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I've just assembled the next unit of Terminators. I was originally planing to have three units with identical load outs (the three heads of the Hydra etc.), but I didn't want to build any more combi-plasmas and I've always liked the look of Lightning Claws so I decided to mix it up a bit.





As the premier crowd control specialists in the army I thought it would be appropriate to give the Lightning Claw warriors plenty of battle damage. Hopefully it'll look good once they're painted up.





The Leviathan has been ordered...





Thanks for looking ;)

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I'm part way through applying the decals. Hopefully I'll be able to get the squad finished tomorrow :)









Thanks for looking ;)

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The third unit of Terminators is finished!


In the end it was a nice change to work on some lightning claws, plus I rate them pretty highly on the coolness scale.



We are Legion



Alpha Squad: The Serpent's Fangs















The force so far







Yeah, the Tartaros can look a bit too plain and sleek sometimes. That's why I try to add plenty of battle damage and decals for some additional detail. Glad you like them :smile.:


Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't afford the grenades without losing some other kit. The force is designed for Zone Mortalis so hopefully I won't have to assault too many units in cover...


Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like them. 


Thanks a lot! The XXth Legion loves to use Terminator armour (at least in the novels and FW background) and Tartaros fits their aesthetic nicely.





Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Thanks guys :)




This is really an incredible army. The 3 squads of Tartaros are coherent, brutal and extremely well painted.

Awesome !!

Thanks bro! Really glad to hear you say that :)


The Alpha and the Omega - the Dark Angels and the Alpha Legion - truly have the best-looking terminators of all time.


Have fun with Zone Mortalis!


And by the way, you have posted the same picture of the fourth terminator twice. :tongue.:

Thanks a lot! And thanks for letting me know about the double pic... I've fixed it :P




Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks everyone!




Looks fantastic Kizzdougs, keen to see your Leviathan Alpha'd up!

Thanks bro! The Leviathan is in the post :)


Really impressive force, metallic blue alphas are one of the best looking armies out there, but yours are specially awesome!

Thanks bro! Really glad to hear that you like the metallic blue.


Loving the alphas man!

Thanks a lot dude!


Wow, glorious stuff.

Thanks! Glad you like them.


This really makes me want to get my Alpha's done...

Do it! If you haven't got the FW Alpha Legion decals I'd definitely recommend getting your hands on them. They're great!


Still on the money with these Alpha Legion terminators!

Thanks a lot bro :)






Thanks for looking ;)

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I've just painted up a test mini for some Alpha Legion Seekers/Effrit legionaries. 


It doesn't show up very well in the pictures but the 'black' is actually a metallic black to keep them in line with the Terminators. 


Let me know what you think :)


















They're really, really good Kizzdougs. Absolutely love them.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like them :)


Wow really impressed at how good the Alphas look. And an all terminator force. Your like doing what I always wanted but was never focused enough to do!

Yeah, I had wanted to make a Alpha Legion Terminator army for a while. I just had to wait for the plastic Tartaros to be released.


Kizz, these guys look flipping amazing. I wish I could paint to your standard. 


Quick one - Are the bases for your Alpha's your own, or are they resin ones? If they're yours, is there any chance of a tutorial?

Thanks a lot bro! I make the bases my self. I've taken some pics of the latest base I made (for the Seeker), so I'll put up a tutorial in the next couple of days.


This is a lovely thread - I used your Tartaros termies as photo reference when converting the combi-plasmas for my own, cheers!

Thanks! Glad to hear that you like how the combi-plasmas turned out :)







Thanks for looking ;)

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Hmm... Black is an interesting choice for alphas, though I think it would have looked better if both symbols and lights were the same colour. Also, may I ask how you did the metallic black? My actual army is being painted with metallic black and I´m curious to see which other methods are being used for that.

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