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I've made a start on Bad Santa :P




Loving the conversion so far. Quick question though, is he meant to be able to fire the heavy bolter from that grip or does he drop the chain and fire it normally?

Thanks bro! The heavy bolter is meant to be fired normally, he's just striking a dramatic pose.


Are those muzzle brakes for backpack power plant exhausts?


Also, that lil bandolier is hilarious. It's like a tea cozy on a wolverine :laugh.:

Love your work on him so far, Kizz. I'm super curious to see how you paint a model with so much bare skin. What kind of skin and hair tones are you thinking?

Yeah, the 'exhausts' are from the Quad-gun in the Aegis Defence Line kit. I was originally planing to try something a bit more unusual with the skin, but in the end I just played it safe and stuck with my usual Rhinoxhide/Cadian Fleshtone mix.


Outstanding work kizz! Love the bandolier!

Thanks a lot! I was sorry to cover up the chest detail, but I'm happy with how the ammo chain turned out.


That backpack is superb...Las cannon? Autocannon Barrell??

Yeah, from the Quad-gun.


Hmm, it's a very cool conversion, but I have to admit that it doesn't really read as a Thunder Warrior to me...yet. I mean, sure: Based on the size, what else would this guy be? But I can't shake the feeling that an added breastplate (and maybe a helmet clipped to the model's belt) would have made him easier to recognise as a Thuder warrior. But then, I do realise that your paintjobs are spectacular and really transform the model into something incredible, so I guess I'll reserve judgement until I see the model painted :wink:


P.S. Remembering what you said about waiting for plastic Mk III before doing any more World Eaters, does the inclusion of Mk III armour in the next HH boxed set mean we'll see a XII legion project from you? Pretty please...? :wink:

Yeah, that's why I described him as a "Thunder Warrior/Gene-enhanced killer." I didn't want to cover him with armour and lose the details on the torso, so I'm happy for him to be some relic of the Technobarbarian tribes/pre unification tyrants etc. In this case I've sacrificed the modelling side of the project in favour of the painting side.

I'm definitely having thoughts about making some more World Eaters to accompany my Centurion/Delvarus conversion...



Ha! The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this first WiP 

Hidden Content

Some early work on the White Dwarf Slaughterpriest.




was Jingle Bells Rock by Bobby Helms, only with him grunting the lyrics and some deafening metal guitar work mixed in. Damn, that's an angry santa. :eek:


Hahaha, yeah definitely! I've started calling him 'Bad Santa' now.


Looks amazing Kizz! To be honest, I've been mulling over that figure since it came out myself...and I think I know just what to do with it! :biggrin.:

I'd have to echo Krautscientist however, he doesn't immediately read as a thunderwarrior to me, but I think it'd be a shame to cover up so much awesome detail in order to make some armour or something. Maybe one of the many other gene-regiments that pledged themselves to the emperor? :smile.:

Thanks bro! Glad to hear that you've come up with an idea for your Slaughterpriest mini. 


Great conversion!



Amazing work! I regret not taking a look before I painted last night ;-)!

Thanks bro! Means a lot :)


Looks a total badass mate! Make sure you tell me which GW you'll enter it into the painting comp so I can chose a different one....

Hahaha, lets see if I get him finished on time. I should, but I've also got a lot on at the moment.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Wow. I just.... I'm floored, man. Your work keeps getting better, and the Thunder Warrior is inspired (I'd have found an armoured torso myself, but to each their own. Still dang cool.  :) ). Awesome work, dude.


I think I need to comb through the rest of this thread. I've missed a lot of amazing models, lol.

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Just finished the Thunder Warrior/Chymeriae/Genehanced-killer/Bad Santa/random conversion. I've gone pretty heavy with the weathering powder in an effort to tie the various colours on the mini together as I wanted him to look like he's just come out of the rad/ash/desert wastes. Hope you like him.











He's a big lad!



Before the weathering powders




I wasn't sold on the model before painting, but the paintjob really makes it work. Great work!

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like how he turned out.


Hmmmm.... He is certainly missing the lho stick and amasec :tongue.:



Hahaha, a cigar would be taking it too far! It would look pretty hilarious though...


Hmm... I'm 95% sold on him.

I like the skin tone, his face just looks incredible youthful compared to the rest of his wartorn physique.

Yeah, you're totally right. I wasn't sold on the face either, so I used a darker tone to add some more depth and gave his face a light dusting with some weathering powder.


Wow. I just.... I'm floored, man. Your work keeps getting better, and the Thunder Warrior is inspired (I'd have found an armoured torso myself, but to each their own. Still dang cool.  :smile.: ). Awesome work, dude.


I think I need to comb through the rest of this thread. I've missed a lot of amazing models, lol.

Thanks a lot mate! I've definitely been working through quite a few minis recently as well as developing my weathering skills. Good to have you back :)



Hmm... I'm 95% sold on him.

I like the skin tone, his face just looks incredible youthful compared to the rest of his wartorn physique.


Ditto. Other than that, he's an absolutely amazing model.


Thanks bro! Yeah, you and Flint were both right. I've tried to fix it up a bit. Hope you like it.






Thanks for looking ;)


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Well, as you know, I wasn't completely sold on the model, but once again your paintjob really seals the deal. What a fantastic piece! If I have one tiny nitpick, it's that I think the armour plates had a little more visual weight without the weathering powder on them, but all in all, this guy is still a triumph -- you really want to know what his story is, which is probably the best possible outcome for a model like this!

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I saw this fella on FB today during break at work and I felt that I was doing a disservice if I didn't comment when I got home. Now that I've seen this here, I'll refrain from trying to find that post again and merely say here that the model is characterful - I'd love to see him in a game of Inq28 (which won't happen, seeing as you're from the other side of the world). ^_^

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Ha! The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this first WiP 

Hidden Content

Some early work on the White Dwarf Slaughterpriest.




was Jingle Bells Rock by Bobby Helms, only with him grunting the lyrics and some deafening metal guitar work mixed in. Damn, that's an angry santa. :eek:


Hahaha, yeah definitely! I've started calling him 'Bad Santa' now.




I think I found his theme song:


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Thanks for the comments, guys! :)


Great job, the painting is awesome and he really conveys that Age of Strife feel.

Not a fan of the one tiny hand, one giant hand, but thats gene-splicing for you. Naughty Emperor.

Glad you like him bro! Yeah, something definitely went wrong (right) with his left arm... :P


Sheesh now the are bloody huge!!!

Yeah, really massive! That's part of the reason KrautScientist's Slaughterpriest/Angron conversion works so perfectly size wise.


Well, as you know, I wasn't completely sold on the model, but once again your paintjob really seals the deal. What a fantastic piece! If I have one tiny nitpick, it's that I think the armour plates had a little more visual weight without the weathering powder on them, but all in all, this guy is still a triumph -- you really want to know what his story is, which is probably the best possible outcome for a model like this!

Thanks a lot, bro! Really glad you like him :)


That guy is massive. Got to be almost ogryn sized?

Maybe Ogryn height, but he looks smaller just because of his lack of mass compared to the much beefier Ogryns.


I saw this fella on FB today during break at work and I felt that I was doing a disservice if I didn't comment when I got home. Now that I've seen this here, I'll refrain from trying to find that post again and merely say here that the model is characterful - I'd love to see him in a game of Inq28 (which won't happen, seeing as you're from the other side of the world). :happy.:

Thanks, mate! I had a lot of fun painting him, glad you like it. 

I've got the old Inquisitor 54mm rule book and I really love the narrative nature of the rules system, so I'm also a fan of Inq28. I've always wanted to build an Inquisitorial warband, but never really had the incentive.




Ha! The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this first WiP 

Hidden Content

Some early work on the White Dwarf Slaughterpriest.




was Jingle Bells Rock by Bobby Helms, only with him grunting the lyrics and some deafening metal guitar work mixed in. Damn, that's an angry santa. :eek:


Hahaha, yeah definitely! I've started calling him 'Bad Santa' now.




I think I found his theme song:


Hahaha, I love it! That's just perfect for the mini. I could just imagine him cutting down a swath of foes while singing the song :P



Thanks again ;)

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Recommend the "Eye of Horus" podcast to get you motivated! 


Edit: Do you have an idea on how to do plasma for my 1st company? Will green work the best? What are your thoughts... 

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In that case, enjoy the luxury of having the time to choose your next project while it lasts. :tongue.:

Hahaha, I'm sure it wont last too long, especially with the new boxed game on the horizon.


Recommend the "Eye of Horus" podcast to get you motivated! 


Edit: Do you have an idea on how to do plasma for my 1st company? Will green work the best? What are your thoughts... 

Yeah, the 'EoH' is a favourite for sure (I'm a member of the EoH Mournival). I think they recorded their latest episode last night, so hopefully it drops in the next day or two.


As for the plasma guns I usually go with blue, but red and green are good options too. When it comes to painting them I use a similar method to the one in this video. I don't go as crazy with the glow effect, but my method is pretty much the same.


This was the last plasma weapon that I painted. I was a bit more careful with this particular gun because of how small it is.



Hope that helps :)

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Thank you! The guide is great. 


Pleasure to meet a Mournival member! I tried podcasting, but basically finished and published 1 episode on itunes (it's still there, I think it was one of the first 30K podcasts). I keep changing where I live and that keeps inhibiting me from finding people to play with, I am giving a shout out to ANY German with a 30K army to contact me. 


Please riddle me this, how is it that every Aussie's army I see is painted really well painted? 

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Leman Russ is next surely?  Good way to start your Space Wolf army :wink:

Hahaha, that would be fun! I love the new mini.


Thank you! The guide is great. 


Pleasure to meet a Mournival member! I tried podcasting, but basically finished and published 1 episode on itunes (it's still there, I think it was one of the first 30K podcasts). I keep changing where I live and that keeps inhibiting me from finding people to play with, I am giving a shout out to ANY German with a 30K army to contact me. 


Please riddle me this, how is it that every Aussie's army I see is painted really well painted? 

You should send the Eye of Horus guys an email and ask them to give you a shout out on their show. You might be able to find some local players to play with. I know that poom and KrautScientist are both from Germany but I'm not sure which city etc.


Maybe it's because we pay more for GW in Australia. Perhaps that helps to incentivise us to get our armies painted. 

But don't worry, there are plenty of badly painted armies too... 

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