Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 10, 2014 Author Share Posted November 10, 2014 Get him painted. The additions to the maulerfiend give him a really creepy Cthulhu vibe which is cool. Thanks Daemon 2027. I'll have the Sorcerer painted really soon :D Never keen on useing unpainted models in a game. Aim to start painting the metal work tomorrow night & spend Wed painting the Sorcerer. Forgot to add. When thinking of Sorcerer conversion, Blindhamster Mephstion (sp?) conversion really cool & get some idea - You can see the converted Mephstion he done over on his Blood Angels army log, it a really great conversion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 15, 2014 Author Share Posted November 15, 2014 Update Just spent today getting the Sorcerer painted, just few bit tidy up here & there. But overall really like how the Sorcerer (still sort a name out) turn out. It was great, as my oppent with the Novemarine got to see the new Sorcerer today & first thing they spoted was the trophie of there Chapter :D I'm looking forward useing the Sorcerer in a game next week along with bring my Vindicator back out along with the unit of Iron Warriors bikers. Call of Chaos Maulerfriend finish I found re-building the head part look a lot better & just look cooler than when I orignaly posted the model a while back. Next up - Chosen. Already got a few parts. So ether going to convert them tomorrow or two new Biker if I need them for my game on Thursday. Still work out point & general see what bits I've got for my Chosen. As said there going to be my Kill team unit. Want to try get the Chosen built & ready for Christmas for a few games. deathspectersgt7, Daemon2027, Kierdale and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted November 15, 2014 Share Posted November 15, 2014 Have to admit to going a bit nuts when I saw the head for Vlad's Mauler. Looks the part on yours too :tu: Sorcerer is an excellent addition too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 15, 2014 Author Share Posted November 15, 2014 Have to admit to going a bit nuts when I saw the head for Vlad's Mauler. Looks the part on yours too Sorcerer is an excellent addition too. Thank Forte. Yes just wanted somthing diffrent for the Maulerfiend & talking with Vald over on facebook. I'd like to use the head from the Lord of Skulls kit, this was somthing I was going to do for the last Forge Fiend, but bit to costly. All my friends who have a Lord of Skulls all use that bit. I really like how the Sorcerer look. Just how all the idea in my head turn out onto the model, all clicking together. Let see if his game next week does a little better :D Just Thursday there, I kept rolling 1's for warp charge :( But that least I got the power I needed cast. Also bought brand new dice after that game vs my friend Orks - if people saw the game they'd see why :D Though my friend was not to keen on seen the Novamarine trophie, more because it remind him he need to get his army updated along with many other project (Dark Eldar, second Necrons army, Warhammer Quest, Space Hulk, Orc's & Orks) that he currently working on. Also Monday mark my Iron Warriors year of collecting - 17th Nov 2001. Side note - I've also got my Space Wolves army log on the go, which should hopeful get more update on the go by end this year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mors Vincit Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 What kit is do the metal groin plates from? BTW your stuff is BadA$$$. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 16, 2014 Author Share Posted November 16, 2014 What kit is do the metal groin plates from? BTW your stuff is BadA$$$. From the Ork models Just felt it added to the Iron Warriors with seige & trench warfare with the extra armour plate. Also great for painting the yellow & black stripe, tie the army together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 The sorcerer looks great, nice work on the glow effect! The greenstuff tabard is pretty cool too, nice job! Im pretty excited to see these chosen/killteam, Good luck with your Call! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 16, 2014 Author Share Posted November 16, 2014 The sorcerer looks great, nice work on the glow effect! The greenstuff tabard is pretty cool too, nice job! Im pretty excited to see these chosen/killteam, Good luck with your Call! Thanks. For the loin cloth I've use Arjac, I had the model a while back to try convert a Space Wolf lord for my Wolves army. But conversion never went forward & since then, there lot more great kits like the Great Wolf being in plastic now. I've use that & use liquid green stuff cover up the icons. Was also inspired by the World Eater Lord that was in Warhammer Vision last month which use both Arjac & the FW Khorne Lord. I've really like how the Sorcerer turn out. I wanted it to look like he casting a power in that moment to protect Lord Narach & unit of Terminator bodyguards or summon a Daemon or to rip apart a unit. I'll get the part sorted out later today for the Kill team. I've had some of the idea since last year. Just looking forward to finial get the unit built & why I enter them into Call of Chaos, give me that push get the Kill team ready. I'd like to go to Warhammer World for a kill team event in the near future. It pretty much the only low point game I'll game. General not keen on games below 1500pts. But Kill team different :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Love the sorcerer, and the face really works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 23, 2014 Author Share Posted November 23, 2014 Love the sorcerer, and the face really works. Thanks Daemon2027 & thank for the part, it really tie in for the Sorcerer model. Start of my Chosen Kill team squad for Call of Chaos They got painted during the week - finish yesterday I'll be pick up the rest of the squad next weekend that my local Games Workshop store & going to try pick up the Rhino transport for them :D Also the Terminators have been bought, but that will wait until Christmas day for them. Obliterators - I think I'll try get some Grave Warden parts to convert the Obliterators I need for Call of Chaos. Apart from that it just my HQ chose that I'll be getting ready for the holidays, 16th Dec for two & a half weeks. Like week I had in September, really looking forward to getting space & time toward the Games Workshop hobby & play stastion (sp?), as well as movies. None call of chaos Finial got around to building two new Battle Brother for my Biker unit, they will be ready for painting this week The unit done really well in a game on Thursday there. Mange to make it though out the whole game, not being wipe out by turn 2 & that 50% of the strong strength as well. The Champion got +1 Strength & Shroud on the boon table after slay a Sargent & Master of Forge in close combat!! While my Chaos Lord, Narach. The Chaos Gods chose to give him Crusader....... He got Terminator armour!. Then stubborn..... I'm fearless. He also slay him self due to amount of 1's I rolled for the Daemonic Axe 3/4 times, but he did slay Vulken & a squad of Terminators. Also Chaos Guards, this is just to replace the Melta arm models during games Finial bought this lot yesterday Building - For base Marines - Toward my Space Wolves army to get them back up to gaming standard & as always add cool new models. They got a game vs Nids soon Dreadnoughts - Right now there been a discussion on Helbrute in the Chaos area & bit on the Mayhem pack. On Thursday a few friends where also talk about this. About it be pretty cool for my army, having them supporting Lord Narach & his Terminators bodyguards. Like wise how the Sorcerer can help both units. While image wise, be pretty cool as this strike force aim for the important part in a trench or seige warfare. So right now aim to get two Multi Melta Dreadnought converted & I'll use a Dreadnought I've already got in my army just try out the dataslate. Also little off topic, but still power armour - I've been painting Vulken this week for my friend who I had a game against on Thursday there. Vulken a really great model. I've really enjoy painting the Primarch, just lot cool things about the model & really enjoyible to paint. What next - I've place a Forge World order on Friday. This is just to get my Heresy hobby challenge started & painted. It the MkIII Commander w/Standard Bearer (going to use the MkIII helmet from that for my Chaos era IW Chosen Kill team squad). Then MkIII Armour & Autocannons to model the Iron Havocs. I've also order Power Axe for my Terminators I'm getting for Christmas. - Convert the Dreadnought I just bought. - Get parts sorted for the Obliterators & HQ chose I put forward to Call of Chaos, so these can get painted during the holidays. - Chaos Guards: The two Demolisher & Sential are sitting there. Pretty much going to get them undercaoted & spray painted as soon as my holidays start. Then other stuff like getting my Ravenwing army all finish. Sorting my Space Wolves army, getting them a little bit updated - see there army blog. Should have the Biker finish by next weekend. Dark Disciple and Pearson73 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted November 23, 2014 Share Posted November 23, 2014 Is the assault cannon a counts-as heavy bolter? It looks great. Too bad there cannot be assault cannons on PAed marines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 23, 2014 Author Share Posted November 23, 2014 Is the assault cannon a counts-as heavy bolter? It looks great. Too bad there cannot be assault cannons on PAed marines. Count as Autocannons, I've use them though out my Iron Warriors force & in my Mk5 army. In a trench or seige or city fight, this would be easyer to move about in my view. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted November 23, 2014 Share Posted November 23, 2014 Ah, forgot that havocs could have autocannons. Weird that the loyalists never thought of that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted November 23, 2014 Share Posted November 23, 2014 I really should do some kill team stuff. Quality update as ever :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 23, 2014 Author Share Posted November 23, 2014 Ah, forgot that havocs could have autocannons. Weird that the loyalists never thought of that. Autocannon my weapon of chose for my Chaos armies :D I really should do some kill team stuff. Quality update as ever While I'm not keen on small point games (under 1500pts), Kill team diffrent. It good game & really good if you've not got much time. Want to try get my Kill team finish for before or that least start of my holidays to try get a few games going. Champion Azog Vannuk w/Power Fist Chosen Golg Valax w/Melta, Ignore Cover (Weapon Specialist) Chosen w/Autocannon, Relentless (Indomitable) Chosen w/Combi Flamer: Never really use one & though be pretty cool model wise, Prefferred Enemy (Gurilla) Chosen w/standard gear Rhino w/Extra armour Total 200pts Part just what will be in the unit. Part just to remind me. Hobbit movie been pretty cool & Orc been help toward some idea. I'm waiting until Battle of Five armies before converting up my Champion. Also need to sort out names for each model. Combi Flamer model will be taken idea from the Apothercary from the Iron Warriors art work from Index Astarties Saying that, this is somthing I want to try get done is a list of models in the my Iron Warriors army with unit names & Champion names so it all together. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted November 23, 2014 Share Posted November 23, 2014 Looks like a good little list I have to admit. Hadn't really looked at the Chosen options. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted November 23, 2014 Share Posted November 23, 2014 Your Iron Warriors are still looking fantastic! It's always great to see your creations and even more of a joy to see them in battle! I also look forward to the kill team. I'm partial to raptors but chosen just have so many options to make them nasty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted November 24, 2014 Author Share Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) Thanks for the comments Looks like a good little list I have to admit. Hadn't really looked at the Chosen options. Just chosen have a lot of chose & there a lot you can do with them. I could possible drop the Power Fist to a Power Axe, take Combi Melta. But same time, last odel I added a Power Fist to was the Champion of the Iron Havocs. Just cool to paint up more than anything else. Your Iron Warriors are still looking fantastic! It's always great to see your creations and even more of a joy to see them in battle! I also look forward to the kill team. I'm partial to raptors but chosen just have so many options to make them nasty! Thanks. I'll be getting the rest of the unit this weekend. Most like going to hold off on the Champion until The Hobbit Battle of Five armies for idea.As always - If there conversion idea, seen somthing cool I'll keep adding to my Iron Warriors. Sorcerer added after Rapid Fire when my oppent was talk to me about the Psychic phase & the power that can help out, just only time I'd really use a Psychier was a Rune Priest in 5th ed. I have a Librarian in my Ravenwing army, but during 6th ed, just power they got & I alway ended up with pretty much things the army already have - re-roll hits, all my weapon are pretty much twin linked. So right now things I'd like to add in the near future - Mayhem pack. Always been a fan of Dreadnought, see my Wolves or any Marine army I've collected. I think it'll be cool just the image/theme of a strike force with Narach & his Terminator bodyguards, support by Mayhem pack.While model wise, I'd like to try model champion type, sort like Warsmith Berossus in Dead Sky Black Sun Augmented and extensively engineered since his interrment, Berossus’s mechanical form towered above the other dreadnoughts of his grand company, his leg assemblies strengthened and widened to allow him to carry heavier and heavier breaching equipment. The dreadnought’s upper body was scarred and pitted, the testament of uncounted sieges engraved on its adamantium shell. One arm bore a mighty, piston-driven siege hammer, the other a monstrous drill ringed with heavy calibre cannons. Four thick, iron arms ending in vicious picks, blades, claws and heavy gauge breachers sprouted from behind Berossus’s sarcophagus and hung ready for use over his armoured carapace. -Dead Sky, Black Sun So just need to plan this out. I think he will be converted last, sort of leader Dreadnought I want inspired by Berossus. Right now aim to get the two Multi Melta Helbrute converted. - Iron Warriors Bezerker. Just after useing the FW World Eater armour for Lheor Urkis. Also want to use the Night Lord Terror squad helmet. I want them to sort of be like, death company are to Blood Angels. Just I use to have a Bezerker unit back when I started the army 2001. Most like going to go heavy bionic on this unit as well. - Another Predator. - Another Chosen unit. Just saw really cool models over on facebook Heresy hobby group recently. - IW Heresy release. Pretty much when IW get there release time. They'll be added into my army. Terminators will help toward my unbound army. As soon as I get my Primarch, he will be built & painting start as soon as he arrive (release date from FW permitting). - Chaos Guards, which is currently been WIP. Edit - Forgot to add inFrom the 18th December, my holiday will start up until 4th Jan. This is general why Call of Chaos & other hobby challenge like a Heresy one I'm take part in is great this time of year. The first week is pretty much all about getting my own models built & painted & general getting my own space.Then 25th-new year general busy with family & Play Station with any games I get as present.Already got a lot line up for this holiday from Call of Chaos, Mayhem Pack, Heresy hobby challenge, Chaos Guards, update my Space Wolves & finial finish my Ravenwing army during this time. Edited November 24, 2014 by Insane Psychopath Forté 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 1, 2014 Author Share Posted December 1, 2014 Update It been a pretty busy week between stuff in personal life & also gigs (seen The Charm The Fury). During the week I got the two new Biker Battle Brother painted, help bring the unit of Iron Warriors biker up to 10 models strong Then the models half a hour ago, hope this if the finial layer of weather powder I need to add. Just taken a break right now & let the MIG pigment fixer dry. With the rest of the unit yesterday I've also got the two Demolisher tanks spray painted & wash on the armour. This is just so there ready to start painting when my holiday start in a few week time for the Christmas season Right now my to do list is - IW for Call of Chaos, IW for Heresy, update my Wolves, finish my Ravenwing & think first few days of the holiday going to be spent painting up these Leman Russ. Also just bought this lot during the weekend - help out with Call of Chaos. Rhino & Chaos Marines - Chosen for Call of Chaos. Once my holidays start, I'll pretty much be building these models as soon as possible & so there ready to get some kill team games on the go. Chaos Champion - My Chaos Lord in Power Armour. I was hope Sevatar would be release from Forge World, but time running out for Call of Chaos & if I want to get everything finish - holiday time best time for me to take part in hobby challenge. So want to use the two & a half week I got off to get a lot done, not worry about time other than spend time on the play stastion (sp?) during the holidays as well. Terminator lord - Obliterators, bring the Obliterators in my army to 9 model strong. Obliterators always been my favrout unit since they where brought into the game during the 3rd ed era of Codex Chaos Space Marines. Just need to order Bile backpack, that should get done in the next few week along with the Warsmith model. Just pick this lot up today Heresy era Iron Warriors - This is part of the hobby challenge I'm take for the Horus Heresy side of things over on facebook. So the Siege commander will be the person who ended up becoming the Contemptor Dreadnought in my Chaos era IW's army. Then a unit of Iron Havocs.Some of the parts will be kept aside for my Terminators I'll be getting for Christmas. Also got the Chain Axe weapon in the FW order to use for them as well. I'll use the free P&P voucher in a few week time, as I'll be buying the Heresy Death Guard bodies to use for my HQ chose & also Tech Priest for the Servo Arm's for the Warpsmith conversion, while the model it self will be painted up & added to my Chaos Guards. Mean everything I need for Call of Chaos is there & ready to get build & painted during the two & half week I've got off. I'm really looking forward to my holidays now & just to get some space as well. Pearson73 and Dark Rage 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Rage Posted December 1, 2014 Share Posted December 1, 2014 Air time! really cool additions to your squad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted December 2, 2014 Share Posted December 2, 2014 I must admit that I like how you use the Hobbit for inspiration. I know that I am eager to see the five armies. Also, did Christmas come early for you? You got a lot of new goodies! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 2, 2014 Author Share Posted December 2, 2014 Thanks for the commented :D I must admit that I like how you use the Hobbit for inspiration. I know that I am eager to see the five armies. Also, did Christmas come early for you? You got a lot of new goodies! Just when I see movie like Hobbit, LotR, etc... it seen it with just movie mind set, GW hobby mind set & model maker mind set (NQ-HND college course 2005-2008). Yesterday watching the extra from LotR Two Tower movie, seen all design they went though for the armour & weapon for the Urik Hai or in the Fellowship all detail for Saroun (sp?) from WETA workshop. So I'm leaving the Champion for my Kill Team (Chosen) until I've seen the movie. But I'll get the other two memeber converted this weekend & start getting there Rhino transport ready. All new box set - Not yet. Just save up & it been pretty busy here past few weeks. Christmas time a good time of year for me & when I've always try get as much Games Workshop hobby done. I want to get the models sorted, try get everything I need for Call of Chaos & the Heresy hobby challenge. Try get what I can built between now & the first few days of my holidays, as well as get them undercaoted. Just so there ready to go & ready to paint pretty much any time during the holidays. There still a few things left to get. Next week try get Forge World order place for the HQ side of things I put forward for Call of Chaos. Then pick up a few boxies from my local GW store so I got everything ready for Christmas day to convert up the new unit of Terminators. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted December 8, 2014 Author Share Posted December 8, 2014 Update Just a quick update on the Iron Warriors. It been pretty busy over the past few weeks & pretty much until 18th Decemeber going to be chaotic with personal life, the Hobbit battle of the Five armies & two gigs. Then 18th & 19th when holiday start going to be getting my Call of Chaos models built & ready for undercaoting :D Call of Chaos - Chosen Just spent the weekend build up another two Battle Brother for the unit of Chosen Then here the other two Battle Brother I've already posted before, just so the chosen unit all together Then both these Battle Brother painted a few week ago After this post, I'm going to add a few things to the two new Battle Brother to this unit of Chosen. Then get them base so there ready to get undercaoted tomorrow. I've just got the Champion left & Rhino. I'm aim on spending the 18th & 19th next week just getting as much built & converted. Also aim to get Bile backpack order this week for my Obliterator conversion. Also possible pick up the Blood Angels tactical, use the Heavy Flamer for the Obliterator & use few other parts on my Iron Warriors, while rest of the box set go toward trophies or to build the models up as the new BA Tactical squad look really cool. Keep the new 32mm base toward my Bezerker unit. Call of Chaos is getting there, 18th & 19th see a lot getting done. Before I spend a lot of time on the Play stastion (sp?) with Assassin's Creed Unity. Also here my Heresy hobby challenge I was paint during the week. Hopeful get them finish during the weekend. There still a lot to get done. Squad marking & just extra detail work. Also got the Siege Breaker (MkIII Command) to paint up. So try get them finish this week. Chaos Guards Any free time I've had over the past few days that home has went toward the Chaos Guards. Next week should see the models varnish & forge world weather powder added onto them, then it just finial detail to add which will get painted during the Christmas holidays.I'll also be going back to all four Leman Russ to add few extra, see the FW model masterclass book Vol1 to get some more idea & what to add to the models. I'll also be adding a few more brass etching, just right now it been case of waiting & see what I'll have left over. Pearson73 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMan Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 This Iron Warrior's army just does not quit. Just had a read through, and man, this stuff is incredible. Great work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 Looking great - love the style and dynamism of the poses. Adds a lot of character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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