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I picked up 2 Meng World War Toons Tiger 1 tanks.  They are just about the size of a Leman Russ and a , to me, a natural kitbash for a Vanquisher variant.  Great kit, especially for beginners....




Decided to use the Chimera lower hull, among a few other 40k improvements.  Still have to add some fenders and the lower hull plates, but here's a couple size comparison shots....




Planning on some more stowage, might even have to greenstuff some of it. Possibly some camoflage webbing , etc.  The commander not standing up has a Genestealer cult head, so these guys are multi-use.  A couple more sessions and they will be ready for paint.



Edited by rednekkboss

Huh, I had seen those model kits at my local Hobby Lobby (I know, I know). Didn't know they scaled that well for 40k. Interesting.


They are several options for the World War Toons line, including a KV-2. :biggrin.:

You mean the Ragnarok heavy tank, right? :wink:

Edited by Gederas

They look really cool. I bet the Orks are already eyeing up the spare tracks.


Going to use the lower hull for a "multi-role vehicle" which I'm hoping will look like a civilian tractor pressed into military service. Using the gun tower from the Aegis line as part of it. The idea is to end up with two things I can use as all sorts of things from  Goliath trucks to manticores. :)


HOWEVER..... there are SO many great choices in that model line and I can probably cobe 1-2 models out of each kit for the Orks, so its should be some Mek madness. Hoping to get my Chaos army close to done by summers end (I mean.... is it ever reeeeeallly done?) and focus on Orks for a bit, but knowing the way I work (scatter brained, chaotic fashion... never one project at a time) Ork stuff could happen at any time. I've got this idea for an Ork biplane right now that is just burning its way out of my brain. :)

Martha is primed.  Basic brown spray.... then a 50/50 wash of black/brown.






AND.... the fleshmower got some too.....



She's going to look magnificent indeed! Sorry I missed so much, been busy redecorating the new house. I love it. 


Leman Russes looking good too! Nice work.


Also, what is the recipe for your black/brown wash?

She's going to look magnificent indeed! Sorry I missed so much, been busy redecorating the new house. I love it. 


Leman Russes looking good too! Nice work.


Also, what is the recipe for your black/brown wash?


Rhinox Hide and black 50/50.... then watered down paint to water 50/50. It gets in all the crannies and makes for a nice base fro my drab and gribbly palletes. I kind of prefer it to straight black...even if I were painting black.


As for the tanks!.... Construction is done....




And the one with the genestealer hybrid head...





I may add some rivets to the outer plates and maybe a bit of stowage, though I dryfit a bunch of different things and thought they cluttered up the tanks.  Now...on to painting Martha!

Edited by rednekkboss

Needs more rivets for sure. Other than that: :jawdrop:


Thanks!! I'm thinking of rigging up some sort of magnetized or removable multi-melta sponsons too.  Now that I've had a couple days away from them, I think there will be more details before the paint hits them.

The actual painting of Martha has commenced.  There's a few more photos on my hobby blog, but here's the basics.  After the black/brown wash its on to GW Rakarth Flesh and an overall drybrushing to start, what will be, the underpainting over which washes will be applied....




Then, more drybrushing with two fleshy colors- darer, then the lightest. I included the beat up old brushes I use for such work. They all started out with points, I just cut them down when they no longer wanted to keep said points. My wife accuses me of "scrubbing paint into the model" with these, and its probably not far from the truth, but you can fnessse with a dry brush too. Its often a technique shuffled off as "amaturish" when compared to wet blending and the like, but take it from someone who has been painting nearly 40 years, you can do a LOT with it. Its all practice and experimentation.  Sure, it'll be more "blanchitsu" than "golden Daemon", but it all depends on the look you want. 




The flat flesh -> Elf flesh with each view.... 






A few more details and highlights probably, then its on to start the layers of washes.  If you do Instagram, I tend to post while I'm painting so look for me here....  https://www.instagram.com/jfshandrednekkboss/

I don't know about other users of greenstuff, but I'm always a bit worried how the sculpting work will look once paint is on it and Martha holds up wonderfully. Can't wait to see her finished. 

That thing is truly terrifying. Going with the souless jet black eyes on this one?


The concensus before was pallid blind eyes. I'll see how the skin turns out first to see which one will have maximum effect. What you are seeing right now is an underpainting, it won't be anywhere near that bright when she's done.

I'm all giddy with excitement on seeing Martha with paint THIS SOON.


By Pallid blind eyes do you mean what you did with Blinky?


Probably, though the pearl color during construction was popular. I expect , in the end that eh area around the eyes will be a kind of bullfrog brown, so the pearl/cataract milky eye thing would look the best.

To foster Augustus' continued giddiness, I made some serious progress on Martha this week....


I washed over the underpainting with a mix of Althonian Camoshade and Druchii Violet, the standard Rednekk Nurgle wash. You can see the difference is washed and unwashed in this shot...




The washes deepen and we end up with a kind of Bullfrog Brown, with highlights from the underpainting showing through.




Then I add some colors to the detail areas , which would in turn get washed with various colors....






On the tentacles I put striped of light grey and elf flesh, then wash them with purple. Eventually they will get a nice coat of gloss too.




And the end result....




Also... a scale shot, just so you can see how big she has grown....




Horns and claws are next. Cheers y'all!

This plog has me really confused. Do I keep comming back to see the awesome progress or do I stay away to make sure the contents of my stomach stays where it is??? Its a really hard choice.

Edited by PowerHungryMonkey

You and your hands have created some pure nightmares in the flesh! And I love it!


The green stuff work and sculpting is ace and seeing it painted really shows that off! Martha is definitely a mini the FW team should be envious of!

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