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Thanks for the love, everyone :)



Saw this on FB earlier: didn't say it there, but these are absolutely gorgeous. No other words. And mind, this is coming from someone who cares nothing  for Alpha Legion. Every other of the Legions, I've managed to develop at the very least some interest, but never the Alphas.


*Edit: Not every Legion, now that I actually think about it. I have similar feelings of apathy and dislike for the Wolves... dunno why.

Thanks a lot! Yeah, the Alpha Legion are a pretty difficult Legion to identify or empathise with because we know next to nothing about them. 


I really, really like those Terminators...very uniform looking unit while keeping each member so unique. What's your future plans for the ZM force? Keen to see more!

Thanks a lot, bro! Yeah, it's a difficult line to walk with the Alpha Legion. You want to keep that uniformity about them, but at the same time minis without character or personality are really boring. I'm glad you like the balance.

To start with the force is going to be the Delegatus, three units of Terminators, and a Leviathan.


Really really gorgeous terminators.

Thanks a lot, mate!


Wow, fantastic!


Did you paint them the same way you painted your Alpha Legionnaire you did the Tutorial on?

Thanks! Yeah, the only difference was that I gave the Terminator's blue armour an edge highlight of Runefang Steel. Otherwise they were just the same.


Hrm, I am feeling torn on these new models: On the one hand, I was hoping for more World Eaters from you (no surprise there :wink: ), but on the other hand, those AL Terminators are just too gorgeous. And the Tartaros pattern arguably feels really right for the XX Legion as well. The sergeant and the guy aiming his combi-plasma stand out as particularly lovely. Brilliant work, as per :wink:

Thanks, bro! I'm building some World Eaters on the side, but they'll have to wait a while to be painted. Glad you like the Terminators. The new plastic Tartaros armour is great.


Wow. Draw-droppingly gorgeous.


Where are the combi-weapons from?

Thanks a lot, bro! The Combi-weapons are just regular plastic 40k plasma pistols combined with the plastic Tartaros combi-bolters.


I really like the metallic blue you've achieved and the weathering is amazing. Best Tartaros pattern terminators I've seen I think

Thanks a lot, mate! Glad you like them.


Stellar as always.

Thanks, bro!


Those AL termies are fantastic, well done on the blue.



Wow. Draw-droppingly gorgeous.


Where are the combi-weapons from?


It appears that the combi-plasma is made out of half a Prospero plastic boltgun and a plasma pistol, it looks to be a simple yet effective kit bash. I did the same for my cataphractii terminators.

Nail on the head! I used the same technique for my Emperor's Children Tartaros and their combi-plasma/melta weapons.


Love these :censored: Alphas, man! Nothing more to say really, they are spot on! The full 1,200 points will seriously be something to behold :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how they're looking.


Awesome stuff! Been waiting for this since I heard the list being discussed on Eye of Horus podcast! Love the blue and the tartaros armour looks epic for Alpha Legion :smile.:

Thanks a lot! Yeah, Tim and Michael rock! I've had the idea for a while, but I was waiting/hoping for plastic Tartaros before I made a start. 




Thanks agian ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gamma Squad is almost finished! I just need to build and paint the bases, add the weathering and scrounge up some plasma pistols to convert the combi-weapons.





Nice. Good thing they aren't 'armless like Abaddon. :wink:

Haha, I still need to build the combi-weapons :P


Good stuff, you've got a very good looking metallic blue going on there, hope to see them finished soon!

Thanks, mate! Glad you like the blue :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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Kizz, think you may add a squad of Lerneans when their upgrade kit comes out?

I've been thinking that I might just convert some up instead of waiting for FW to get around to it :tongue.:

Aside from their weapon choices, do they look any different from normal terminators? Are the required to wear a certain type of TDA?

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Kizz, think you may add a squad of Lerneans when their upgrade kit comes out?

I've been thinking that I might just convert some up instead of waiting for FW to get around to it :tongue.:
Aside from their weapon choices, do they look any different from normal terminators? Are the required to wear a certain type of TDA?

They are in Cataphractii Terminator armour and are all equipped with Volkite chargers as standard. Due to their very elite nature within the legion, I always imagine them having relatively ornate armour. Not radically different but customised and more detailed, similar to the other Legion's unique Terminator units. I'm converting a small squad up currently.

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Gamma Squad is finished! Next up I need to paint up a Leviathan and another unit of Terminators.
















I'm also going to be playing in a Tactical Strike/Victory is Vengeance event next year so I need to start working on a new force for the campaign...






Kizz, think you may add a squad of Lerneans when their upgrade kit comes out?

I've been thinking that I might just convert some up instead of waiting for FW to get around to it :tongue.:

Aside from their weapon choices, do they look any different from normal terminators? Are the required to wear a certain type of TDA?


I'm planning to use the Cataphractii from the B@C set with some added detail like the scales that I added to my Delegatus mini.


Lovely blue, great looking minis.

Thanks a lot :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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I'm planning to use the Cataphractii from the B@C set with some added detail like the scales that I added to my Delegatus mini.

I'm sure that will look great. I totally forgot that FW specified the Lerneans had to wear Cataphracti armour. I always thought that the high tech martian death rays looked better on Tartaros.

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hey bro, amazing alternative and efficient technique to paint AL. do you also have the spraypaint (TS-54 Tamiya Light Metallic Blue) in a pot to paint by brush and clean up mistakes etc? Do you happen to know the product code by any chance? The tamiya cataloge is a bit confusing. http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/archive.htm




Is Tamiya X13 Metallic Blue maybe the same?
I saw that their colors come in "Glossy" and "Non Glossy" Range.. which one does the spraypaint translate to?

Edited by tagsta
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A Leviathan? Oh goody goody! 


Wanna see who completes theirs first? :wink:

Hahaha, I haven't even ordered mine yet, so I don't know how much of a contest it would be :P



I'm planning to use the Cataphractii from the B@C set with some added detail like the scales that I added to my Delegatus mini.

I'm sure that will look great. I totally forgot that FW specified the Lerneans had to wear Cataphracti armour. I always thought that the high tech martian death rays looked better on Tartaros.


Yeah, the Lernaens are pretty underwhelming rules wise... They should at least be able to teleport...


4th Tartaros down with the bonding studs... feel like a light black sponge would break up the silvers and tie him in with rest of squad who have a hint of black on the torsos

He has a bit of black on his gorget, but I get what you mean. I didn't want to stuff up any of the bonding studs with a black sponge.


hey bro, amazing alternative and efficient technique to paint AL. do you also have the spraypaint (TS-54 Tamiya Light Metallic Blue) in a pot to paint by brush and clean up mistakes etc? Do you happen to know the product code by any chance? The tamiya cataloge is a bit confusing. http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/archive.htm




Is Tamiya X13 Metallic Blue maybe the same?

I saw that their colors come in "Glossy" and "Non Glossy" Range.. which one does the spraypaint translate to?


No, unfortunately I don't think there is a 'pot' alternative for the Light Metallic Blue. I just try to keep mistakes to a minimum and try to remove them as they happen before the paint has a chance to dry. If you keep a spare brush close to hand while you're painting you can use it to remove any misplaced paint (sometimes wetting the brush helps). The Light Metallic Blue spray also has a pretty glossy and smooth finish so sometimes it's possible to scrap any mistakes off with out damaging the undercoat.


You can also cover up mistakes with battle damage and weathering.


Metallic Blue is a different colour. It would be great for painting some metallic Ultramarines.


Here is a list of the spray paints.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Outstanding as always! If i was ever fortunate enough to play against you and your armies I would have to clap and holler jubilantly as you unpacked your minis. Otherwise I think it would be rude not to give them praise for looking so good.


I also have to say that the flesh tone on that first batch of Alpha Legion termies just steals my breath away. They are all fantastic but something about the painted flesh looks so great.

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Hey kizz
I told you a couple of months ago, that your army inspired me to choose the 3rd Legion for my Horus Heresy army.

While I am not close to your neatness and overall qulity, your how-to helped me to figure out an easy yet good looking color scheme.


Cheers mate, these exist because of you


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But do you put on a black undercoat first and then spray the models? I also bought the spray and tried it out on the plastic and it would not cover sufficiently and there would be still be some grey-plastic areas i could not reach.

Yeah, I use a black undercoat for the Terminators. There are always a few areas that the spray won't reach such as under the shoulder-pads. This isn't really a problem as long as those areas are painted black.

I've never had coverage issues though.


Looking phenomenal!

Absolutely gorgeous work, as always. Surely tempting me to try the scheme out when I redo my alpha legion.


Have you changed the scheme for the bronze on the terminators, from the one you did on the legionnaires? Looks much grittier now!

Thanks a lot bro! Nah, the bronze scheme is just the same :)


Outstanding as always! If i was ever fortunate enough to play against you and your armies I would have to clap and holler jubilantly as you unpacked your minis. Otherwise I think it would be rude not to give them praise for looking so good.


I also have to say that the flesh tone on that first batch of Alpha Legion termies just steals my breath away. They are all fantastic but something about the painted flesh looks so great.

Hahaha, I think I'd be embarrassed if someone actual gave my minis a round of applause :P

Glad you like the skin tone. Painting faces is my favourite part of any mini, so it's great to hear that you like what I've done.


Hey kizz

I told you a couple of months ago, that your army inspired me to choose the 3rd Legion for my Horus Heresy army.

While I am not close to your neatness and overall qulity, your how-to helped me to figure out an easy yet good looking color scheme.


Cheers mate, these exist because of you


Dude!!!! These are awesome! 

Really nice work on the Emperor's Children, are they a Veteran squad?

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