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While the inner Imperial in me says VII legion, the renegade in me wants to see this guy in XX legion colours. Also thematically it would make sense for him to be an Alpha as you said it yourself that Tartaros armour is a newer mark and the Alpha Legion would have access to it in preparation for the Heresy.


However regardless of how I feel, whatever decision you make will yield stellar results.

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I am going to be a bit off-beat here and say Death Guard


Cream armour, black or a very dark almost black brass/metal for the eagle etc. Armed with a Shotel, which is not a kopesh, but like an oversized sickle Green accents... 


I think it would look cool.


And the bulk would suit the Death Guard, because that is one chubby suit of armour!!

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If not a child of the III Legion, mayhaps a Word Bearer? There's nothing like the sight of flamer-wielding Colchisians scouring the underground of Calth of Ultramarine filth.


It'd sort of fit with Zone Mortalis. :tongue.: In a way.

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Thanks for the ideas/opinions! :)


At this stage I'm definitely leaning towards the Alpha Legion, and I've just ordered the FW AL decal sheet. I'm thinking that I might go for a small force focussing on Seekers/Head Hunters with some Terminators for support. The only issue I have with the Alpha Legion is that I feel like they lack character compared to the other Legions. I'll have to try to give them some...


Hopefully I'll have some pics to show in the next day or so.



Well, I think you know what I would vote for. :wink:

Anyway, whatever you choose to do, I'm certain it'll look excellent. Keep it up! :thumbsup:

I still want to paint a Tribune in IF colours... Maybe I'll come back to them if Rann ever gets a mini or I get a good idea for making my own version.


Just to be different, I'm going to say IXth legion. :tongue.:

Hahaha, that is different! I'm looking forward to seeing the BA specific units whenever FW get around to releasing them. I'm sure they'll tempt me.


With the possibility of painting a whole zone Mortalis force, go fists and have him be the Seneschal Fafnir Rann. I'd say do it in the yellow but the veteran scheme would look good with Rann and he is a veteran of sorts.

If I did a Rann I'd probably paint him in the usual Legion colours, but add some of his personal heraldry to spice it up a bit. 


I think Alpha legion with paragon blade and combat knife would look really cool.

Yeah that's what I'm going for at the moment. I just need to actually make a start on him and find an appropriate power dagger, which shouldn't be too difficult.



I think Alpha legion with paragon blade and combat knife would look really cool.

Make it a power dagger and you even get +1A for it.


That's the plan :)


While the inner Imperial in me says VII legion, the renegade in me wants to see this guy in XX legion colours. Also thematically it would make sense for him to be an Alpha as you said it yourself that Tartaros armour is a newer mark and the Alpha Legion would have access to it in preparation for the Heresy.

However regardless of how I feel, whatever decision you make will yield stellar results.

Yeah, the Tartaros mini looks perfect for the Alpha Legion. Sleek, high-tech, and powerful. Plus the curved armour looks great with the metallic scheme.


I'm not saying I have a clear bias towards one specific Legion in that list BUUUUUUUUUUT....

Hahaha, the Fists are so popular! 


Do the 2nd legion! Would LOVE to see your take on those

I'm definitely going to paint a II Legion mini when I get around the painting the Dark Angel and Iron Hand test minis.


I am going to be a bit off-beat here and say Death Guard


Cream armour, black or a very dark almost black brass/metal for the eagle etc. Armed with a Shotel, which is not a kopesh, but like an oversized sickle Green accents... 


I think it would look cool.


And the bulk would suit the Death Guard, because that is one chubby suit of armour!!

Yeah, the Death Guard were one of the first Legions that I considered for the tribune mini, but I see Cataphractii as a better fit for the XIV Legion (even though the Death Shroud wear Tartaros). Plus I'd want to give him a scythe and I don't have easy access to any...

A XIV Legion Zone Mortalis force with plenty of phosphex and Destroyers would be fun...



If not a child of the III Legion, mayhaps a Word Bearer? There's nothing like the sight of flamer-wielding Colchisians scouring the underground of Calth of Ultramarine filth.

It'd sort of fit with Zone Mortalis. :tongue.: In a way.

I was considering an Army of Dark Compliance lead by a Word Bearer Apostle, and filled out with cultist and mutant hordes. I recon it could be a pretty effective force for Zone Mortalis, but I don't really want to paint 50+ cultist minis... It's still a great idea though, and I do have some good bits for converting a WB character.



Hahaha, I knew that you'd like the Death Guard suggestion :P


After seeing Tzen's tribune praetor, I really want to see you tackle Word Bearers as well.

Damn! I hadn't seen Tzen's Tribune. He's done an amazing job as usual, but I feel that it looks more like a dark Blood Angel or Flesh Tearer. It definitely proves that the mini looks great in red though.




Thanks for the ideas :)

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Boo! Hiss! Go home Kizz your drunk!


Damn Alpha Legion always stealing hobbyists for their shenanigans

But what if the hobbyists were Alpha Legion all along? :ph34r.:

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For the Alpha Legion I've found you can add character by adding details such as extra ammo pouches, and other equipment, gives them a specialist vibe. Or you could use scales and the like but this may be a more chaotic style.
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The good thing about AL lacking character is you can give them any kind character you want! How about an aquatic theme? With seaserpents, fish fins, scales, scaled coats (like the cloacks from the dark elf marauders). Anyways, just a suggestion, I'm sure it's gonna look good.

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Boo! Hiss! Go home Kizz your drunk!


Damn Alpha Legion always stealing hobbyists for their shenanigans

But what if the hobbyists were Alpha Legion all along? :ph34r.:

Kizz is Alpharius @_#



Plot twist; We're all Alpharius.

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Wait...What? Who is Alpharius??


Don't do it Kizz, not an Alpha, think of the Children (of the Emperor)


Grieux did d anie EC  tribune and Kurama-man I think has slapped Eidolons helmeted bonce on his tribune


And no, don't do a Scythe for Death Guard, (if you do Death Guard in the future) It is way too stereotypical, giant sickles are the way forward... SICK-le

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I have to admit, I had hoped you'd chose the Lightning Bearers, simply because we still have no white armour tutorial from you :wink: Sure your breachers have some white plates, but nothing to the scale of that amazing Whie Scar of yours :smile.:


Still, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your Tribute turned into a Snake!

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So, this is what I've done so far... Only a small amount of progress, but I'm pretty happy with the dagger.






Boo! Hiss! Go home Kizz your drunk!

Damn Alpha Legion always stealing hobbyists for their shenanigans

Hahaha, don't you want to see me have a go at something new and fresh? :P


For the Alpha Legion I've found you can add character by adding details such as extra ammo pouches, and other equipment, gives them a specialist vibe. Or you could use scales and the like but this may be a more chaotic style.

That's what I'll be going for as far as the minis are concerned. I'm more worried about their lack of character from a background/fluff perspective.


The good thing about AL lacking character is you can give them any kind character you want! How about an aquatic theme? With seaserpents, fish fins, scales, scaled coats (like the cloacks from the dark elf marauders). Anyways, just a suggestion, I'm sure it's gonna look good.

That's true, but I prefer to have a strong theme to work from because it helps me to focus and keep thing cohesive. I'm worried that the Alpha Legion will give me too much freedom...


Wait...What? Who is Alpharius??


Don't do it Kizz, not an Alpha, think of the Children (of the Emperor)


Grieux did d anie EC  tribune and Kurama-man I think has slapped Eidolons helmeted bonce on his tribune


And no, don't do a Scythe for Death Guard, (if you do Death Guard in the future) It is way too stereotypical, giant sickles are the way forward... SICK-le

Yeah, Grieux and Kurama both did an excellent job with their Tribunes, but I want to try something a bit different. Don't worry though, the Emperor's Children will always be my primary Legion and I'll continue to work on them.


I have to admit, I had hoped you'd chose the Lightning Bearers, simply because we still have no white armour tutorial from you :wink: Sure your breachers have some white plates, but nothing to the scale of that amazing Whie Scar of yours :smile.:

Still, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your Tribute turned into a Snake!

But the Lightning Bearers aren't really white. Not like the White Scars. When I get around to painting a Lightning Bearer I'll definitely make a tutorial :)


Kizz- That tribune would look spectacular as AL. Power dagger-wise, if you can snag an Empire Greatsword (AoS/WFB), their swords, once trimmed down to knife-size, make excellent PDs. 'Cause they're squiggly.

Huh, I hadn't thought about the Empire Great Swords. That's a pretty clever idea. I've gone for something a bit more nasty looking based on a Dark Elf sword.





Thanks for looking ;)

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