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Death Guard-Rebuilding a Legion 11.01.19 - The Year Ahead!


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  • 3 weeks later...

To echo my post in Loyalty and Treachery, this is a great opportunity to make a dent in my rather sizeable Heresy contingent of Death Gard! 


I am lucky enough to be taking part in an Escalation League at my local club, which is an added incentive to need to get this competed in manageable chunks. As so, the main three units I am going to want to paint form the first part of that, and will fit into a larger list of 3000pts I’m keen to play. In some ways, it is very hard for me to focus on a single playable list given the volume of stuff I want to both complete and game with, but it gives a good starting point of things to do within this mini-competition, and over the course of the year – the ‘grand design’ is definitely helpful for me!


My Escalation Force looks as follows:


Escalation Force:

Legion Chaplain – with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol – 115pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts



This will form the core of my vow. In terms of the wider picture, my larger list looks something as follows – with notes beside each bit denoting progress (as you can see, not a lot!):


+++ Death Guard - Loyalty and Treachery Sample List (3000pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3000pts) ++


+ HQ (115pts) +


Legion Centurion (115pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol]

····Consul [Chaplain] First vow, to be painted. Painted!


+ Troops (960pts) +


Legion Tactical Squad (190pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Fist] First vow, to be painted. Painted!


Legion Tactical Squad (190pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Fist] First vow, to be painted. Painted!


Legion Tactical Squad (290pts) [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade] - Unpainted, new on sprue.


Legion Tactical Squad (290pts) [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade] - Unpainted, new on sprue.


+ Elites (440pts) +


Apothecarion Detachment (90pts) [Legion Apothecary, Legion Apothecary] - Built, unpainted.


Legion Destroyer Squad (175pts) [4x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only] - Built, painted (may be repainted!).


Legion Destroyer Squad (175pts) [4x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only] - Built, painted (may be repainted!).


+ Fast Attack (225pts) +


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship (225pts) [Twin-linked Multi-melta] - Built, unpainted.


+ Heavy Support (745pts) +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer] - Built, unpainted.


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery] - Built, unpainted.


Legion Spartan Assault Tank (315pts) [Armoured Ceramite] - Built, unpainted.


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XIV: Death Guard]


+ Lord of War (515pts) +


Mortarion the Reaper (515pts) First vow, to be painted. Painted!

····Deathshroud Terminator Squad [2x Deathshroud Terminators] - Built and painted.


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


So the good news is: plenty of progress to be made over the coming year and beyond to keep me entertained! There's a lot that hasn't been painted, so looking forward to doing it in chunks (like through this!).


My Vow:


For the purposes of Loyalty and Treachery II, I will vow to paint the following units to join my legion of Death Guard:


Legion Chaplain – with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol – 115pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts

Legion Tactical Squad – with additional CCW, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Fist – 190pts

Mortarion - 515pts

A nice round 1010pts to start us off, conveniently (approximately!) one-tenth of the Heresy army!


Here’s a photo of the Tacticals and Chaplain new on sprue:




And here is Mortarion (minus scythe, which is off for ease of painting):




More progress shots to come in due course...

  • 2 weeks later...

We've had progress!


I've built all of the models needed now:




And have managed to get some paint on Mortarion:




And I've built some more Terminators for my Escalation League...




And today, I've had a spray day! Weather was pleasant, so have managed to get the following undercoated for future use - it's a lot of Heresy goodness:



  • 3 weeks later...

I've now completed all four Vows for Loyalty and Treachery! Mortarion, a Chaplain and two squads of ten marines:




Looking fantastic man


Thank you RedInventor!


I took a couple of extra shots tonight, including a higher quality photo of the lot:

And one of the Centurion/Chaplain:

Hey when did you get a Glaive!? Sneaky super heavy... payback for the game against my Falchion?


Done a lovely job on these. Mortarion is looking especially grim.


(Edited for fat fingers and little keys )

Cheers mate, much appreciated! Yeah, it was literally just after haha - I won't ever be unprepared again! Looking forward to using it ;)

Huge productivity mate! Only suggestion, your green glow effect would look awesome on the Centurion/Chaplains plasma pistol.

Cheers Rangaman! Absolutely, I normally do OSL in blue, I've just mislaid my bright highlight paint for the time being! You'll probably see some of my older work with Plasma glow, and I'll do that as soon as I have the paint handy. Appreciated! :)

  • 1 month later...

I recently added another two vows to Loyalty and Treachery, in the form of two Terminator squads! Following my initial vow, our Escalation forces have rumbled on - and I found myself needing to add another 500pts already! Although there'll be quite a few things that I'll need to paint in due course, I thought that given the games so far have mostly been Zone Mortalis, it might be nice to add some close-range punch. As such, for my next two vows, I've opted to do two Terminator squads - one armed with near basic weaponry, and the other, more lethally, with paired Lightning Claws...


Two more units to vow:


Vow 5 - 5-strong Terminator squad, with combi-bolters and Power Fists, Heavy Flamer and two Chain Fists.

Vow 6 - 5-strong Terminator squad, all with Lightning Claws


A photo of them prior to painting:




Here's my first WIP photo, blocking out main areas of colour, such as shoulder pads, ptergues and trim:




And finally, the finished product!




Glad to have that complete!


Otherwise, I'm thinking ahead to things I need to do. If you've ever wondered, this is what a couple of hundred Mantic Zombies look like clipped off the sprue...

One of the next projects!

Liking the Cataphractii, especially the hazard stripes on the chain-fist.


Thanks Pearson! I've always liked the irony of them - I think they suit both chainfists suitably!


I'm thinking I need to paint something armoured next...

  • 1 month later...

And it's ETL season! As ever, delighted to take part, even if it means I'll be removing this for the time being:




And replacing it with the Oath of Moment:




++Edit - and I need to rest my LPC banner too!  http://www.fortressoftheunforgiven.com/Img_CH00_08Awards_02_LPC_2013A.gif ++


My first vow below:


+++Legion Ascendant+++ 


The equerry prised the doors apart with tentative care, unwilling to draw his master’s ire. He knew that any such provocation could result in his service being short-lived; stepping around what remained of the prior incumbent of his role offered a timely reminder as to what his career trajectory may hold should he displease. He approached the throne, and in halting cadence asked:

“My Lord, will we answer the summons? The other Chaos Lords require an answer. Do we march with our brothers?”

“I am weary,” he sighed. “But, I will stand. There are oaths I will not break. Prepare the men: instruct the company commanders to bring every weapon we possess. Raid the armouries; fire the forges. Renew the pacts. They may mobilise in force against us, but we will draw upon our legacy as we write our own future. We will demonstrate that we have not been idle: tell our fellow warlords, we will stand with them. We march, for we are relentless: we are Legion.”


Vow 1:


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex Chaos Space Marines and Imperial Armour 13, in no particular order:


Chaos Spartan Assault Tank with Armoured Ceramite - 305pts


Fire Raptor with Reaper Autocannon batteries - 210pts


Three Rapier Weapons Batteries with Ectoplasma cannons - 165pts


Renegade Artillery Battery – consisting of two Medusas and one Basilisk – with Extra Armour, Militia Training and Breacher Shells (Medusas only) – 395pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Fist – 150pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Fist – 150pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, two Flamers – 135pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, two Flamers – 135pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 145pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 145pts


6 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 169pts


6 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 169pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Fist – 150pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Champion with Power Weapon – 140pts


Two Mutilators with MoN and VoTLW – 130pts


Chaos Lord with MoN – Terminator Armour, VoTLW, twin LCs – 147pts


Huron Blackheart – 160pts


...of total value 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


My entire photo prior to painting:




Plenty to be getting on with! I've been distracted with Skitarii recently, so it'll be a pleasure to get back on track with expanding the Legion yet further.

Plenty of progress today - a WIP Photo from where I'd got to this morning:




Which improved through the day:




And now:




Few details to be done on the interior of the artillery, but very happy with a day's work.


Leaves me basically with infantry to do - and I have just shy of a week and a half to get those done. Huzzah!

  • 3 weeks later...

Nice progress on that vow, they're looking great so far.


Thanks Pearson - getting there!


​NICE!!!!! Really like how the bird came out.


Cheers DSS7! Might get another flyer or two in before the end of this too...


Anyway, the good news is - Vow 1 is complete!


++Vow 1 Complete++


I, Chaeron, have completed the following:


Chaos Spartan Assault Tank with Armoured Ceramite - 305pts


Fire Raptor with Reaper Autocannon batteries - 210pts


Three Rapier Weapons Batteries with Ectoplasma cannons - 165pts


Renegade Artillery Battery – consisting of two Medusas and one Basilisk – with Extra Armour, Militia Training and Breacher Shells (Medusas only) – 395pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Fist – 150pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Fist – 150pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, two Flamers – 135pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, two Flamers – 135pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 145pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 145pts


6 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 169pts


6 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Power Weapon– 169pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Fist – 150pts


5 Plague Marines with Veterans of the Long War, Champion with Power Weapon – 140pts


Two Mutilators with MoN and VoTLW – 130pts


Chaos Lord with MoN – Terminator Armour, VoTLW, twin LCs – 147pts


Huron Blackheart – 160pts


...of total value 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016.






And now, to the second Vow...


In the interim, I've had a fantastic campaign weekend away with club-mates at Warhammer World, and have a nice selection of photos to share on that front, which I will hopefully do later today. 




Here are a few photos of what I took to Warhammer World - I will write a report when I have time, but nice to see it all arrayed here! It's approximately 4k without excessive upgrades - so a nice flavour of my 30k Death Guard:











Congrats on the Vow great job !!!. Where are those zombies ? curious I need about 200 how do you rate them model wise and cost.

Cheers bud! I confess, after clipping them all out... I've got no further! I'm tempted by a mega-vow of them, but there's a lot that need building.


I bought them at Kickstarter prices, so I can't truthfully compare to retail - but they're lovely hard plastic models that are eminently pretty multi poseable - so well worth considering. I've also got the Apokalypse sets Mantic did, and they look great for creative Zombies with a more military-based twist, as I am still a huge fan of Cadians mixed with the Zombie sprues. Unsure if they're still available. Definitely worth shopping around!

  • 1 month later...

Lots of progress, and few updates - but here we go! My second Vow was as follows:


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX for a second time and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex Chaos Space Marines, Renegade Knights Supplement and Imperial Armour 13, in no particular order:


Vow 2:


Daemon Lord – An’ggrath the Unbound - 888pts 


Storm Eagle with Multi-melta, Lascannons and Extra Armour – 290pts


Renegade Knight with Meltagun, Rocket Pod, Avenger Gatling and Battlecannon – 480pts


Renegade Knight with Icarus Autocannnon, Gauntlet, Battlecannon – 420pts


Renegade Knight with Gauntlet, Battlecannon –385pts


Renegade Knight with Gauntlet, Battlecannon – 385pts


5 Havocs, with Mark of Nurgle, two Missile Launchers, Autocannon and Plasmas Gun, with VOTLW, three CCWs – 156pts


...of total value 3004pts 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Pre-Photo! (Minus Storm Eagle, which is still in the case behind!)




And was duly completed!


++Vow 2 Complete++


I, Chaeron, have completed the following:


Daemon Lord – An’ggrath the Unbound - 888pts 


Storm Eagle with Multi-melta, Lascannons and Extra Armour – 290pts


Renegade Knight with Meltagun, Rocket Pod, Avenger Gatling and Battlecannon – 480pts


Renegade Knight with Icarus Autocannnon, Gauntlet, Battlecannon – 420pts


Renegade Knight with Gauntlet, Battlecannon –385pts (NB: Ran out of Gaunlets, replaced both weapons with double converted Avenger Gatling Cannon)


Renegade Knight with Gauntlet, Battlecannon – 385pts (NB: Ran out of Gaunlets, replaced with Battlecannon)


5 Havocs, with Mark of Nurgle, two Missile Launchers, Autocannon and Plasmas Gun, with VOTLW, three CCWs – 156pts


...of total value 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016.

I've taken advantage of the lovely weather to take some photos of the completed vow 'in-the-wild'! Apologies for anything it washes out (such as on the Thirster!):
I realised I'd miscalculated the number of Gaunlets I owned for the Knights, and so swapped out with Captain Semper's permission the weaponry for converted Avenger Gatling Cannons (even if I can't score the extra points for being at the 3k limit!). 

Today, I've now vowed the following:


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX for a third time and vow to complete the following, drawn from Codex Chaos Space Marines and Imperial Armour 13, in no particular order:


++Vow 3++


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Deredeo Pattern with two Twin-Linked Autocannons, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour, Carapace Havoc Launcher, Mark of Nurgle–265pts


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Deredeo Pattern with two Twin-Linked Autocannons, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour, Carapace Havoc Launcher, Mark of Nurgle–265pts


Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Deredeo Pattern with two Plasma Cannons, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour, Carapace Havoc Launcher, Mark of Nurgle – 270pts


Fellblade with Armoured Ceramite - 560pts (represented by a Glaive)


Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought– 150pts


Cypher – 190pts


Daemon Prince with MoN and Murder Sword – 195pts


Lucius the Eternal – 165pts


5 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 125pts


5 Plague Marines with VOTLW, Champ with Power Weapon – 140pts


7 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 175pts


7 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 175pts


7 Plague Marines with VOTLW – 175pts


Khorne Lord with Juggernaut, VOTLW, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Meltabombs – 150pts


...of total value 3000pts on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will bring eternal glory to Nurgle and the Chaos forum: failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Using Deredeos as gun-platform Contemptors is a great way to represent Extra Armour in my opinion too, so glad to paint those. 








More photos of that progress to come...


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