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Death Guard-Rebuilding a Legion 11.01.19 - The Year Ahead!


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So, are you labeling the cases, or just relying on the subconscious 'well, I remember putting that in a case in this part of the room somewhere...' method?




I'm now making a concious effort to label. I had eleven of these new cases, and wanted to store lots of things (different armies, etc. - some fit in just one, others span significantly more...!) - and thought it would be fine.... until I remembered they all look the same and that I really won't actively remember. 


Intention is to transfer stuff from other cases into the new ones, so that I can have a couple for infantry, heavy infantry, vehicles etc... I've got four or five Daemon Princes and two Helbrutes to go into a pick and pluck soon. It is slow going remembering where I'd put half of the stuff before though :lol:

This is why I'm attempting a one case, one army strategy. The new GW ones may just save me here, my Alpha Legion case doesn't have room for a Fire Raptor, and that's frankly criminal.



This is why I'm attempting a one case, one army strategy. The new GW ones may just save me here, my Alpha Legion case doesn't have room for a Fire Raptor, and that's frankly criminal.




Most other armies, not a problem. You forget my problem of excess :lol:

  • 1 month later...

Did someone mention ETL?


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex Chaos Space Marines, Daemons and IA13, in no particular order:


Armorcast Chaos Warhound Titan of the Legion Mortis with the Mark of Nurgle – 415pts (as agreed)

Sicaran Battle Tank with Lascannon Sponsons – 175pts

Sicaran Battle Tank with Lascannon Sponsons – 175pts

Daemon Prince with MoN, Power Armour, Axe of Blind Fury. – 215pts

Daemon Prince with MoN, Power Armour, Axe of Blind Fury. – 215pts

5 Raptors with two Meltaguns and Champion with Lightning Claws– 135pts

5 Raptors – 105pts

5 Plague Marines with Flamer, VOTLW, and Champ with Lightning Claw – 145pts

5 Plague Marines with Flamer, VOTLW, and Champ with Lightning Claw – 145pts

5 Plague Marines with Flamer, VOTLW, and Champ with Lightning Claw – 145pts

5 Plague Marines with two Plasma Guns, VOTLW, and Champ with Power Fist– 180pts

5 Plague Marines with VOTLW, Champ with Power Weapon, Meltabombs – 145pts

Havoc Squad with Four Autocannons and a Champion with Power Fist – 150pts

Havoc Squad with Four Autocannons and a Champion with Power Fist – 150pts

Ten Plague Bearers –with Instrument of Chaos and Icon, Plagueridden Champion – 115pts

Vindicator – 130pts

Vindicator – 130pts

Vindicator – 130pts


...of total value 3000pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

The lovely before photo:
"Let the galaxy burn!"
  • 3 weeks later...

Approved... I look forward to seeing this complete... and of course work in progress :smile.:


And progress you shall see!


The two Sicarans to start:




Tracks and more metal work to come tonight I think, but they're looking pretty awesome already I have to say.

Here we go !  Great progress ... I notice that you picked the Sicaran's first ;)  I totally don't blame you, awesome looking tanks.


It's interesting to see where everyone puts the lines... I am as yet still unsure for mine.

Looking Good !!!!:tu: 



Thanks bud!



Here we go !  Great progress ... I notice that you picked the Sicaran's first ;)  I totally don't blame you, awesome looking tanks.


It's interesting to see where everyone puts the lines... I am as yet still unsure for mine.

It was hard not to! The choice was one that I agonized over: in terms of how I paint, I felt that it would work well to break the off-white at that point and add a good contrast for the model on the whole. Hope you like it! I consulted many people and looked at a lot of photos first though!

Progress tonight:


Tracks nearly done - all painted (and the crevices...), a light drybrush before further weathering over the coming days.




They do look like tanks now though!


Then, on the lovely Kromlech Daemon Princes, I managed to finish off my pot of yellow, momentous and worthy of being in the photo.




And then, Warplock Brass to do all the metal, a first coat!



Some Rotten Butcher progress I'm really happy with! Here's how they're shaping up...






Are you ready for my close up?




Who could refuse such a face?






Those are nasty looking!  The facial features have tons of malice and I really like the oversized features (fists, shoulders).


Thanks gang - appreciate the comments, I totally love these models! Need to finish their bases tonight.


My current work on the Sicarans:




Tracks and weathering to come tonight :)

Think I'm done on these now...







  • 3 weeks later...

Just checking I've not missed anything out... but Vow 1 complete!






Apologies for the photos once again, will be taking some more in natural light when I get a chance.

Awesome army shot!



Some Bloody nice additions and:thumbsup: for completing Vow#1


Thanks both - really appreciate it!


Just thinking what I can manage for the rest of the ETL now, very happy with my work so far - hoping to keep that good roll going!

  • 2 weeks later...

Given what was lost, I'll repost:


Next batch:
Vow 2:
I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex Chaos Space Marines, Daemons and IA13, in no particular order:
Renegade Baneblade with Militia Training – 500pts
Renegade Baneblade with Pintle-mounted Weapon – 500pts
Contemptor 1 – with twin (Kheres) Autocannons and Carapace Missile Launchers, Mark of Nurgle – 245pts
Contemptor 2 – two CCWs, Mark of Nurgle , Plasma and Soul Burner weapon upgrades- 260pts
Contemptor 3 - with twin (Kheres Autocannons) and Carapace Missile Launchers, Mark of Nurgle - 245pts
Contemptor 4 – two CCWs & Melta Gun weapon upgrade, Mark of Nurgle- 230pts
Contemptor 5 – CCW and Conversion Beamer, Soul Burner weapon upgrade, Mark of Khorne – 270pts
Contemptor 6 – Heavy Bolter and CCW, Mark of Nurgle. – 215pts
Decimator with Siege Claw and Butcher Cannon, MoN – 250pts
Ten Plague Bearers with Instrument of Chaos and Icon, Plagueridden - 105pts
5 Renegade Marauders – two Special Weapons (Meltagun/Grenade Launcher), Champion with Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon – 90pts
5 Renegade Marauders – two Special Weapons (Meltagun/Grenade Launcher), Champion with Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon – 90pts
...of total value 3000pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.
"...We are all mad here..."
Photos now here!
The Decimator is pictured with the Group below. Although you've already seen the Contemptors... There was a minor issue! Regrettably, having sprayed everything else that I needed to this afternoon, there was a tragic accident involving a rolling tyre, that has led to a slight accident... the rest of the family is gathered round to pay their respects:


Felt obliged to offer a couple of WIP shots - the first is a bit blurry:
The second shows the majority of today's progress:
So, following their arrival the other day, it was only appropriate to investigate them:
Although I've been aware of the AK brand for awhile, I've not taken the plunge until recently. I'd been recommended their products, and so I picked up these to aid my weathering techniques and my overall collection. I have to say, I'm very impressed - of the set of six, I've only used half of them - and I'm very excited to try the 'chipping colour' in future. I'm far from an expert in these things, but even with a lot of shaking, they don't seem particularly thick of pigment - which is perfect for lighter coats and for the wet-blending that you really need for rust, and that I've tried to bring out in this. I used the two lightest shades and the 'Shadow Rust', and I think they've come out pretty perfectly in terms of what I've been looking for. For those who prefer them, they come in dropper bottles too!
Very happy overall, see what you think?

I'm guessing by the shoulder pad, it's a WE contemptor?


Great stuff, mm Contemptors in DG!  *jelly now, only have 3 myself !!*


With regards to the rust, I can't see the images very well so I apologise if the comment is misplaced.  I will say that from a distance, the splodges of rusted orange looks like they might need a little blending in or breaking up to spread out the rust over the whole model as opposed to singular large areas.

That is a lot of Contemptors!  They all look great, though I'm curious why one has blue shoulderpads and the others have green?


As infyrana guessed - it's hiding secretly... by that I mean, it's a World Eaters Contemptor that I couldn't really get away with painting in purely DG colours. Thank you for the kind comments!



I'm guessing by the shoulder pad, it's a WE contemptor?


Great stuff, mm Contemptors in DG!  *jelly now, only have 3 myself !!*


With regards to the rust, I can't see the images very well so I apologise if the comment is misplaced.  I will say that from a distance, the splodges of rusted orange looks like they might need a little blending in or breaking up to spread out the rust over the whole model as opposed to singular large areas.


Not at all misplaced! I've not started the chipping or other weathering yet - on some it definitely stands out more, totally agree. Fingers crossed, with the next stages of weathering, it'll all blend in nicely! :) Thank you for the lovely comments too!


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