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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Marqol: Maybe a pumpkin for a head, eh? :tongue.:

@Dorns Fist: Thanks, man!

@Forte: Ahh it might find some use for those traitors! :smile.:

So here is the second fella for Second Claw:


I managed to salvage the mk V legs I went too ham on with the primer in humidity a few weeks ago :tongue.: I also broke a raptor head out for him because that kit is so awesome! More to come guys!

EDIT: Forte, if you wanna add that tutorial to the Chaos Resources, feel free! I would be most honored :smile.:

If ever you're in need of extra Raptor heads, I've got a handful that are just lying around and you're welcome to have them. Just shoot me a PM if you want them.


Besides that, great stuff so far! First Claw looks great together and I look forward to seeing Second Claw! Also, thanks for the tutorial :)

@Ludovic: Glad to make the tutorial! Wow, thanks for the offer Ludovic! I'll be sure to let you know if I do :smile.: I have plenty right now at least, but one can never have too many raptor heads :tongue.:

@Anaziel: Yeah, it's basically record time for me hahahaha! You're right, he could be pointing to any number of things! For all I know he could be pointing at something on my chest to get me to look down so he can bop me on the nose and make fun of me :tongue.:


More coming soon, guys!

Hey Alan, 


You are doing a fantastic job with those NLs - they look superb... and the choice of bits is really spot on! That's how I'd expect the Veterans of the Lonf War to look like! :D Not to mention the walk-through of how you did the head! This is extremely useful to the community!


For the purposes of the Call of Chaos do you think you could take a "before" pic of your entire vow so we have everything in a single post? It'll be really helpful. :)

@Acker101: Thanks a lot man! 

@Captain Semper: Hey Semper! The only problem is that I paint and model all these dudes in my (stupidly) long-winded one at a time method and don't have group shots to post :( If it helps, I could make like a compilation photo of all the unpainted models in 1 photo at the end?


Rest assure I'm not dead, guys! I have just been training intensively for this new job so am hoping to make my CoC vow but we'll see :wink:

  • 2 months later...

Hey Alan, when is your next update? I just saw you aren't dead in forte's 2014 miniature recap post, where you posted this awesome squad of yours, but I'd love to see more of your beautiful Night Lords, mate. :tu:

Hey Alan, when is your next update? I just saw you aren't dead in the Chaos 2014 miniature recap post, where you posted this awesome squad of yours, but I'd love to see more of your beautiful Night Lords, mate. :tu:

Fixed ;)


And I too hope to see more Alan greatness this year.


Hey Alan, when is your next update? I just saw you aren't dead in the Chaos 2014 miniature recap post, where you posted this awesome squad of yours, but I'd love to see more of your beautiful Night Lords, mate. :thumbsup:

Fixed :wink:


And I too hope to see more Alan greatness this year.


Well you started it... and honour where honour's due, forte. :tongue.:

Hey guys! So I have gone back to my folks house for the weekend but rest assured when I get back home on Monday the updates will begin! I'm gonna pick up right where I left off with Second Claw and then I think I might look at doing a bike squad, or maybe a predator or rhino. Now that I am a little more settled in at my new job (and done with a majority of the training), I'm really looking forward to getting back to my Night Lords :smile.: And for the first time in a few months I can say: More to come! :wink:  

OH NOES! An update! Got some work done on the second member of Second Claw; that is if you don't mind terrible WIP photos :tongue.:


So I've basically finished up the 1st highlight and most of the silver on this guy. So I still need to finish the gold and second highlight before I move onto his arm/gun and shoulders. More to come guys! Stay tuned :wink:

@The Hydra: Thanks, sir! There will very likely be some raptors in the future :tongue.:  They aren't part of my current list, so they will come a bit later, but rest assured they are planned :smile.:

@Flint: I figured this guy was raptor-y lookin' enough to smooth ya over until the real goods arrive, Flint :wink:

@Augustus: Thanks, man! I'LL GET TO EM I SWEAR! :tongue.:

@GrandMagnus: Soon... oh yes, soon.


More to come soon guys! 

@Grizzly: I'm sensing a theme :wink: Thanks a lot, man.

"Ewwwwww, what's that?" I hear you ask! Why, that is a terrible WIP picture to go along with my small update! I basically have started on this guy's gold and done some highlights:


I promise I'll get proper pictures for him once he is done :smile.: More to come soon guys!


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