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Lorenzen's Abyss: Heresy, Necro & a load of other stuff


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thanks guys, theres been quite a steep learning curve for me with this guy from the moment i decided i wanted the collar and hip armour.. im pretty confident at doing cloth, but the rest of him has been outside of my comfort zone (which is a good thing) im currently trying to make buckles for the cloak (in the vein of loken) as i felt slacking off this close to the end would just annoy me later on. im really eager to get him primed and ready for paint, mainly to actually get him finished sculpt wise, and because a layer of primer will highlight any defects in the sculpt same way it shows up that one mould line we missed with neon signs going "here it is you idiot!!"

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got the clasps for the cloak done finally.. made out of brass etch offcut, 5 amp fuse wire and greenstuff.



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the clasps were a total pain the the astartes to make.. but i think the final result was worth it.


anyhow i have a small update..




sculpting is officially finished!!! the axe head is temporary and only pinned in place, but hes done and is now primed.

really REALLY happy with how the model has turned out, the cloth  has turned out really smooth and the armour parts dont look "sculpted" but part of the original model imho.. now i just need to do him justice paint wise. *happy Lorenzen*

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Well, judging by the face you've done now, I think you'll nail the painting side! However, my suggestion would be not to go OTT on the battle damage/gore/dirt/rust: while it is distinctly Death Guard-y, the less there is, the better, in my books. Plus he's the commanding officer, so his armour would be treated with more care, despite him being from the Legion which doesn't look after its toys :P

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The amount of realism in the face is astounding. When combined with the cloak clasps, it make Kael feel... real. Which is  an way to describe a tiny model of a fictitious, genetically engineered superhuman warrior. But I feel that it is the only word that does the skill displayed justice. Very, very nice.

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thanks guys! :blush.:


hopefully the rest of the painting will live up to the praise you've given the face & sculpting.. *gulp*


weathering wise he'll most likely end up as battered as the rest of the force (all be it on the lighter side like Mors) afterall the death guard wear their damage with pride and Kael's paranoia at being seen in the same light as Garro will have him where the fighting is thickest proving his loyalty to Mortarion with the teeth of his axe..

Edited by Lorenzen
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done some work on kael, the cloak is airbrushed, but the photo kindve washes it out..




also had a game with DPD.. the death guard did not do so well :( but kael did manage to gut his praetor like a fish despite being the last death guard left standing at the end of the game.





back when he had mates.. before a command squad, praetor and dreadnought charged them... stupid mors was already dead by this time. (note to self, meltabombs need to go on all my sarges)



and ill finish off with a fancy shot of the two dreads facing off against each other (never happened, just looks cool)

Edited by Lorenzen
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I would have skinned someone in front of their own mother to see, in person, both you and Dargor's minis on the same table...


Awesomeness of that scale probably permenantley blinded pedestrians as they walked past that LGS.

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haha not quite.. however the moment The Damned Artificer got involved, the world started to crumble around us



credit where credits due, that man is good at shopping the photos.

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I'm with Heathens on this one, that shopped picture is awesome. Kael is coming along brilliantly, although I see what you mean about the cloak getting washed out by the camera. As an aside, it would be awesome to see both of those armies simultaneously in person; they're both favorites of mine where the Heresy Era is concerned.
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thanks for all the kind words, TDA and DPD deserve most of the credit, my stuffs just hiding amongst dpd's awesome work & tda's photoshopping.. though i do take a good picture. theres a few more pics to come, mainly from warhammer worlds istvaan 3 board for obvinus reasons.
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