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I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.


I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

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I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.


I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

Death Guard:"You've not touched your coffee brother of the Ist!"

Dark Angel: "Man I've seen some :cuss!"

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Have you done a Lightning Bearer yet? I feel like the next guy you should do should be a Lightning Bearer... :P


But seriously, some amazing work in this thread since the last time I commented. The newest Dark Angel is amazing in every aspect, from the Legion icon and checkers to the battle damage (puts my Fists to shame!) to everything else about the model... it's just perfect. I can't say anything else. It's perfect!

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I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.


I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

This. All of this. 


I can only add that the battle damage - and its weathering - on the Dark Angel trumps even the Death Guard's. Love it. Love it.

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I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.


I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

This. All of this.


I can only add that the battle damage - and its weathering - on the Dark Angel trumps even the Death Guard's. Love it. Love it.

Black seems to be easier to get weathering out of than other colours. Looking at real life weathered metals, black seems to show the best results, whereas other colours have different layers under them from the primer to the base layers...Ahh...goddamned paint and metal...haha


Only reason I'm saying black is because I'm looking at next door's Audi A4 and it's faring has been scratched and borked, and its shown the metal under it.

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The Iron hand is finished! Inspired by the Dark Angel I decided to push on and get the project finished. The Iron hand was pretty fun to paint in the end, although it wasn't until the last few steps that I was happy with how he was looking. Before I added the Legion and Clan freehand and the eye lenses he has very monotone and boring. Once I added the colour and detail I was happy with how he turned out.




Legion freehand



Clan Morragul freehand






And here it is...


 The March of the Legions






I've had a lot of fun with this project. It's been a great experience working on each of the Legions and I've especially enjoyed trying some free hand, and learning how to add some weathering to my minis. I think it's fair to say that when I get around to working on a new Legion force it will have plenty of weathering. I'd definitely encourage everyone to have a go at some weathering if they haven't tried it before. I feel that it really adds a lot of character to a mini and it can be especially useful when painting black armour, something many of us struggle with. Even if you just start by getting some weathering powders, give it a go.


Secondly I'd like to thank everyone who has been a part of the experience, whether offering encouragement or constructive criticism. Your participation has been the main reason that I kept going with this project and got it finished in the end. Thanks again :smile.:




On another note I still haven't been able to decide which Legion to go with next... So I suppose the whole project has been an abject failure :tongue.:



I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.

I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

Thanks a lot, bro! Hahaha, I like to think he's fighting in the Rangdan Xenocide or another similarly brutal conflict, hence the battered warplate. 


That's one suitably beat up Ist right there...yeah I can see the red on the knee cop and on the shoulder...are the brighter irl?

The red is Khorne Red, so not too bright. I didn't want the colour to be really bright, although the weathering would have toned it down a bit anyway.



I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.

I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

Death Guard:"You've not touched your coffee brother of the Ist!"
Dark Angel: "Man I've seen some :censored:!"


Hahaha, "the Rangdan Xenocide, you weren't there, dude"


Maaaan, that looks really nice. Would like to see, what you would do if you tackle a Warden of Light and make the golden armor worn out.

Wish I can paint with that quality and speed

Thanks a lot, mate! I'm not sure what I'll be up to next, but your colour scheme is definitely awesome!


Have you done a Lightning Bearer yet? I feel like the next guy you should do should be a Lightning Bearer... :tongue.:


But seriously, some amazing work in this thread since the last time I commented. The newest Dark Angel is amazing in every aspect, from the Legion icon and checkers to the battle damage (puts my Fists to shame!) to everything else about the model... it's just perfect. I can't say anything else. It's perfect!

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Dark Angel. I've been collecting some pieces to make a Lightning Bearer, but I'm not sure when I'll get around building/painting him.


The red checkering was exactly what he needed, perfect!

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the checkers.



I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.

I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

This. All of this. 


I can only add that the battle damage - and its weathering - on the Dark Angel trumps even the Death Guard's. Love it. Love it.


Thanks! I'm really enjoying adding battle damage to minis. My next army will definitely be pretty beaten up.




I really like that Dark Angel. The red heraldry is really well done and he looks like he's been through some stuff.

I'd comment on your work a lot more but there's only so many ways I can word 'that model is stunning' etc without sounding like a broken record!

This. All of this.

I can only add that the battle damage - and its weathering - on the Dark Angel trumps even the Death Guard's. Love it. Love it.

Black seems to be easier to get weathering out of than other colours. Looking at real life weathered metals, black seems to show the best results, whereas other colours have different layers under them from the primer to the base layers...Ahh...goddamned paint and metal...haha

Only reason I'm saying black is because I'm looking at next door's Audi A4 and it's faring has been scratched and borked, and its shown the metal under it.


Yeah, black is pretty easy to weather with metallic chipping and weathering powder. Weathering also makes it much easier make black armour look good. So it's a bit of a symbiotic relationship.





Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Nothing but quality in those 18 paint jobs.

As for selecting your next legion..

Which did you enjoy painting the most?

Which colour gives you most grief?

Which legion fluff most appeals to you?


And if you still can't decide make the picture large enough all 18 fit on the screen, cover your eyes and point :p

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Just do all the legions!


Whichever you decide to go with, I can't wait to see the result. Especially if you're going to weather them, they'll be a nice contrast to your Emperors Children.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't make a decision around here!

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Saw these over on FB and they look awesome. If I could make a suggestion? I think you should look at Fists or Scars for your legion. Looking at the group pic they really stand out and show off your skills the lost I think. :tu:
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Superb work brother. Each model is an individual and the each individual is painted to a standard I'd be proud of. :tu:


As for a Legion project, how about focusing on an unusual role for a Legion that specialises in something else? Like, Fists are siege experts, defenders and void fighters, so what about some hit and run forces? Likewise, Scars are the opposite being the premier bike-mounted Legion, but what about making a project about an insertion squad? Or the Alpha Legion as a terminator-led armoured force?


I think you get what I mean, brother. :) 

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I mean, they're all fantastic Kizz - you've outdone yourself


Love the scheme you've gone for on the Iron Hand - normally, I prefer the oil-stained scheme for adding colour to what would otherwise be a pretty monotone scheme, but the way you've painted the lenses gives the model great contrast that would look great en-masse


In terms of the next Legion, how about one which would synergise well with your ECs - if you wanted fluffy, the Sons of Horus would work ... or the Iron Hands :wink:   

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