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But don't worry, there are plenty of badly painted armies too...

Like yours. :tongue.:



@Vect: if you're willing to play any German, than perhaps a player in the Netherlands is also within your grasp / drop me a PM: :)

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But don't worry, there are plenty of badly painted armies too...

Like yours. :tongue.:



@Vect: if you're willing to play any German, than perhaps a player in the Netherlands is also within your grasp / drop me a PM: :smile.:


Oh damn! :P 


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This will be useful to you, kizz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centres_in_Australia




Anyway, any new ideas on what you'll be working on next? Some small project, something bigger? A new army? :smile.:

Edited by Dosjetka
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I've just done some work on this little chap. Still a WIP.




This will be useful to you, kizz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centres_in_Australia




Anyway, any new ideas on what you'll be working on next? Some small project, something bigger? A new army? :smile.:

Hahaha, thanks for that :P


I've had a few ideas, but nothing solid. The new Genestealer cultists look perfect for some Alpha Legion operatives/militia. I'm also waiting to see the plastic Tartaros because I've been considering an Alpha Legion ZM terminator force. I'm keen to paint up another Primarch, not sure which one though. I've always got a few ideas for different Consuls for various Legions that I'd like to paint up/convert. And of course I'm trying to decide which Legion to choose next :P



Thanks for looking ;)

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Well, since you're painting a Titan Princeps, why not paint up a Titan to go with him? It doesn't have to be a Warlord, mind you. A Warhound would be sufficient. ;)

I vote reaver. Or imperial fists, because even without my bias, I still think that dude was the coolest amongst your March of the Legions series.
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I am not going to regurgigate the whole "Which legion to choose" debate, because it kinda feels like we are going around in circles at this point. Whatever you do will look sweet, so we all win. Interesting work on that princeps.


P.S. You should totally choose World Eaters, of course. Especially once the plastic Mk III models hit ;) -- Damn, done it again...

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There is no debate on legions here,


Obviously the EC ;-). Great skin tone, did you shade the recesses? Or blend up? What colors if I may ask? 

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Thanks for the feedback :tu:



Well, since you're painting a Titan Princeps, why not paint up a Titan to go with him? It doesn't have to be a Warlord, mind you. A Warhound would be sufficient. :wink:

Maybe one day I'll feel inspired to paint up a Titan, but to tell the truth I've never been a massive fan of the whole Titan/Knight/Mechanicum thing. Some people really love their mechs/transformers/robots, but I've always been much more interested in the human side of things. The Legions (even though they're not strictly humans) and militia/auxila have always been more far more interesting to me. Even Legion Super-heavies bore me compared to the infantry/non super-heavy vehicles :P

I'll probably end up getting a Knight at some stage, but I've got zero plans at this stage.



Well, since you're painting a Titan Princeps, why not paint up a Titan to go with him? It doesn't have to be a Warlord, mind you. A Warhound would be sufficient. :wink:

I vote reaver. Or imperial fists, because even without my bias, I still think that dude was the coolest amongst your March of the Legions series.


I agree that he is definitely one of the coolest. I just don't have a theme/idea in mind for the VII Legion at the moment. I was considering a ZM Boarding force lead by Seneschal Rann, or a Templar heavy ZM force for a while but the idea never went anywhere. Maybe the new MkIII plastics will inspire some Templar conversions, but I've got a feeling that once the new box comes out I wont be short of inspiration for a whole bunch of different forces :P


I am not going to regurgigate the whole "Which legion to choose" debate, because it kinda feels like we are going around in circles at this point. Whatever you do will look sweet, so we all win. Interesting work on that princeps.


P.S. You should totally choose World Eaters, of course. Especially once the plastic Mk III models hit :wink: -- Damn, done it again...

Hahaha, it's one of those terrible circular questions. I just listened to the latest episode of the Age of Darkness podcast and they were discussing the Battle of Armatura and the Shadow Crusade. Got me all pumped to do a Word Bearers/World Eaters force.


There is no debate on legions here,


Obviously the EC ;-). Great skin tone, did you shade the recesses? Or blend up? What colors if I may ask? 

Well, obviously the III Legion will always have my heart. There's no question of were my first loyalty lies. But my heart also has plenty of room for other projects ;)

The skin: I started off with a base coat of Kislev Flesh (I needed a couple of thin coats to get a consistent finish). Next up I made a mix with some Rhinoxhide and Kislev Flesh at about 2/1. I heavily watered this down and painted into the recessed detail around the face to add some depth. I then added some White Scar to soem Kislev Flesh, about 1/2 and used that for the first highlight stage. Next up I gave some of the very deepest recesses a light wash with Reiklandflesh Shade. I then added another highlight of 2/1 White Scar/Kislev flesh. The last highlight was pure White Scar, but only on the most raised areas (tops of the ears, nose, brows). The last step was to give the burnt area a very light wash with Druchii Violet.

It might sound like a lot of different steps, but it's actually fairly quick to do because the are that you're painting is so small :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

The last couple of weeks have been pretty quiet on the painting front, but I did manage to do some more work on this chap.




I started painting him a couple of months ago but didn't get past the priming stage. I wan't something quick and easy to paint today, so I decide to have another go at finishing him. 


Obviously he is a Thousand Son, but I couldn't help but notice that the metallic red scheme would look amazing for some Blood Angels.


I recon this would make a pretty solid starting point for one of Sanguinius' sons.



I'll post up a tutorial once he is finished.



Thanks for looking ;)

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Okay, this is coming from someone who knows as much about color theory as Nurgle knows about hygiene, but while I like the thousand son model, he looks monochrome to me. Or to be more accurate, 'monotemperature' in the sense that all the colors are warm.


Then again maybe my own models are all cold so I don't know.

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Time for another tutorial. This is probably the easiest and quickest of all of the colour schemes that I've painted so far. 


I started off with an undercoat of Metallic Red spray from Tamiya.



Next up I used Abaddon Black to 'black line' the armour and undercoat some of the areas that would be painted gold and silver.



I then used Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour to paint the gold and silver areas.



I forgot to take a pic of the washes stage :blush.: 

I washed the Leadbelcher with Nuln Oil and the Retributor Armour with Agrax Earthshade.


I then used Runefang Steal to highlight the Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour as well as the battle damage on the armour. I also painted the eye lenses using Snot Green, White Scar, and Tamiya Clear Green.



To finish off I free-handed a couple of icons on the shoulder pads using White Scar. I wish I had some of the new decals, but I just had to do with some free-hand.







Something about that Son makes me very nostalgic.


I think it's time for therapy with Collected Visions.

Yeah, Collected Visions was a big inspiration for me getting into the Heresy back in the day. Such beautiful art!


That's quite close to my Word Bearers scheme, albeit a bit brighter. I look forward to seeing how you did it.

Thanks bro! Yeah, it's pretty bright. Good for the Thousand Sons and Blood Angels, but a bit too bright for the Word Bearers.


Oh my god. It's perfect. (Never heard that in this thread before). :biggrin.:

Hahaha, thanks bro! Glad you like him.


Okay, this is coming from someone who knows as much about color theory as Nurgle knows about hygiene, but while I like the thousand son model, he looks monochrome to me. Or to be more accurate, 'monotemperature' in the sense that all the colors are warm.


Then again maybe my own models are all cold so I don't know.

Yeah, I take your point. Hopefully the green eyes and the white symbols add a bit of a colder tone to the mini.


wow, that red is just gorgeous-- cant wait for the tutorial. I am guessing it starts with a metallic coat and then layers of wash over it? So nice.

Thanks bro! The red is much simpler as you can see :P If I had an airbrush I'd go with the clear coat over the metallic base, but until then a spray can will have to do...



Thanks for looking ;)

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Kizz, how would you recommend darkening the red a touch more for blood angels?

Personally I would leave it as is for Blood Angels, but if I was to darken it I'd give GW's new gloss Nuln Oil a go. Regular Nuln Oil dulls down the metallic finish (it almost makes it look dusty), but I recon the gloss version might get around that problem.


Of course if you have an airbrush there are far more effective ways of getting the kind of colour you want. 

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Time for a World Eaters step by step, but first some finished pics.


Let me know what you think about the blood. Too much? Not enough? Just right?














And the tutorial!


World Eaters tutorial: Pt. 1


I started off with a Corax White undercoat.



I then painted the blue areas with Macragge Blue.



Next up I made a mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade, about 1/1, and thinned it down with some Tamiya acrylic thinner. This was used to wash the armour.



I then sponged some White Scar back over the top of the armour.



Next I sponged some Enchanted Blue onto the blue areas to add a bit of depth.



I then painted some Abaddon Black onto the soft parts of the armour and small details such as the eye lenses and the mouth grill. You could also paint all of the other areas that are going to be metallic, such as the weapons and shoulder pad trims, but I felt that it was a bit unnecessary.



Next I painted Leadbelcher onto the soft parts of the armour, the weapons, the vents and pipes on the power pack, and the spikes of the armour. I forgot to paint the chainmail before I took this pic, but I fixed it up before moving on to the next step.



World Eaters tutorial: Pt. 2

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World Eaters tutorial: Pt. 2


The next step was to paint the gold areas with Retributor Armour.



I then added some definition to the colours that I'd already painted. The Leadbelcher was given a wash with Nuln Oil and the Retributor Armour with Agrax Earthshade. The white armour was 'black lined' with a 1/1 mix of Abaddon Black and Rhinoxhide.



I used White Scar to highlight the edges of the armour and the battle damage.



I highlighted the Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour with Runefang Steal.



Next up the decals.



Time for some weathering! I used a sponge to apply some Abaddon Black to the white and the blue areas.



I then sponged a bit of Runefang Steal onto some of the battle damage on the blue areas. I did't use any on the white because it wouldn't really show up very well.



The eye lenses were painted with a base coat of Blood Red, highlighted by adding some Slayer Orange to the red, and finished off with a line of Yriel Yellow. I then gave the lenses a coat of Tamiya Clear Red.



The blood is Tamiya Clear Red and then the Clear Red with some Abaddon Black added. I used an old, stiff bristled brush to apply it.



Time for a base.



And some Aged Rust weathering powder.






Thanks for looking ;)





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I really like it, man... you're tempting me to add some Triarii allies for my Word Bearers, damnit...


On the blood... I think you added the right amount, but it looks a bit bright. It may be a trick on the eyes due to the white, but perhaps next time add more black or use Blood for the Blood God.

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