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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Shamblin has coloured good old Typhus, I love that he's chosen to go with the Pre-Heresy colour scheme instead of Nurgle-green




Looks seriously good.

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Your drawing should be out this afternoon, Retributis. Took me longer than I expected, though I can't explain why, in all honesty.


I do hope you like it, though I can already state that his right arm is a tad longer than the left one, which has bothered me to no end. It is my hope that, once you see him, you'll understand why I didn't give him the eraser treatment, since I only noticed when the drawing was already in its final stages.



I don't think I've ever shown you guys this one, Shamblin's take on a Chapter Master of my own creation. It left my jaw quite slack.



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Went to my LGS at st lukes in good old Auckland NZ and what do I see hung up next to the local tourny listing but that awesome firedrake bout to banhammer the Incubi, they were using it as a promo for the 40k open, a little tourny we have here, put a smile on my face when the manager said that the space wolf on the pic is pretty bad ass.
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Both in color!.. 2 in one day, oh wonderful Wednesdays! The Typhus one in color does need more shading thou, and dirt. Its too clean looking, and reminds me of the color of some soaps. For the CM of Greyall's DIY: its dark, its grim, and has lots of good lighting. I'm impressed. I just wish someone would paint up Conrad <_<
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The Chapter Master is from December, I don't know why I didn't show it here earlier.


Went to my LGS at st lukes in good old Auckland NZ and what do I see hung up next to the local tourny listing but that awesome firedrake bout to banhammer the Incubi, they were using it as a promo for the 40k open, a little tourny we have here, put a smile on my face when the manager said that the space wolf on the pic is pretty bad ass.


Man, that's so cool, even I'm a little scared that the Salamander has been confused for a Space Wolf. Oh well, it's good to know my artwork is being used. Thanks for the "report", mate =)

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Does it show that I've been hooked up on Game of Thrones? I hope so.


Helmet design credit goes to Retributis, same for the Chapter's symbol (skull and scroll - left shoulder).


I'm pretty happy with how this guy turned out (apart from the fact that the right arms is noticeably longer that the left, but I noticed that too late), Cyren (that's his name) has a royal air to him that I think is very suited to a knightly Chapter Master.


Hope you like it, Retributis, same for everyone else. Until next drawing, 1000Heathens' pirate marine.


Take care, guys.

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The chestplate on that fella looks so damn cool. I gotta try to convert my Templar Castellan like that. Again, supreme job, Greyall.


Looking forward to my Pirate Lord....yar... ;)

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Words cannot describe how in love with this picture I am! The smile on my face when I saw it tells it all really.


Thank you so much mate, it's amazing how perfectly you've captured how I imagined him in my head from so little description. I think the black ships may come a'calling :P


Definitely need to get some colour on this guy.


Thank you so much again!

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Wow. That's really awesome. I love armor design. May I take some ideas for the miniature of my Night Lords character?


Thanks, mate. As for taking ideas, please do, I'd love to see how my drawings translate into miniature-world.


@Retributis. So glad you like it, man, I was afraid I'd gone too far with the cloak and the leather straps. I look forward to see him in colours.


@Castiel: Thanks, I was feeling a little insecure about this guy, even though I love the character.


@Kol Saresk: Thank you, matey.


@Heathens: Every time I start thinking about every single thing I have to incorporate in your drawing, I feel like I'm decorating the shopping list for the whole neighbourhood. I have a feeling that, by the end of it, I'll want both to match your vision for the character and to twist your airpipe with a crowbar.


All is well =)

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Damit I couldnt stand it. That guy is too awesome to have that tiny arm!!


PhotoPaint FTW!


I would have made it even bigger, but I tried to respect your proportions.


You have my greatest thanks, mate. Really, thank you so much, that was perfectly done, and it does look more harmonious. ;)


And a big 'thank you' to all the comments I haven't mentioned before.

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@Heathens: Every time I start thinking about every single thing I have to incorporate in your drawing, I feel like I'm decorating the shopping list for the whole neighbourhood. I have a feeling that, by the end of it, I'll want both to match your vision for the character and to twist your airpipe with a crowbar.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm gonna want to do the same to you, as I'm going to make this guy into a mini based on your pic. :)

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