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Love you take on Fireblade, really cool.


Also, I like the 'eye liner' you have achieved on his face, it is really set off against his pale complection. Its funny, Fulgrim is probably the least favourite sculpt of a Primarch on the internet, but a few subtle tweaks and a top notch paint job really saves him. In a way, yours kind of reminds me of crazed, post human version of David Bowie in Labirynth :biggrin.:


Great work :thumbsup:

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So, how should I paint the Fireblade?


The descriptions in Fulgrim seem to vary a bit. It's often described as having a golden blade, but it's also described as glowing and burning with the fire of it's forging.


Should I go for the glowing/white hot look...








Or a metallic gold blade...?


I'm also planning to buy some new paint for the cloak, today. So hopefully I'll be able to post some pics of the cloak soonish.





Banner looks cool, but oh man, fireblade is just great! Loyalists all the way, brother, FOR THE EMPEROR.

Thanks, bro! Really glad that you like the sword and banner.


Love you take on Fireblade, really cool.

Also, I like the 'eye liner' you have achieved on his face, it is really set off against his pale complection. Its funny, Fulgrim is probably the least favourite sculpt of a Primarch on the internet, but a few subtle tweaks and a top notch paint job really saves him. In a way, yours kind of reminds me of crazed, post human version of David Bowie in Labirynth :biggrin.:

Great work :thumbsup:

Thanks, mate! Yeah, I wasn't sold on the Fulgrim sculpt until I actually got my hands on the mini. Now I love it. Before I started painting him, his face was probably my least favourite aspect of the mini, but now that it's painted I like it a lot more and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in the end.

And yes, Fulgrim has always had something of Bowie about him.


Looking very promising there old chap! Shall look forward to seeing how it progresses! Great work on Fulgrims skin, you've managed to make him look sufficiently uncorrupted!

Fireblade looks good, but the hilt may come up a little small from the looks of it!

Thank a lot bro! I'm pretty happy with the pale skin. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make it pale enough without it looking really unnatural or even dead, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

With the blade are you referring to the grip or the guard? I'll be adding a pommel, so the handle will have a bit more length when it's finished.


Dude, Fulgrim's eye shadow and contour job is on point.

Hahaha, he's all natural, I swear... I forgot to add #nomakeup to the original image :P


Not liking the look of Fireblade (more due to the base sculpt than anything else, but also not too keen on the double-headed eagle part) but Fulgrim is stunning so far. :thumbsup:

Thanks, dude! What would you change about the sword to improve it?


He's looking really great, and the Fireblade will probably work nicely too. He's giving off a certain Bowie-vibe, which I like!

Thanks, bro! Hopefully turns out well when he is finished.

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I would say if you're going to do a burning look, make it lookeeps realistic. Perhaps smoldering. While those pictures you posted look nice, they don't exactly come out and say "I'm on fire"... at least not in a way that doesn't look cartoony. In the end it's up to you, but if I were you I would either go with a cracked and smoldering look, as if there's liquid magma attempting to break through... or just do it metal, albeit an exotic looking one.
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So my two cents would be to go for a golden blade. The fire looks too much like a magic or physich sword, too unnatural to be something forged by Ferrus. 


But considering you used the fire sword from the wizard kit, how about combining it? Making the sword part look like steel and then maybe give it some washes to make it blend with the fire and giving it a touch of gold?

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I  reckon, the sword done in Steel/siver with a few coats of sepia/gloss would give a nice golden tint to the blade, then using white at the very base of the flame (Maybe very thinly black lined, like a sooting or shadow effect) will help separate the fire from the sword?


Use totemploes fire method from his Hall of honour thread (the Executioner model)... Will look wicked cool..

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I say go for the white hot flames effect you posted (Archaon's sword is probably the best example) for one reason - it'd look cool as all hell


In terms of the realism aspect, you could go with the idea that Ferrus constructed the blade out of some form of adamantine alloy with an internal heating element - normally the blade is white-hot, and whatever blood / gore remains on it is instantly ignited, so the flames you'd see in battle are the blood of Fulgrim's enemies being immolated?


Either way I know you'll make it look awesome Kizz :thumbsup:

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A bit more progress Fulgrim. The cloak, head, and vexilla are all still unattached for ease of painting. So far only the head and the base are finished. Everything else still needs a final highlight, especially the gold and silver. 











Also, what about something like this for Fireblade?




I would say if you're going to do a burning look, make it lookeeps realistic. Perhaps smoldering. While those pictures you posted look nice, they don't exactly come out and say "I'm on fire"... at least not in a way that doesn't look cartoony. In the end it's up to you, but if I were you I would either go with a cracked and smoldering look, as if there's liquid magma attempting to break through... or just do it metal, albeit an exotic looking one.

That sounds way too difficult and beyond my ability :P I'll probably go with a metallic gold blade and see how it looks. At the moment I'm just focussing on getting everything else finished. I'll tackle the blade last of all.


Fulgrim is looking great. I really like what you have done with the pose. Regarding the blade could you not do a little bit of both? have a golden blade with the fire or smouldering effect as DuskRaider described running up the centre?



I could try, but I recon it'd probably beyond my ability to make it look convincing. Mixing metallic and non-metallic colours on the same blade would be pretty difficult. Maybe I just need to harden up and give it a go...


So my two cents would be to go for a golden blade. The fire looks too much like a magic or physich sword, too unnatural to be something forged by Ferrus. 


But considering you used the fire sword from the wizard kit, how about combining it? Making the sword part look like steel and then maybe give it some washes to make it blend with the fire and giving it a touch of gold?

Well it is a burning sword, so it can't be too natural. When Ferrus destroys the sword in Fulgrim (with his hands) it explodes into white hot pieces that burn both of the Primarchs. The difficulty is finding a balance between flaming/redhot/magical sword and realistic/believable sword.


I  reckon, the sword done in Steel/siver with a few coats of sepia/gloss would give a nice golden tint to the blade, then using white at the very base of the flame (Maybe very thinly black lined, like a sooting or shadow effect) will help separate the fire from the sword?


Use totemploes fire method from his Hall of honour thread (the Executioner model)... Will look wicked cool..

Yeah, that's how I usually paint my fire, light to dark. As I said at the moment I'm leaning towards something like what you've suggested, but I'll leave the blade until last and have a bit more of a think about it.


I say go for the white hot flames effect you posted (Archaon's sword is probably the best example) for one reason - it'd look cool as all hell


In terms of the realism aspect, you could go with the idea that Ferrus constructed the blade out of some form of adamantine alloy with an internal heating element - normally the blade is white-hot, and whatever blood / gore remains on it is instantly ignited, so the flames you'd see in battle are the blood of Fulgrim's enemies being immolated?


Either way I know you'll make it look awesome Kizz :thumbsup:

Thanks for the vote of confidence bro. I'm going to do a bit more research and see what other people have done as far as burning blades are concerned. Maybe I'll be inspired to give the redhot effect a go :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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Your work is stunning, als usual! While Fulgrim isn't one of my favourite Primarch sculpts, your changes to the stock model are winning me over, especially that Vexilla! A small nitpick, however: Why does the cloth on the Vexilla's haft seem to behave differently than Fulgrim's cloak?


As for the sword, check out Apologist's recent Ferrus Manus conversion: The model is wielding Fireblade, and the paintjob on the blade really seems like just about the ideal solution to me.

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That Laeran scene where they're approaching the sword immediately sprung to mind and if thats what you were going for, you've nailed it.

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Fulgrim looks absolutely stunning! The detail in or work is truly inspiring, but I'm pretty sure you'll get sick of hearing that one day!


Sword wise I like the idea from the picture of the Emperor - the wizard flame sword, dark and smouldering at the base growing through orange, yellow to write at the tip, flame effects an all. I have tried (with little success!) to use interference paint - adds a shimmer to non-Metallic paints. I wonder if, with your superior skills, a metallic effect could be brought through the flames using such paints?

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A random google search threw this up,




I quite like it, seems to fit the description of the book on Fireblade.


I do think the guard section of the hilt will look a little small on a Primarch scale model, from what I can tell it looks like a standard marine powersword hilt to me.... That said, I've not got the actual model to compare it with, Fulgrim isn't that bulky a guy, so it might not look undersized....

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Fulgrim is looking great. I really like what you have done with the pose. Regarding the blade could you not do a little bit of both? have a golden blade with the fire or smouldering effect as DuskRaider described running up the centre?




I could try, but I recon it'd probably beyond my ability to make it look convincing. Mixing metallic and non-metallic colours on the same blade would be pretty difficult. Maybe I just need to harden up and give it a go...


I think you may be too modest :). Have you thought about using the GW red glaze? If you used the same technique that GW does for Grey Knights armour just substituting the colours and building up to a stronger red with glaze it could work I think :tu:.



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So I've painted the flames on the sword. I still need to make a start on the blade though...




Note: the sword is still unattached, so it's not properly aligned in this pic. And the flames are also a bit out of focus...





Your work is stunning, als usual! While Fulgrim isn't one of my favourite Primarch sculpts, your changes to the stock model are winning me over, especially that Vexilla! A small nitpick, however: Why does the cloth on the Vexilla's haft seem to behave differently than Fulgrim's cloak?

As for the sword, check out Apologist's recent Ferrus Manus conversion: The model is wielding Fireblade, and the paintjob on the blade really seems like just about the ideal solution to me.

Thanks a lot, bro! The cloth on the vexilla is behaving differently because I don't have the green stuff skills to completely change it :P 




That Laeran scene where they're approaching the sword immediately sprung to mind and if thats what you were going for, you've nailed it.

Thanks, dude! That scene was an inspiration, although obviously the base is inappropriate for Laern.


Fulgrim looks absolutely stunning! The detail in or work is truly inspiring, but I'm pretty sure you'll get sick of hearing that one day!

Sword wise I like the idea from the picture of the Emperor - the wizard flame sword, dark and smouldering at the base growing through orange, yellow to write at the tip, flame effects an all. I have tried (with little success!) to use interference paint - adds a shimmer to non-Metallic paints. I wonder if, with your superior skills, a metallic effect could be brought through the flames using such paints?

Thanks, bro! Thanks for the suggestions. I saw some of that interference paint when I was last at my local store. I'll probably stick to something a bit simpler this time around, but I'm keen to try the paint out for some Alpha Legion armour.


A random google search threw this up,




I quite like it, seems to fit the description of the book on Fireblade.


I do think the guard section of the hilt will look a little small on a Primarch scale model, from what I can tell it looks like a standard marine powersword hilt to me.... That said, I've not got the actual model to compare it with, Fulgrim isn't that bulky a guy, so it might not look undersized....

Yeah, I saw that sword when I was looking for inspiration, it's awesome. If I had an airbrush I'd consider giving it a try, but I think it'd be pretty difficult to achieve a similar result without one.



Fulgrim is looking great. I really like what you have done with the pose. Regarding the blade could you not do a little bit of both? have a golden blade with the fire or smouldering effect as DuskRaider described running up the centre?




I could try, but I recon it'd probably beyond my ability to make it look convincing. Mixing metallic and non-metallic colours on the same blade would be pretty difficult. Maybe I just need to harden up and give it a go...


I think you may be too modest :smile.:. Have you thought about using the GW red glaze? If you used the same technique that GW does for Grey Knights armour just substituting the colours and building up to a stronger red with glaze it could work I think :thumbsup:.




Thanks for the suggestion, bro! :)






Thanks for looking ;)

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Not to diminish the work you're doing in the slightest; you're doing a magnificent job on this project. Really, hats off to you.


Buuutt... at one point while looking at the progress photos, where he has nothing in his hands, I could help but have a brief flash of silliness pass through my mind.


"Where the :censored: did you learn how to fight?"


"By watching West Side Story 300 times! Annndd... Step! 2, 3, Pivot! 2, 3, Lunge! 2, 3, Turn! 2, 3!" *Starts snapping his fingers in time with his movements*


As soon as he has anything in either hand the image is shattered, and I'm sorry if I have in any way diminished this great work, but I simply can't help but share the image. :)

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Fulgrim is finished (as finished as a mini with this much detail can ever be). I the end I went with the red hot/glowing look for the sword. Hopefully it isn't too cartoony. I do like how sharply it contrasts with the rest of the mini.

Before I started working on him, I wasn't too excited about the Fulgrim mini, but through the process of painting him he has come to be one of my favourites. It can be really difficult to judge a mini until you actually hold it in your hand. 

Now I need to decide which Primarch to paint next...





















Hope you like him :)





Sekmet looks glorious

Thanks, bro! I had a lot of fun with the Sekhmet back in the day. I'm considering starting a fresh Thousand Sons project once they get their time in the sun from FW.


Looks really nice brother.

Thanks a lot, dude!


I kind of feel Fulgrim should have Worldbreaker after Apologist did such a grand job on Ferrus with Fireblade, but he's looking good.

I wish Fulgrim could take Forgebreaker (not Worldbreaker, that's Horus' mace), it's such a great weapon, both aesthetically and rules wise (what else would you expect of weapon crafted by the Phoenician). 


Not to diminish the work you're doing in the slightest; you're doing a magnificent job on this project. Really, hats off to you.


Buuutt... at one point while looking at the progress photos, where he has nothing in his hands, I could help but have a brief flash of silliness pass through my mind.


"Where the :censored: did you learn how to fight?"


"By watching West Side Story 300 times! Annndd... Step! 2, 3, Pivot! 2, 3, Lunge! 2, 3, Turn! 2, 3!" *Starts snapping his fingers in time with his movements*


As soon as he has anything in either hand the image is shattered, and I'm sorry if I have in any way diminished this great work, but I simply can't help but share the image. :smile.:

Hahahahaha, that gave me a good laugh! Yeah, he looked pretty silly without his sword or the vexilla. Hopefully he looks a bit more worthy of his Primarch status now :P





Thanks for looking ;)

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