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Death Guard-Rebuilding a Legion 11.01.19 - The Year Ahead!


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Looking Good !!!! The vows look great.


Thanks DSS7!


Anyway, I've blitzed the Vow this week, and can post the completion!


++Vow 3 Complete++


I, Chaeron, have completed the following:


++Vow 3++


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Deredeo Pattern with two Twin-Linked Autocannons, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour, Carapace Havoc Launcher, Mark of Nurgle–265pts


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Deredeo Pattern with two Twin-Linked Autocannons, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour, Carapace Havoc Launcher, Mark of Nurgle–265pts


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Deredeo Pattern with two Plasma Cannons, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour, Carapace Havoc Launcher, Mark of Nurgle – 270pts


Fellblade with Armoured Ceramite - 560pts (represented by a Glaive)


Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought– 150pts


Cypher – 190pts


Daemon Prince with MoN and Murder Sword – 195pts


Lucius the Eternal – 165pts


5 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 125pts


5 Plague Marines with VOTLW, Champ with Power Weapon – 140pts


7 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 175pts


7 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 175pts


7 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 175pts


Khorne Lord with Juggernaut, VOTLW, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Meltabombs – 150pts


...of total value 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016.





Forgot to post it in here, but here's my Vow and completion for Vow 4:


++Vow 4 Complete++


I, Chaeron, have completed the following:


++Vow 4++


Defiler – with Havoc Launcher, Gargoyles – 205pts


Defiler – with Havoc Launcher, Gargoyles – 205pts


Defiler – with Havoc Launcher – 200pts


Soul Grinder of Nurgle with Phlegm and Warpsword - 205pts


Chaos Contemptor – with (Kheres) Autocannon, Mark of Nurgle – 220pts


Chaos Contemptor – with (Kheres) Autocannon, Mark of Nurgle – 220pts


Ferrum Infernus Dread with Lascannon, Host of Daemonic Iron and Mark of Nurgle – 200pts


Ferrum Infernus Dread with Lascannon, Host of Daemonic Iron and Mark of Nurgle – 200pts


Two Lascannons Predators with Gargoyles and Dozer (respectively) - 290pts


Abaddon - 265pts


Abaddon - 265pts


Chaos Lord with Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Combi-Melta, VOTLW, Mark of Nurgle – 147pts


Chaos Lord with Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Combi-Melta, VOTLW, Mark of Nurgle – 147pts


Dark Apostle with VOTLW, Mark of Nurgle, Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs – 140pts


Sorcerer with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW, Melta Bombs, Combi-Melta – 95pts


...of total value 3004pts 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016.


Before photo:




And after:






Apologies for anything the light washes out! Have just added some more contrast to the Nurgling bursting out of one of the Dreads, as well as a couple of tweaks on them, so here's a little photo of that too:




And then, to finish off:


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX for a fifth (and final) time and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex Chaos Space Marines, in no particular order:


++Vow 5++


Vow 5


Daemon Prince of Nurgle, with Murder Sword, Power Armour – 215pts


Daemon Prince of Nurgle, with Murder Sword, Power Armour, Gift of Mutation – 225pts


Two Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW – 158pts


Two Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW – 158pts


Sorcerer with Familiar, VOTLW, Mark of Nurgle – 95pts


Chaos Lord with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW, Power Fist, Plasma Pistol – 125pts


Chaos Lord with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol – 115pts


Chaos Lord with VoTLW, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Sigil of Corruption- 130pts


Chaos Lord with VoTLW, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Sigil of Corruption- 130pts


Cypher – 190pts


Fabius Bile – 165pts


Fabius Bile – 165pts


5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon, 2 Chainfists, Power Fist, VOTLW and a Combi-Melta – 233pts


5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon, 2 Combi-Flamers, 2 Combi-Meltas, 2 Chainfists, VOTLW and a Lightning Claw – 244pts


5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon, 2 Chainfists, Lightning Claw, VOTLW – 224pts


13 Iron Warriors with VOTLW, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher, Champion with Power Weapon – 237pts


11 Iron Warriors with VOTLW, Champion with Plasma Gun. Melta Gun and Power Fist -  214pts


...of total value 3023pts 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


With the before photo:




I have regrettably run out of 40mm bases, so the last few metal Terminators are on their standard size. I don't seem to have another large base for the Daemon Prince either, so need to have a look...


++Vow 5 Complete++


I, Chaeron, have completed the following:


++Vow 5++


Daemon Prince of Nurgle, with Murder Sword, Power Armour – 215pts


Daemon Prince of Nurgle, with Murder Sword, Power Armour, Gift of Mutation – 225pts


Two Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW – 158pts


Two Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW – 158pts


Sorcerer with Familiar, VOTLW, Mark of Nurgle – 95pts


Chaos Lord with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW, Power Fist, Plasma Pistol – 125pts


Chaos Lord with Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol – 115pts


Chaos Lord with VoTLW, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Sigil of Corruption- 130pts


Chaos Lord with VoTLW, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Sigil of Corruption- 130pts


Cypher – 190pts


Fabius Bile – 165pts


Fabius Bile – 165pts


5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon, 2 Chainfists, Power Fist, VOTLW and a Combi-Melta – 233pts


5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon, 2 Combi-Flamers, 2 Combi-Meltas, 2 Chainfists, VOTLW and a Lightning Claw – 244pts


5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon, 2 Chainfists, Lightning Claw, VOTLW – 224pts


13 Iron Warriors with VOTLW, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher, Champion with Power Weapon – 237pts


11 Iron Warriors with VOTLW, Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, Champion with Power Fist  -  214pts (NB: order changed to make it clear that the Champion had a Power Fist, not a Plasma Gun!)


...of total value 3023pts 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016. 




Sadly, I don't have a Mars themed base to put my Iron Warriors on, but hope the photo conveys the work suitably! 


Very happy to have participated in another ETL, and pleased to have contributed a sizeable amount of points to the Realm of Chaos' efforts. I'm personally delighted to have painted so much in about twelve weeks (it pretty much clears my backlog of so many years! :happy.:), and I make that 194 models completed (of varying sizes) during that period. I don't know if I'll have time to grab a photo in the coming days of the whole lot - but I hope to at some point soon.

  • 2 months later...

A long overdue update!


So after painting lots of Chaos related models over summer, I've been devoting time to other things needing my attention - namely my Ryza-themed Mechanicum (suitably compatible with all of my Traitor contingents, of course), so it was nice during the last week to finalise my list for a Heresy campaign weekend with club-mates and paint the Lightning I needed to use! Although I've got a selection of photos from the games, I'll just post up some photos of my army at the end of the weekend for the time being, which is a larger variant (3000pts) of the list I took to Warhammer World last time for our campaign weekend:






And a quick focus photo on the newly painted Lightning:




Within the campaign itself, I was pleased to post a win and a draw in a couple of great games - and very happy to get the army on the table a number of times over the weekend (a win on Friday night and a loss on Sunday too).


This evening, I've just been tidying up a few things I have painted previously, including giving both my Sicarans a brown wash, before I start further weathering on them:




I'm trying to ensure I'm fully consistent, having painted things over the past few years to ensure they all look fully cohesive. It's also tidying up those bits of natural wear and tear, and things I've missed!


In terms of the next projects on this front for the Legion, I hope to Vow for the Call of Chaos soon, which'll hopefully progress my Battlefleet Gothic, and anything else appropriate. I'm looking to grow my support team choices, with Heavy Bolters and Missile Launchers in the pipeline, as well as getting my two Dreadclaws ready for the table-top! Lots of things to be getting on with!

  • 1 month later...

A quick update to showcase what I've been working on recently (and what I've just completed!). This year for the Call of Chaos I vowed all of my Battlefleet Gothic stuff. With the appropriate upgrades (i.e. Warmaster and the obligatory Mark of Nurgle) it would be just shy of 1850pts, and so I thought it would be a good opportunity to batch paint something rather different to my normal scale that would become a near ready made fleet! The vow, with before and after photos, is below:


I, Chaeron, answer the Call of Chaos and pledge to complete the following fleet of eleven vows before December 15th 2016. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Ultimate Deception and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail, I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and expect no mercy!


1.       Styx Heavy Class Cruiser – 275pts

2.       Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser – 190pts

3.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

4.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

5.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

6.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

7.       Chaos Murder Class Cruiser – 180pts

8.       Chaos Murder Class Cruiser – 180pts

9.       Chaos Idolater Class Raider – 45pts

10.   Chaos Infidel Class Raider – 40pts

11.   Chaos Infidel Class Raider – 40pts


Here’s a photo of them all ready for spraying:




Here’s a photo after basecoating (I went for an all over black spray first, to get them uniform, before spraying with the usual white to base):




I started by blocking out the trim in green and all the metals:




The first wash:




I then worked through weathering, basing and detailing, before my completion below:


The warp roiled as the prows of the fleet cut through it. They knew their purpose: driven with the clarity provided by ten thousand years of fighting their cause. They had been called by Chaos, and answered the Warmaster's summons for the next Crusade with their void-borne fury. 


++Vow Complete++ 


1.       Styx Heavy Class Cruiser – 275pts

2.       Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser – 190pts

3.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

4.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

5.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

6.       Chaos Devastation Cruiser – 190pts

7.       Chaos Murder Class Cruiser – 180pts

8.       Chaos Murder Class Cruiser – 180pts

9.       Chaos Idolater Class Raider – 45pts

10.   Chaos Infidel Class Raider – 40pts

11.   Chaos Infidel Class Raider – 40pts








Thoroughly enjoyed doing something different! I'm not sure what I'm going to work on next, but I've got a few potential bits in the pipeline for my Heresy Death Guard, so Dreadclaws and Recon Marines may be on the way!

  • 3 months later...

It has been a little while since I last updated this thread, but I've not been idle! I've mostly been investing effort in bringing my Mechanicum up to standard as a useful ally, and as an alternative army in a Ryza-themed Legio Cybernetica Cohort. Equally, I've actually managed to play a number of games, by virtue of attending the Horus Heresy Throne of Skulls! It was my first event at Warhammer World, and I had a fantastic time: everyone was incredibly friendly and I had five great games over the course of the weekend. A few shots below of some of the games (as I forgot to take others), and one of my army on trays. The standard of painting was incredibly high, which is really inspirational. I'd highly recommend attending one of those in future!


A picture of my army for the weekend:




And a few quick shots of a few of the games:


Brother vs. Brother - Death Guard vs. Death Guard:






Death Guard vs. Blood Angels:




Death Guard vs. Salamanders:






I also played against Custodes for the first time, and against Imperial Fists! The Traitor Faction won overall, and so I got a fantastic certificate too, which was an added bonus!


A thoroughly enjoyable weekend all told - and I was able to pick up a couple more additions to my Heresy based Death Guard, to come in due course! Just before the event, I tidied up a few things and added more things to the bases - so I'll just continue to refresh some of the older models I've painted, to ensure everything remains consistent. As alluded to in my last post, I've still got Dreadclaws and Recon Marines to do - so plenty still to work on soon!

  • 1 year later...

A long overdue update! I've been working on a variety of things in the interim, such as my Mechanicus/Mechanicum in a separate project log amongst other things, so the ETL represents a great opportunity to run through the next stage of what I'd like to do! I'm currently trying to expand on the various Rites of War for Heresy, and I'll be working on Orbital Assault and the Reaping lists and the items for them, including in part of my vow shown below.


I have played a small amount, using a Renegade Knights list at a tournament (at the advent of 8th Edition), which I've shown previously - although here's a quick group shot:




For the ETL, I've offered the following:


+++Legion Reinforcement+++ 


The equerry scurried down the corridor and eased himself into the briefing room to receive his next charge. He always looked to make himself appear useful, and so far - he had, with his service rewarded with his continued being. Ever efficient, perhaps officious; the equerry represented an individual with particular logistical skills, and that made him valuable. He wisely chose not to test how valuable that was, and set about his task:

"My Lord, are we to answer the summons again?", the equerry enquired, directing the question at the occupied throne.

The answer came from a different Lord entirely, silhouetted in the shadows, that led the equerry to throw himself into a position of suppliance on the hard marble floor in abject fear.

"Always," wheezed Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard, "For we are Legion, and it is that time again."


Vow 1:


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Realm of Chaos Faction and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex: Death Guard and the Imperial Armour Index: Forces of Chaos, in no particular order:


Mortarion – 470pts
Kharybdis – 375pts
Dreadclaw – 130pts
Dreadclaw – 130pts
Dreadclaw – 130pts
Death Guard Sorcerer in Terminator Armour with Force Axe – 130pts
Lord of Contagion with Plaguereaper – 130pts
Lord of Contagion with Plaguereaper – 130pts
Malignant Plaguecaster – 110pts
Noxious Blightbringer with Plasma Pistol – 65pts
Bloat Drone with two Plaguespitters and a Plague Probe – 158pts
Bloat Drone with two Plaguespitters and a Plague Probe – 158pts
12 Poxwalkers – 72pts
12 Poxwalkers – 72pts
12 Poxwalkers – 72pts
5 Plague Marines – Blight Launcher, Champion with Plasma Gun and Power Fist – 120pts
5 Plague Marines – 1 Plasma Gun, Champion with Plaguesword and Power Fist – 111pts
5 Plague Marines – 1 Plasma Gun – 98pts
Leviathan with Siege Claw and Drill – 295pts
...of total value 2956pts on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Realm of Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


My photos prior to painting (and in most cases, assembly!):






Plenty more updates to come - until next time!

Thats a nice group of dreadclaws. Look forward to seeing these all painted



Thanks Sagentus - looking forward to doing these! I'm thinking about doing some scorch marks for atmospheric entry and things like that... see how it goes!


Good luck on the Vow . 



Cheers DSS! Hopefully, one of a few!


Finally someone to up the highest vow!! Glad to have you aboard the CSM forum!


Glad to be a part of it! I've got things rolling by getting the Pods sprayed (and my additional Dreadnought Drop Pod too...) - so we'll hopefully be putting paint to model soon.

  • 1 month later...

A quick photo to showcase some of the progress I've made, having now finished the Leviathan, Dreadclaws, and Kharybdis.


I've included an action shot of them all deploying on an agri-world below:




These models represent roughly a third of my vow for the ETL (1060/2956pts), so really pleased to have got these completed. I've now worked through everything else that I need to paint, and it is all built and sprayed (or sub-assembled, in the case of Mortarion, for ease of painting!), so I'll be working through this all soon. 

  • 1 month later...

Having previously posted up about the Orbital Assault contingent, just catching up with photos of the completion of that Vow and the subsequent four that followed now the ETL has finished!


The remainder of Vow 1, including Mortarion:




After that, I vowed and completed some Plaguebearers:




Which became:




I then went for some Plague Drones:




Which came out as follows:




Before moving on to some Grave Warden Terminators:




The result:




And finally, for the fifth vow, some Havocs:




Who now are ready for the tabletop:




In summary, was really pleased to get all five Vows done - for a total of 3871pts, including all the newer 40k models to complement my typical classic plastic and metal ones! Another fantastic year of competition and a pleasure to be a part of.


On the horizon, I've got the following ear-marked:


  • Dreadnought Drop Pod
  • Legion Drop Pods
  • Moritat
  • Veteran Squad with Melta-weaponry
  • Heavy Support Squads

I've not decided what'll take priority just yet, but I think it's likely to be the first two - just to round off the Orbital Assault list, and make that viable. Progress shots inevitably to come!

I do no tknow how I have never been through this log. Everything is great and a its been a real treat to check everything out. I especially loved seeing the BFG fleet a few updates back. Lord do I miss that game and if they remake it my life will be whole again.


Looking forward to seeing those listed upcoming projects finished up!

  • 4 months later...

I do no tknow how I have never been through this log. Everything is great and a its been a real treat to check everything out. I especially loved seeing the BFG fleet a few updates back. Lord do I miss that game and if they remake it my life will be whole again.


Looking forward to seeing those listed upcoming projects finished up!


Thanks so much for the kind comments - and apologies it has taken so long to say so!


However, a new year brings new challenges, and new things to do... In fact, in seeing the old year out, I did something that I've not done previously. I took part in the Boxing Day Bash, to do a tester character for my Sons of Horus - a small side project to supplement my Death Guard with allies. I was making use of my new airbrush spray booth - a very useful Christmas present - and produced the following within the 24 hour time limit: 




The completed Chieftain: 








So I can proudly display the following badges:




With that closing out the year, it left me to look ahead... and felt all the more poignant to resurrect this thread with a 5000th post (slightly surreal!), and thought it'd be a great way to outline what I'm working through and on, particularly throughout the upcoming year. The intention is to focus on finishing projects (or at least, continuing them...). That can be broken down into two real sections: Adeptus Titanicus and Death Guard, with Heresy the commonality!


With the Death Guard, the focus of this thread, I’m planning to focus on expanding the force so that it means I can diversify options with reference to Rites of War, so I’ll be aiming to get that Orbital Assault list finally sorted: it is a Dread Pod, a few standard Drop Pods, and another Dreadclaw in due course on that list to go. I’m also working through additional Heavy Support Squads to enable lists built around the Reaping to face all-comers. I’ve also made a nice Veteran 'Kill Team', as a Machine-Killer squad, as pictured below:






Comprising of a mixture of kits, I hope it suitably conveys their status within the Legion!


I've also been working on my Mechanicum towards the end of last year, culminating in taking them to the Horus Heresy Throne of Skulls event. For some large, orange robots - you can view that project log here in my thread: Who Let the Cogs Out? - in a similar way, these act as appropriate allies for my Death Guard, with their suitably questionable loyalties...


For some smaller, in progress shots of robots, you can find my Adeptus Titanicus thread in the appropriate subforum, entitled Rigo(ur) Mortis. Naturally, there'll be some Epic scale Death Guard included, which may make their way into this thread - but I'll try not to cross-pollinate too much!


Looking forward to more hobby over the coming months: it now feels less like I'm 'rebuilding' a Legion, but rather just increasing it! That can't be a bad thing...

As I said on FB, love the KT! I think giving them all bare heads was a really good idea as well.


Chieftain looks good, although the head looks a bit melted. Can't tell if that's an artifact of the speed of the paint job or the underlying model though. Either way, kudos for attempting the eyes!



Nice posing on the veterans, looking forward to the veritable fleet of pods that OA requires.


Must say, the Grave Wardens and Havocs painted for ETL looks smashing, particularly with the glowing lenses/eye-slits. The Wardens are lovely sculpts.

Thanks both!


As I said on FB, love the KT! I think giving them all bare heads was a really good idea as well.


Definitely has been good to mix up the heads - I'm always looking for more bare headed ones, just because of how expressive they are!


Nice posing on the veterans, looking forward to the veritable fleet of pods that OA requires.


Must say, the Grave Wardens and Havocs painted for ETL looks smashing, particularly with the glowing lenses/eye-slits. The Wardens are lovely sculpts.


Cheers Pearson - it'll be good to do them all as a batch, and then finally be able to take them to the battlefield! Not sure how many I'll end up doing, but it'll be fun, no matter what.


And much appreciated - they're some of my favourite models, so a pleasure to paint. Nice to stick with that certain style of OSL, definitely helps for consistency!


My new BrokenToad brushes arrived yesterday, so I'm thoroughly restocked for the next challenges - particularly given that the new Heresy events are launching imminently...

He's back! Welcome, Chaeron! Nice looking chieftan there. I think perhaps his face could use a light wash of GW Seraphim Sepia or perhaps GW Reikland Fleshshade?


Thanks Augustus! Would you believe he's actually had both of those? (Standard approach is Cadian Fleshtone, Reikland wash, Kislev highlight, blend again with Reikland).


I think the trouble is partially the manipulation of the photograph, in the intention to try and accurately show the colour off - I know colourshift paints will be hard to accurately picture, but he's definitely a lot more green in real like than the photo suggests, and the head with a greater amount of detail too - I just couldn't get the contrast right! I think what I'll do at another juncture is basically isolate the head and just really focus on that, and particularly the left eye which I think probably doesn't help the proportions! 


Much appreciated though - I'll show him off again when I've had some time to rework that. :tu:


There's some really cool bare heads on the Intercessor sprue.




Ah, good shout! I've been spoiled by easy build kits, but that's a good plan for mixing it up in future. Nice to not only have squad leaders without helmets, but others thrown in too for that variety - so the more kits like that, the merrier!


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