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2. A Thunder Warrior who has gone a bit off the rails...


This one sounds pretty interesting. I'd love to see what you can do with the model - how you would go about converting him, and all. ^_^

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Time for another step by step!


I Legiones Astartes: Dark Angels

Part 1


As usual I started off by undercoating the mini with Chaos Black spray. I also decided to leave the boltgun separate.



Next up I base-coated the silver areas such as the combat blade, power pack vents, and the 'soft' parts of the armour with Leadbelcher.



I then painted the gold areas with Retributor Armour. This new 'base' paint from GW is great for quickly painting a solid and consistent layer of gold.



I also painted some of the tubes on the power pack with Balthazar Gold before giving both types of gold a wash of Reikland Fleshtone. Usually I'd use Agrax Earthshade to wash the gold, but for the Dark Angel I wanted a more reddish gold to match the description of the Lion's armour in Angels of Caliban.



Next up I moved on to highlighting the black armour. For this step I used a 1/2 mix of Abaddon Black and Mechanicus Standard Grey. The key to this step was to keep the highlights as thin as possible. Thick highlights on black armour can make it look a bit too grey.



I then moved onto some freehand on the shoulder pads. Freehand painting over the top of black armour is very forgiving because it's so easy to go back afterwards and fix all of the mistakes with some black paint.



See next post for part 2.









...a plastic version of Angron?! :wink:


Seriously, I've already converted the other Slaughterpriest into a plastic Angron, and this guy would work really well for a similar conversion, if you ask me. If anything, the pose is even better. The one thing missing is the perfect bare face from the alternate Slaughterpriest model. But you'll be able to figure something out. Stormcast Eternal breast plates are a pretty good match for Angron's "official" armour. Just sayin'...


Failing that, my favourite options from your list are the Khârn counts-as or the Tunder Warrior.

Haha, it would never live up to your Angron, so I won't even try. I've even got some spare Stormcast breast plates lying around, but I would be such a shame to cover up the awesome detail on his torso. Plus I love painting skin and I don't get nearly enough of that with space marines etc. 

Maybe a techno-barbarian or gene-wrought killer from the wastes of Terra would work better. Or maybe even a member of an elite experimental phase of the Inductii program. Perhaps an Inductii Primus...


Thunder Warrior, would love to see your take on it. That said, it does suit Slaanesh pretty well, planning that one myself.

The main challenge with making him a good Slaanesh champion would be finding him a suitable head. He could be great as one of Fabius' monstrosities, either a willing subject or a less willing POW.


I think we'll be seeing many of these conversions in the next few weeks - I'm aiming for a post-heresy lucius - bare chested to relish the sensations of being cut!

I'm would love to see your take on a thunder warrior!

That's actually a really good idea! 

Yeah, I'm sure they're going to be popping up all over the place. My local GW is holding a painting comp for the mini so I'm hoping to get it finished by the end of the month.


I think a Thunder Warrior would be great.

Yeah, it would be pretty fun, especially now that I've finished my 'March of the Legions' project. I'll have to have a look through my bits to see if I can come up with something.


The guy is huge, taller than a terminator when assembled!!

I was gonna go for a World Eater myself, but hes too big so ive made mine into a chrono-gladiator/arco flagellant for an inquisitor.

Because of his size, he'd make an awesome thunder warrior (wish id had that idea... haha)

Yeah, if I painted him as a space marine he would definitely have to be a Fabius/Surlak experiment or blessed by the Dark Gods. If I had some sweet looking bionic weapons that I could attach to his arms I'd definitely consider making him and inquisitorial henchman. That's a pretty sweet idea.



...a plastic version of Angron?! :wink:

Seriously, I've already converted the other Slaughterpriest into a plastic Angron, and this guy would work really well for a similar conversion, if you ask me. If anything, the pose is even better. The one thing missing is the perfect bare face from the alternate Slaughterpriest model. But you'll be able to figure something out. Stormcast Eternal breast plates are a pretty good match for Angron's "official" armour. Just sayin'...

Failing that, my favourite options from your list are the Khârn counts-as or the Tunder Warrior.

Hahah Kraut you slay me hahah....wait no...put down that axe....

Do him as a Khârn...the boys beastly enough


I wouldn't be doing him as Khârn, but rather a Khornate Champion. Khârn's helmet is pretty iconic and it'd look a bit strange if he was modelled without it.


I've got one myself, tempted to make a thunder warrior or a pit gladiator. I know this information isn't much help to you but I though I'd share

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Dark Angel step by step

Part 2


Here is the Legion icon after it has been fixed up a bit with some black paint. Another way to hide any freehand mistakes is with weathering ;)



I wanted to include some checks somewhere on the mini as they're fairly iconic for the Ist Legion. The righthand shoulder pad was the perfect place despite the curved surface making it a bit more challenging.





I then added a decal from the GW space marine decal sheet.



Next up I highlighted the gold and silver areas with Runefang Steel.



With all of the armour detail finished it was time for some sponge weathering. On the shoulder pads I started by sponging some black over the red freehand before sponging over the top with Leadbelcher. For the rest of the armour I went straight to the Leadbelcher weathering. I might have added a little too much weathering, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I think weathering can really add a lot of character to black armour.



The eye lens was painted using Khorne Red, Troll Slayer Orange, and Yriel Yellow.



I then added the boltgun and it was time for a base and some weathering powder.




I used FW Aged Rust weathering powder focussing around the legs, but making sure that the rest of the armour got a little bit as well.





Thanks for looking ;)


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Some early work on the White Dwarf Slaughterpriest.




Just a simple head swap at this stage, but I'm happy with how it looks. I think the wild looking head on the hyper-post-human torso looks appropriate for a Thunder Warrior/Gene-enhanced killer. I'm just trying to decide what to have him holding in his right...



Nice tutorial as always, Kizz. I always find some sort of insight into better quality painting when you post one of these up. :smile.:

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the tute :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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Just a simple head swap at this stage, but I'm happy with how it looks. I think the wild looking head on the hyper-post-human torso looks appropriate for a Thunder Warrior/Gene-enhanced killer. I'm just trying to decide what to have him holding in his right...



Looking good so far. I would suggest some form of proto bolter, a huge chunky thing. Possibly belt fed ammo.

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Just a simple head swap at this stage, but I'm happy with how it looks. I think the wild looking head on the hyper-post-human torso looks appropriate for a Thunder Warrior/Gene-enhanced killer. I'm just trying to decide what to have him holding in his right...

Looking good so far. I would suggest some form of proto bolter, a huge chunky thing. Possibly belt fed ammo.

Drum fed...looks more badass..

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The Iron Xth: Iron Hands Painting tutorial





I started off by undercoating the mini with Chaos Black spray.

After the undercoat, the first step was to give the whole mini a coat of 4/1 Abaddon Black and Leadbelcher. I wanted a really dark metallic colour, but in retrospect I probably would have gone for an even darker shade.



I then gave the shoulder pads a layer of watered down Abbadon Black. I wanted the shoulder pads to be as dark as possible while maintaining some metallic pigment. I also gave the shoulder pad trim, the vents on the power pack, the bionics, the armour plating on the back of the legs, and the boltgun a coat of Leadbelcher. With MkIII I like to keep the layered under armour on the back of the legs a different colour to primary forward facing plates. Of course this is more work but I think it's worth it.



I then gave the whole mini a wash with Nuln Oil.



Next up I used Runefang Steel to highlight the whole mini including the battle damage. Because of the monotone nature of the paint job I was able to wash and highlight the whole mini using the exact same colours. This really helped to speed up the process.



I then freehanded the Legion and clan icons. Before I added the white icons I wasn't very happy with how the  mini was looking. It looked very monotone and pretty boring. Even though white is a pretty neutral colour it really helped add some character and detail to the mini.





I also added some details to the bolter casing and right knee.



Next up I moved on to the eye/bionic lenses. I started off with Mordian Blue for the first stage.



I then added some White Scar to the Mordian Blue.



I added some more white for the final highlight.



I finished the eyes off by adding small white dot to the top part of the lenses and painting a thin line of Enchanted Blue around the edge of the bionic lens sockets and bellow the eyes on the upper edge of the face plate.



I finished the paint job by sponging some Abaddon Black over the shoulder pad icons.



Next up it was time for the base.



The last step was to add some weathering powder and gore. I used Forge World's Aged Rust weathering powder and the blood was done with Tamiya Clear Red. I also added some black to the Clear Red took make some particularly gruesome looking gore for the chainblade teeth.







Just a simple head swap at this stage, but I'm happy with how it looks. I think the wild looking head on the hyper-post-human torso looks appropriate for a Thunder Warrior/Gene-enhanced killer. I'm just trying to decide what to have him holding in his right...



Looking good so far. I would suggest some form of proto bolter, a huge chunky thing. Possibly belt fed ammo.


I'll have a look through my spare bits to see if I can find something suitable. Maybe an Ork shooter of some sort or a converted heavy bolter.


Great looking model.
How about a ammo belt running around the chest like in old 80's actiom movies?

Excellent idea! I've made a press mould for a ammo belt. We'll have to see what it looks like once the green stuff has cured.


How about another meteor hammer?

Link the chains together behind his back maybe?

That would be badass! Unfortunately it would be pretty difficult to find a matching ball and chain. They're pretty unique to the mini.



Thanks bro!


Awesome work so far Kizz!!

Glad you like it, dude!





Just a simple head swap at this stage, but I'm happy with how it looks. I think the wild looking head on the hyper-post-human torso looks appropriate for a Thunder Warrior/Gene-enhanced killer. I'm just trying to decide what to have him holding in his right...

Looking good so far. I would suggest some form of proto bolter, a huge chunky thing. Possibly belt fed ammo.

Drum fed...looks more badass..


I should have plenty of drum mags around. Although an ammo belt is about as hard as it gets.


Very nice so far. If he's unification era maybe a volkite?

I thought about that, but decide that it was probably a bit too high tech for this dude. He is living pretty rough :tongue.:





Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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I've done some more work on the Slaughterpriest conversion. He is almost ready for some paint, I just need to fill a few gaps with GS.









The Iron Hand looks incredible man. Thanks for providing the step-by-step as well

No worries, bro! Glad you like him :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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Are those muzzle brakes for backpack power plant exhausts?




Also, that lil bandolier is hilarious. It's like a tea cozy on a wolverine :lol:


Love your work on him so far, Kizz. I'm super curious to see how you paint a model with so much bare skin. What kind of skin and hair tones are you thinking?

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Hmm, it's a very cool conversion, but I have to admit that it doesn't really read as a Thunder Warrior to me...yet. I mean, sure: Based on the size, what else would this guy be? But I can't shake the feeling that an added breastplate (and maybe a helmet clipped to the model's belt) would have made him easier to recognise as a Thuder warrior. But then, I do realise that your paintjobs are spectacular and really transform the model into something incredible, so I guess I'll reserve judgement until I see the model painted :wink:


P.S. Remembering what you said about waiting for plastic Mk III before doing any more World Eaters, does the inclusion of Mk III armour in the next HH boxed set mean we'll see a XII legion project from you? Pretty please...? ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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Ha! The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this first WiP 

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Some early work on the White Dwarf Slaughterpriest.




was Jingle Bells Rock by Bobby Helms, only with him grunting the lyrics and some deafening metal guitar work mixed in. Damn, that's an angry santa. :eek:


Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Looks amazing Kizz! To be honest, I've been mulling over that figure since it came out myself...and I think I know just what to do with it! :D

I'd have to echo Krautscientist however, he doesn't immediately read as a thunderwarrior to me, but I think it'd be a shame to cover up so much awesome detail in order to make some armour or something. Maybe one of the many other gene-regiments that pledged themselves to the emperor? :)

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