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I've been using dark eldar knives for my power daggers and I think they look great! Going to put some more photos in my thread tomorrow because I've just painted them.


Very interested to see how you alter the pose to accommodate the dagger, I've got some other projects I want to do first so I'll be watching your thread closely for the near future.

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Brilliant work making the blades look like siblings, a really nice touch. Will your tribune be holding the dagger normally or in a sneaky-looking reverse grip?

Looking at how the hand is currently attached to the blade, he's definitely looking at a reverse grip!


Btw, love the change to the paragonblade, the shortened handle does the trick perfectly.

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Dang... He's going to look viscous.


Your gif game is strong. Is that from Misfits.


Kizzdoug- are you going to paint it in the same metallic scheme as your other one or are you going for something different?

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Well I decided not to use the Power Dagger or Paragon Blade after all...


I thought I'd look to see what a powerfist looked like on the Tribune, and knew I had to change the load out. I remembered the Alpha Legion in Legion using gladii and decided to use one as a replacement for the power dagger. It's a standard legion weapon which I think suits the anonymity of the XX Legion.


I've also added some scale-mail to the shoulders because it seemed pretty AL appropriate, and the loincloth will be a great background to add some of the amazing FW AL decals.




I'm also working on a back mounted combi-weapon...



Dagger looks great. Totally understandable wanting to have a set theme to follow.

Thanks bro! I'm not going to use the dagger on this particular mini, but I'll keep it handy for a future project.


Brilliant work making the blades look like siblings, a really nice touch. Will your tribune be holding the dagger normally or in a sneaky-looking reverse grip?

Thanks mate! The power dagger is held in a revers grip, but I've gone with the gladii instead.


Dang... He's going to look viscous.

Thanks bro! He is a little lest vicious now, but hopefully he still looks like a badarse.


Can't wait to see this.

Hope it lives up to expectation :)


I've been using dark eldar knives for my power daggers and I think they look great! Going to put some more photos in my thread tomorrow because I've just painted them.


Very interested to see how you alter the pose to accommodate the dagger, I've got some other projects I want to do first so I'll be watching your thread closely for the near future.

Yeah, the Dark Eldar and Dark Elves are a great source of nasty looking blades. I used a Dark Eldar blade on my Saboteur/Vigilator. 




Brilliant work making the blades look like siblings, a really nice touch. Will your tribune be holding the dagger normally or in a sneaky-looking reverse grip?

Looking at how the hand is currently attached to the blade, he's definitely looking at a reverse grip!

Btw, love the change to the paragonblade, the shortened handle does the trick perfectly.


Yeah, reverse grip for sure. Glad you like the shorter handle. It might be a bit too thick, but with a good pommel it works out alright.


As usual Kizz, your work is really good. The blade is very nice and, as people have said, it looks perfect as a smaller sibling! Interested to see the pose!

Thanks bro! Hopefully you like how he's going :)




Dang... He's going to look viscous.

Your gif game is strong. Is that from Misfits.

Kizzdoug- are you going to paint it in the same metallic scheme as your other one or are you going for something different?


Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.

Woah woah, metallic black? Please Kizz, you've already managed to make half a dozen legions I previously had no interest in look amazing and generate unbearable indecision as to which I should collect, don't add the I, X and XIX to the list please! :smile.:

Edited by Player 404
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Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.

Woah woah, metallic black? Please Kizz, you've already managed to make half a dozen legions I previously had no interest in look amazing and generate unbearable indecision as to which I should collect, don't add the I, X and XIX to the list please! :smile.:

If I may so humbly suggest. Reaper Minitiatures makes a bangin' metallic black called Adamantium Black that would fulfill the role quite nicely.

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Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.

Woah woah, metallic black? Please Kizz, you've already managed to make half a dozen legions I previously had no interest in look amazing and generate unbearable indecision as to which I should collect, don't add the I, X and XIX to the list please! :smile.:


If I may so humbly suggest. Reaper Minitiatures makes a bangin' metallic black called Adamantium Black that would fulfill the role quite nicely.


But I don't want to want to do DAs or Iron Hands! Stay away you two and temptation!


Kizz, you now have me very worried, I'd managed to slim down my list of legions I need to paint test models for down to 3 (Scars, UMs and SoHs) but once this guy comes up I'll most likely end up having to add AL, DAs and IHs back to the list... /sigh

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I've started on my next ETL vow, the Alpha Legion Praetor. I couldn't help myself. I've skipped ahead and painted the most fun part first, the head.


Usually I'd leave the head until last, but because it has been left seperate there was nothing to stop me from starting on it straight away...






I've got some Alpha Legion decals on the way from Forgeworld. Hopefully there will be one that will look good as a tattoo on the side of the head.


This is all I've done on the rest of the mini so far. I'm hoping to make some good progress over the next couple of days.







He looks really cool. I love the scaled shoulder dangly things. I was looking forward to seeing the power dagger in action but this will do :wink:

Thanks mate! I'll be saving the power dagger for another mini, so it will be used :)



Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.

Woah woah, metallic black? Please Kizz, you've already managed to make half a dozen legions I previously had no interest in look amazing and generate unbearable indecision as to which I should collect, don't add the I, X and XIX to the list please! :smile.:


Hahaha, at this stage I'm planning to keep the metallic black very simple. Just some Runefang or Leadbelcher added to some Abaddon Black. But I will be painting up a Dark Angel and Iron Hand after the ETL is finished.




Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.

Woah woah, metallic black? Please Kizz, you've already managed to make half a dozen legions I previously had no interest in look amazing and generate unbearable indecision as to which I should collect, don't add the I, X and XIX to the list please! :smile.:

If I may so humbly suggest. Reaper Minitiatures makes a bangin' metallic black called Adamantium Black that would fulfill the role quite nicely.


I'll definitely check it out if I decide to keep working with the Alphas. For the time being I'll just mix up my own, but Adamantium Black sounds perfect for what I'm planning.





Yeah, I'll be painting in the same metallic blue scheme, although I'll probably add some more green and try out a few different colours such as metallic black for the shoulder pads etc.

Woah woah, metallic black? Please Kizz, you've already managed to make half a dozen legions I previously had no interest in look amazing and generate unbearable indecision as to which I should collect, don't add the I, X and XIX to the list please! :smile.:


If I may so humbly suggest. Reaper Minitiatures makes a bangin' metallic black called Adamantium Black that would fulfill the role quite nicely.


But I don't want to want to do DAs or Iron Hands! Stay away you two and temptation!

Kizz, you now have me very worried, I'd managed to slim down my list of legions I need to paint test models for down to 3 (Scars, UMs and SoHs) but once this guy comes up I'll most likely end up having to add AL, DAs and IHs back to the list... /sigh


Hahaha, that just means that you need to get on with it! Paint up your test minis and choose a Legion before you get distracted ;)


How'd you make that scalemail? I really need to know for an upcoming project of mine

The scalemail is press moulded from the Tomb King, Tomb Guard minis. High Elf minis would be another good source of scalemail.


Ugh. I wasn't going to put a tabard on my praetor but now I have to! Looks incredible kizz. 

Hahaha, do it! I press moulded the tabard from a EC Phoenix Guard Terminator.







Thanks for looking ;)

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I've painted the base colours and applied the washes. Now I just need to paint the details, add the highlights, wait for the decals to arrive, and paint up the combi-weapon.





As always the metallic blue doesn't photograph very well. The colour is much richer and more vibrant in person.





Thanks for looking ;)


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Some more progress on the Praetor.




And I built him a base. I was going to go for a similar base to what I used for my test minis (desert/Mars), but decided that even though that would look pretty great ZM themed bases where just a bit more appropriate for a ZM force...





I love what you've done with the scales. They seem to be easy enough to do - but I'm still curious how exactly you did them.... tut pretty please?

Hey bro, I was asked the same question in a private message. Here is what I replied:


I use a product called Oyumaru to make the mould and then use greenstuff to make the cast. It's great for adding some extra detail to your minis.


Oyumaru is a great product. It's quite cheap and can be reused again and again.



I just did a quick search online and found this tutorial. It matches up pretty well with how I use the product.



The scalemail was moulded from the Tomb Kings, Tomb Guard.



Hope that helps. The tutorial in the link seems to be pretty good :)


Well that's a nice Terminator!

Thanks bro, hopefully he turns out even better.


Have you tried photographing the miniature on a darker background? A little bit of contrast usually helps.


Loving this so far. c:

That's a really good idea. When the mini is finished I'll take some picks with a black or off white background.


Good start on the terminator. The little details are ace. Im glad your thinking of giving him a head tattoo, will look ace. The skin tone is great to.

Thanks a lot, mate! I'm getting my hands on the decals this Saturday. Fingers crossed that there is a suitably coloured/sized decal for the 'tattoo'. Glad you like the skin tone. I seem to remember the Alpha Legion being described as 'tanned' in Legion, so that's the look I tried to go for.


Man that Terminator is really cool looking. Seriously digging your take on the Alpha Legion Blue & those scales are a really cool detail.

Thanks, dude! Hope you like him when he's finished too :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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Just finished my third ETL vow!














I'm planing a small, Terminator heavy, ZM list for him to lead.




Gorgeous, the blue is excellent. Seeing what some people have done with the LE Praetor Tribune makes me regret not picking one up - its like 40 quid on ebay now.

Thanks a lot! He costs AU$70 over here, so not much cheaper direct from GW...







Thanks for looking ;)

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