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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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Some Progress!


Not too terribly much done, what with hanging out with the lady-friend this weekend, but progress nonetheless! I've started on his bolter/arm and pads at this point too but there isn't much to report there. Loving these raptor heads :tongue.: More to come guys!

I was sure I'd posted in this thread but it looks like I actually haven't - anyway, I love your work! That mix of FW/tac squad/CSM parts is terrific, and your posing is top-notch (great painting, too). Very inspirational stuff.


I was wondering a while back about the outcome of blending in tac squad parts when making chaos marines, and I'm glad to see it can be done so well.

@Grizzly: Hahahaha yeah I will get there! 
@Flint:Thanks a bunch! Yeahyeahyeah I'm a classy bastard!

@A Kvlt Ghost: Thanks, dude! I love the new (2 year old) tactical squad kit. Some of the new arms and the new legs look excellent, being more proportional and dynamic. 


More to come!

  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! I FINALLY managed to finish this guy up! Sorry for the funky photos; they're a bit washed out, and I need to get my photo area better arranged at my new place:





So that makes 12 duders all done, the first 2 of Second Claw :smile.: I'm hoping to get the third guy assembled tomorrow so I'll post them once I've decided how I wanna pose him :tongue.: MOAR TO COME!

Hey guys! So I'm going home for Easter this weekend and I figured I could get some painting done, so I decided to do something I don't typically do: two dudes at once (insert innuendo, seriously what terrible phrasing)! Here they both are in their unpainted un-glory:



I particularly like the guy with the blade, and I'm still trying to keep my bolter marines fairly diverse for what they ultimately are :smile.: I've got a 1k list I'm slowly working towards, and i figured I ought to do the regular guys first. More to come!

I like to see more and more Night Lords appear as time goes by


The Night Lords have really taken on a Deadpool feel the last few years where more and more people are playing them or making them...I enjoy this...


This old timer likes this

@Thamier: Thanks a lot, man!

@GrandMagnus: I won't stop 'til we're ankle deep in STUFF!

@Recon: Thanks ya sir!

@Flint: hehehehe I think the resin parts help with the crispness of some of the highlights, for sure! :smile.:

@LachlantheLoaf: Hahaha yeah I have a way with words! Mr. Stabby's helmet is from the Sons of Horus helmet kit from FW. Some awesome heads in there if you're looking for some alternative Chaos bits.

@Capitano: Thanks a lot! Yeah I agree, A D-B really helped push 'em too with all those awesome BL books. 


I just primed these two guys, so there should be updates soon! I have to admit, I feel a bit of a pull of Khorne with Daemonkin out now; I've always wanted to run a berzerker army with some Bloodthirsters, so that may very well be something I jump on at some point (to supplement my NL and beloved Chaos, of course :wink: ). More to come!

Wow your painting is improving, unbelievably enough. Not that I don't have faith in your abilities, It's just that your skills are amazing as they were. Anyway, those two new dudes look great. Where's the upper guy's helmet from? I don't recognize it...

@Augustus: You're way too kind man, I appreciate it :smile.: stabby dude's head is from the Sons of Horus head FW upgrade kit. I'm gonna pick up the iron warrior one now too; all of the FW heresy era head kits have tons of application to a lot of different legions, even though they're designed to be specific.

@Galfridus: Thanks a ton! Hearing stuff like that is so awesome because I'm really trying to give these guys some life.

@sockwithaticket: Thanks, dude!

So, really all I've done on the first guy, with the skull helm, is basecoat him, so nothing to really show on the painting front. HOWEVER, in other news, I found the model that I want to use for the base of my Second Claw Headsman:


I really love the pose on this guy, and he'll have pretty extensive conversion work (least of all a head swap; that head looks extremely literally baby-ish to me). In fact, I've already done the conversion work, but I'll just leave this as a tease for now :wink: More to come very soon! :smile.:

Hey guys! After a week of car troubles I managed to finish this guy off!





I'm pretty happy with him (mind the dark photos :tongue.: ). I think the FW heads add so much to the models; even with me using primarily loyalist bits you can get a good chaosy feel just from the heads and shoulders! Stabby guy is next up so more to come!


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