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Woops, forgot to reply to the comments on the new page :P

I'd never imagined metal toothpicks existed. Uh. You learn something new every day.

I also suggest to turn his head slightly to the left, but I may be influenced by this picture:


Lovely work either way.

Yeah, that's a beautiful piece of art, and a major inspiration for my old Erebus conversion. I'm going to leave the head until last so that I can try it in a couple of different poses.

Naw, I love him as is! Great choice on knife :thumbsup:

(I do love that artwork, though :smile.: )

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like him.

I think the hand holding the mace is bent too far inwards, it doesn't look comfortable. Dunno if it's the photo angle though maybe. Apart from that, awesome.

Nah, you're right it is a bit weird. Hopefully it looks alright when its painted up :P

Sweet. Personally, I'm inclined to agree that changing the helmet would look nice, but it looks fine as is, to me anyways. Just maybe a little too plain.

I'm plaining to have some Colchisian script on the helmet to help give it a few more details.

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Looking promising already! ;)


One question, though: Is that all one ensemble, with the Caplain actually on the same base occupied by the fallen Ultramarine? I think there's a bit too much going on there -- maybe a bigger base (or even a modular display base) would work better? Or maybe the fallen Marine needs to be "flatter" (I was recently faced with the same conundrum, though, so I definitely sympathise ;) ).

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I think it looks great, the only critique is the neck of the Ultramarine seems a little long... Almost like he is being wrenched out of the armour through the gorget.


Otherwise stunning work.

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Ooo early stages...like what I'm seeing kizz...all coming together now for all the bits n Bob's. The base, does look a bit busy tho...hopefully something modular like @Krautscientist has mentioned...other than that...epic work
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Looking good so far but, could I suggest painting the armour grey, pre-Monarchia? I think that if you're making the cloak and the tunic red it could look awesome. And if you paint some colchisian writing and word bearers lines-and-circles symbols it would just be perfect.
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Thanks everyone:)



Looking promising already! :wink:


One question, though: Is that all one ensemble, with the Caplain actually on the same base occupied by the fallen Ultramarine? I think there's a bit too much going on there -- maybe a bigger base (or even a modular display base) would work better? Or maybe the fallen Marine needs to be "flatter" (I was recently faced with the same conundrum, though, so I definitely sympathise :wink: ).

Thanks bro!

The dead Ultramarine is from Fulgrim's base, and the base is built up with cork, so it's a combination of different bits. I also wanted to keep in on the correctly sized base, but yes a 40mm+ base would have been easier. 

Hopefully it looks better once the Chaplain is fully painted and the Ultramarine is properly weathered. Once I've added the weathering powders the Ultramarine will blend in to the base a bit more and once the Chaplain is finished he will hopefully draw the eye away from the base. 


I think it looks great, the only critique is the neck of the Ultramarine seems a little long... Almost like he is being wrenched out of the armour through the gorget.


Otherwise stunning work.

Thanks mate! 

The Ultramarine's neck looks long because his throat has been cut open and his head is lolling back. Hopefully once I've added the blood to his wound and the Chaplain's cursed weapon it will be a bit more obvious.


I think the base looks awesome too. And black armour and red robes is a nice compromise on the colour scheme dilemma.

Thanks a lot bro! Hopefully it turns out alright.


Your all topic have blown my mind away ! :ohmy.:


Keep on the great job it's really inspirational !

Hahaha, thank you very much! Glad you like the thread :smile.:


Ooo early stages...like what I'm seeing kizz...all coming together now for all the bits n Bob's. The base, does look a bit busy tho...hopefully something modular like @Krautscientist has mentioned...other than that...epic work

Thanks bro! 

Yeah hopefully it all turns out okay in the end. I usually steer away from busy bases because they can be so distracting, but I wanted to give it a try with this figure.


Looking good so far but, could I suggest painting the armour grey, pre-Monarchia? I think that if you're making the cloak and the tunic red it could look awesome. And if you paint some colchisian writing and word bearers lines-and-circles symbols it would just be perfect.

Thanks bro!

Grey would look great with the red, but this chap is definitely post-Monarchia. I'm rereading Betrayer (such a great book) at the moment and wanted to paint up a Word Bearer during the Shadow Crusade, so over forty years after Monarchia.

Don't worry, he'll have plenty of Colchisian script and astrological symbols on his armour and cloak. 


Hey kizz, where's the Ultra on the base from? Conversion, or a bit from one of the primarchs?

He is from Fulgrim's base. I made my own base for Fulgrim to fit with the rest of my army, so I had the FW scenic base laying around.



Thanks again :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Hey kizz, where's the Ultra on the base from? Conversion, or a bit from one of the primarchs?

He is from Fulgrim's base. I made my own base for Fulgrim to fit with the rest of my army, so I had the FW scenic base lying around.


Arigato. Now to find myself a spare Fulgrim base...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alpha to Omega



So, I've made a start on my next project. It's going to be a small Alpha Legion ZM project (1,200pts). I was inspired by Chris Wraight’s novella Wolf King. The story covers the Alpha Legion’s pursuit of the Space Wolf’s fleet, and includes an awesome scene in which the Alpha Legion unsuccessfully attempt to assassinate Russ via a massed teleport assault:


“The fore void shields gave out in a scream of static, exposing the deeper black of the unbarred void.

A second later, in a move that had clearly been planned, the eye-watering sting of teleport energies filled the bridge, followed by the hard bang of air displacement. A hundred warp-spheres burst into being, clustered around the far end of the bridge chamber. Each one exploded in a shiver of hoarfrost, revealing a Terminator-armoured warrior within.

The entire bridge exploded with bolt-rounds as both sides opened up with all the weapons they possessed. The Terminators were immediately deluged in shells, launched from every kaerl, every adept, every Wolf. The invaders fought back with murderous efficiency, striding through the storm of bolts and bullets, letting their heavy armour absorb the punishment before doling out more of their own.”


“There were thousands of armed mortals on the bridge and almost a hundred Wolves, but the Terminator-clad adversaries more than had their match. They had come to sever the wolf’s neck, to cut off the head and let the body wither.”


Excerpt From: Chris Wraight. “Wolf King.” iBooks.



That’s the kind stuff that would keep anyone #hardforheresy. This scene really stuck with me and seemed like the perfect theme for an Alpha Legion decapitation strike force. 


So this is what I have so far. I've already posted individual pics of the Delegatus, so I won't clutter this post with any more.


























So what do you think? The army will mostly be legion Terminators with one or two other units.







Thanks for looking ;)




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Saw this on FB earlier: didn't say it there, but these are absolutely gorgeous. No other words. And mind, this is coming from someone who cares nothing  for Alpha Legion. Every other of the Legions, I've managed to develop at the very least some interest, but never the Alphas.


*Edit: Not every Legion, now that I actually think about it. I have similar feelings of apathy and dislike for the Wolves... dunno why.

Edited by The Psycho
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Hrm, I am feeling torn on these new models: On the one hand, I was hoping for more World Eaters from you (no surprise there ;) ), but on the other hand, those AL Terminators are just too gorgeous. And the Tartaros pattern arguably feels really right for the XX Legion as well. The sergeant and the guy aiming his combi-plasma stand out as particularly lovely. Brilliant work, as per ;)

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Those AL termies are fantastic, well done on the blue.



Wow. Draw-droppingly gorgeous.


Where are the combi-weapons from?


It appears that the combi-plasma is made out of half a Prospero plastic boltgun and a plasma pistol, it looks to be a simple yet effective kit bash. I did the same for my cataphractii terminators.

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