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I've had another go at the Effrit/Seeker colour scheme. This time around I gave the armour a coat with Tamiya Clear Blue. It's a very subtle change, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It now has an iridescent finish.



















Looks really awesome.

Thanks a lot bro!


Hmm... Black is an interesting choice for alphas, though I think it would have looked better if both symbols and lights were the same colour. Also, may I ask how you did the metallic black? My actual army is being painted with metallic black and I´m curious to see which other methods are being used for that.

The Effrit Stealth Squad (Omegon's specialist stealth formation) wore black armour, so that's what I went for. 

The metallic black is actually a Tamiya spray paint. I'll post a step by step when I get a chance.


The seeker looks awesome. The tactical black and traditional coloring makes it a very cool look.

Thanks a lot dude! Glad you like him.


That's a very nice black. Looks good!

Thanks mate :)


The black and the green decals look slick...but the glowing red/orange lenses really seal the deal man!

Thanks bro! I'm pretty happy with how the colour combinations turned out.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Time for a basing tutorial


Industrial, forgeworld, hive city, zone mortalis, naval.


Requested by StruManChu



The most important tool for my base building is a geometry compass. The key with the compass is to have two 'pins' instead of one pin and one marker.



I use a variety of textured and plain plastic-card for the base surfaces.





The compass is used to 'cut' out the circular disks of plastic card. If you're using textured plastic-card it's much easier to cut on the flat, untextured side of the card. It's also important to make sure that the circle that you cut out is the right size. Remember that too big is better than too small. You can always trim off any excess material once the plastic-card is attached to the base.







You can also combine different types of plastic-card to create a more detailed and varied surface. All you need to do is cut out the required number of plastic-card disks and then cut them to fit. I find that laying one disk on top of another and cutting straight through is the best way to go as you'll have created enough matching parts for two different bases. 



I then take a hobby knife and cut around the edges to remove any excess material. I like to use the bevelled edge of the plastic GW bases as a guide.



You can then add any details that you like. I like to add thin strips of plastic-card to cover up any joins between the different textures of plastic-card on the base.



You could call the base done at this stage, but I like to try to break up any large flat surfaces. One of my favourite methods for this is to add some 'rivets'. To start off I use a GW pin vice to drill the required holes.



For the actual 'rivets' themselves I use some small tiny little balls that I found at my local model train shop. I think they were advertised as 'apples'.



Once the 'rivets' are glued in the base is finished. I also like to add some damage and ware and tear using the hobby knife. These cuts and slashes show up really nicely once the base is finished.







Looking great. The kneeling seeker has just the right amount of blue IMHO. The standing one looks more black to me. It might be the photo though.


And you are using the pteruges mold  again. I approve.

No, you're right. That first photo is a comparison shot to show the difference between the metallic black scheme, and the metallic black with clear blue scheme. Glad you like it :)


Awesome sauce man! Worthy of praise here as well as FB!! The subtle blue hint to the black smashes it out of the park.... better glaze the first one now....

Thanks a lot bro! I don't think I'll be able to put a clear blue coat over the already finished mini.


Really like the Effrit squad member! 


I too would be interested in the colour scheme used since I do plan to add some to my Alphas at some point, although I'm not sure whether to wait and see if FW do them rules and models or just have a go myself.


Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot bro! I'll definitely be posting a step by step for the colour scheme.

Also, I doubt that FW will give us rules or minis for the Effrit squad or if they do it won't be for years. There are still plenty of units and characters that already have rules but don't have minis, plus the WS, TS, SW, BA, and DA still don't have rules or minis for any specialist units...




Thanks for looking ;)

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Metallic Black Alpha Legion





Time for another tutorial. This method of could also be useful for painting Dark Angels and Iron Hands. Quite a few people on FB have commented that the legionary looks like a Raven Guard, but personally I'd never paint the XIXth Legion using this scheme. Metallic looking armour is most definitely not a typical Raven Guard look. They're all about matt, light absorbing black armour.



I started off by undercoating the mini with GW Chaos Black spray. I followed this up with a coat of Tamiya Metallic Black.

With the second version of the scheme, I added the coat of thinned down Tamiya Clear Blue at this stage.





Next up I painted the metal areas such as the 'soft' parts of the armour, the bolt pistol, the grenades, and some of the details ofn the power pack with Leadbelcher. 



The scale-mail and some of the piping on the power pack were painted with Balthasar Gold.



Next up I washed the Leadbelcher with Nuln Oil, and the Balthazar Gold with Agrax Earthshade. I then edge highlighted the black armour with some Leadbelcher.



I then used Stormhost Silver (much better than Runefang Steel) to highlight the the Balthasar Gold as well as the Leadbelcher areas.



The pistol holster was painted Abaddon Black and then highlighted with some Mechanicus Standard Grey.



I then added some White Scar to the Mechanicum Standard Grey for for the final highlight on the holster.



Next up the eye lenses. I started off with Khorne Red for the first step.



I then used some Evil Sunz Scarlet to highlight the eye lens.



Next up I added some Flash Gitz Yellow to the Evil Sunz Scarlet, at about 1/1,



The final highlight was some pure Flash Gitz Yellow.



I then painted some thinned down Evil Sunz Scarlet under the eye lenses to create a OSL effect.



Last of all I added the decals, sealed the mini with some matt varnish, added the weathering and gave the lenses a coat of thinned Tamiya Clear Red.



If anyone has any questions about the scheme, please feel free to ask :smile.:




The first seeker was already a nice paint job, but the second one steals the shows. How much did you water down the Clear Blue, and did you apply it with a normal brush or airbrush?

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like the second scheme. I watered down the blue quite a bit using some Tamiya thinner. I applied it with a regular brush. I don't own an airbrush unfortunately.


Brilliant! Thanks so much for putting that together Kizz! I've been toying with doing my own basing recently, and the way you've done it is perfect for me going forward. You're an absolute champion mate! Thanks again.

No worries bro! If you have any other questions please feel free to ask :smile.:



Also, here is a small sneak peak of what I'm working on at the moment...








Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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What do we think then, green Tamiya clear wash for Dark Angels in the similar tones to the blue hinting at Alpha Legion?


It'd fit some of the cover artwork for them, but then I'm not sure if they would need it.


Would require a tester I suppose.


As always great work though, fair play.

Thanks a lot bro!

That's not a bad idea. It could look particularly good for some Calibanites. Otherwise I recon the metallic black scheme would be great for the the Ist Legion.

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What do we think then, green Tamiya clear wash for Dark Angels in the similar tones to the blue hinting at Alpha Legion?

It'd fit some of the cover artwork for them, but then I'm not sure if they would need it.

Would require a tester I suppose.

As always great work though, fair play.

I've done something similar in the past using clear yellow over black. It actually makes a really dark green color.

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What do we think then, green Tamiya clear wash for Dark Angels in the similar tones to the blue hinting at Alpha Legion?

It'd fit some of the cover artwork for them, but then I'm not sure if they would need it.

Would require a tester I suppose.

As always great work though, fair play.

I've done something similar in the past using clear yellow over black. It actually makes a really dark green color.


Hmmm, interesting. Even when I put the clear blue over the black it looked a bit green.

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Hear he is! A WIP shot of the Leviathan,





Incoming alpha deredeo?...

Close but no cigar. It's the Deredeo's big brother.


That could be the Base for the black though, when blacks are made its either blue, red or green, if you don't believe me put a guinness up to the light :tongue.:


Yeah, I'm sure it's the black. It's pretty difficult to get a 'true' black :tongue.:



Incoming alpha deredeo?...

Leviathan I'd say :tongue.:


Bingo :thumbsup:


Great basing tutorial, kizz. The 'apple' are usually called micro beads :thumbsup: How do you like them apples? :wink:

Thanks bro! I just found the product online. I don't think they're actually microbeads as they crumble up when crushed and don't look like they're made of plastic. Anyway, I hope they're not...









Thanks for looking :wink:


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Considering how often I check this thread, I'm actually ashamed that this is the first time I've commented ☺.


To put it bluntly kizzdougs, your work is beyond awesome (or excellent, or any of my usual platitudes ☺), it's inspirational. Your March of the Legions may be my favourite project I've seen on the forum.


A quick query about the Tamiya Metallic Black you used at the start of your Effrit tutorial. Is it a spray paint or did you apply it by brush? If the former, what's the coverage like and do you have any tips to avoid overspraying/clogging up details (something I'm always wary of when I use spray paints).

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I might have to get myself some of those apples!!


I am seriously impressed with that Leviathan! You've managed to make the bland nondescriptness of the Alpha Legion look inspiring; especially difficult given relatively large flat surface area of the torso! I'm still pondering how to EC a Leviatan up!!


The whole Alpha Legion ZM force is impressive; really think you need to expand them more....

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