpha Legion. Of course he could could be used for any of the Legions with some minimal conversion work.


So what do you guys think? Any Legion/conversion ideas? Let me know :)






Next up, some more Tactical Support marines and a second Medusa. I'm also going to have a go at a metallic Thousand Son. I'll just need to wait for some good weather...

Thanks for looking :wink:

Bloody hell! I'm doing a plasma support squad. Might have to burn them now! They can represent the inevitable overheating...
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I will join the chorus and say that he should be made an Imperial Fist. A lot of the iconography on the model (the lightning, the aquila) looks very early Great Crusade and that sort of stuff always looks good on Fists. I swear I'm not biased in any way towards the VII Legion. ;)


As for conversion ideas, perhaps a thunder hammer instead of the odd looking glaive he has? I know it's pretty distinctive to the model, but I feel the model is usually improved when given a different weapon.

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I agree with the others, his armour & pose just screams Imperial Fists, not to mention Psycho's idea of replacing the Glaive head with a Thunder Hammer (Lysander's?) just fits so well.
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I still think he'd make an impressive Emperor's Children; an adjustment to his pose, the addition of a cape and the exchange of his spaulders for the Phoenix Guard ones would make him stand out amongst the rest of your army.

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So I still haven't decided on a Legion yet. I'd like this mini to be the start of a small Zone Mortalis force, so that's another consideration. I still really like the idea of Imperial Fists, Night Lords or Alpha Legion. I'm also considering Athrawes' Lightning Bearers. No doubt I'll want to paint him as a Dark Angel once I've read Angels of Caliban... 


Imperial Fist: I've still got a couple of Phalanx Warder shields left from my EC breachers project, and they would look perfect as an Imperial Fist storm shield for the Tribune. I'd also switch the paragon blade for either a thunder hammer or powerfist. I've also been considering using the Tribune mini to make my own version of Fafnir Rann. I know that Rann probably doesn't wear terminator armour but it would definitely fit the breacher/boarding action theme. I've got a couple of really nice axes that would look great paired with one of the Phalanx Warder shields. Another option would be to paint him in an alternative veteran/Templar scheme.


Night Lord: I recon the Tribune mini would look great with some grisly trophies and a skin cloak. The top of the Tartaros cowling would be perfect for some 40k type chaos terminator trophy racks (home made of course). The paragon blade also looks pretty VIII Legion and could easily be converted to a chainglaive. 


Alpha Legion: My vision is of a Praetor with the Paragon blade help one handed in his right hand, and a power dagger in a reverse grip in his left hand. The Alpha Legion scheme also looks amazing on Tartaros armour, and I've got a couple of heads (helmeted and unhelmeted) that would be perfect for the XX Legion.


A XIX Legion 'Deliverer' would also be amazing...




Yeah, that was the fist thing I thought of. I've still got some Phalanx Warder shields kicking around...


Strikes me as a member of the banana brigade to be fair

Hahaha, banana brigade, love it :P


I will join the chorus and say that he should be made an Imperial Fist. A lot of the iconography on the model (the lightning, the aquila) looks very early Great Crusade and that sort of stuff always looks good on Fists. I swear I'm not biased in any way towards the VII Legion. :wink:

As for conversion ideas, perhaps a thunder hammer instead of the odd looking glaive he has? I know it's pretty distinctive to the model, but I feel the model is usually improved when given a different weapon.

Yeah, if I go with an Imperial Fist I'll probably give him a shield and either a hammer or a powerfist. Not sure if I'd go with the regular scheme or the Templar scheme...


Either that or custodes

I can't see him as a Custodes. It's just personal opinion, but I feel that Cataphractii armour is a much better fit for the Custodes aesthetic.


I agree with the others, his armour & pose just screams Imperial Fists, not to mention Psycho's idea of replacing the Glaive head with a Thunder Hammer (Lysander's?) just fits so well.

I probably won't be able to get my hands on Lysander's hammer, but I've got plenty of other hammer options.


I still think he'd make an impressive Emperor's Children; an adjustment to his pose, the addition of a cape and the exchange of his spaulders for the Phoenix Guard ones would make him stand out amongst the rest of your army.

It could be done, but he'd never look as good as the other characters that are based on the Phoenix Guard minis. I'd also like to start a small Zone Mortalis force from a different Legion, and the Tribune mini seems like the perfect opportunity.


Given the amount of lightning bolts on his armor, I'd say make him none-and-all legions. Clad in storm cloud grey, veteran of the times prior to the destruction of Sedna.

That would look amazing, but it would feel wrong to use Tartaros armour to represent a character from the very earliest days of unification/the Great Crusade. I think that Tartaros was one of the later versions of terminator armour, and terminator armour in general was a later addition to the Legion's armouries.


Dude..... 3rd Legion all the way make him a pre heresy version of your amazing praetor. Back before Fulgrim.

You can make him ornate but more unity era

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With the possibility of painting a whole zone Mortalis force, go fists and have him be the Seneschal Fafnir Rann. I'd say do it in the yellow but the veteran scheme would look good with Rann and he is a veteran of sorts.
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