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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Shinobi: Thanks a lot, man! I appreciate it; I'm hoping I've learned how to paint navy blue by now, with all my various navy colored marines :tongue.:

@Kirus: Thanks Kirus that's awesome to hear!

Well no FW stuff came today so hopefully soon! However, I got the newest guy primed:


Again, not much you can see from the mostly un-assembled shot, but he should be pretty dynamic. More to come!

Yes! You'll join the chaos strategium. With bikes. Nothing could be more awesome than this news, and for it you get all my remaining likes of the day and a cooky.



@Augustus: OMNOM! Thanks dude I'll be pledging soon hopefully!

@Schaney: Thanks man! It's definitely a slow roll, but at least a roll unlike many of previous projects!

Some small progress! And by that, I mean the mailman came :tongue.:


So basically there, you're looking at a bunch of FW stuff including an Iron Warrior head upgrade, Sons of Horus torso upgrade, more NL mk III pads, and a MK III Command set (these bros). I'm sure the guy packing this order was like "this guy is lost in the sauce he's got like 3 different legion bits here including heads, torsos, and shoulders!" Well, let me tell you all and fictional Forgeworld guy, I plan on using those Iron Warrior heads and SoH torsos for my Night Lords because I think they all look fairly chaosy and easily usable with other legions with a bit of shaving. The MK III command set has no place in the army list I'm building towards, but I really wanted to make a XCI company champion and banner bearer so it had to be done :wink:

Painting progress on the current guy is moving right along! More to come!

@Magnus: Me too! That's what I'm definitely going for here, with all of the various mixed armor marks and weapons.

@Schaney: Yeah I'm excited to get to 'em! Soon enough :wink:

Finished up (yet another) plasma guy! I'm actually really pleased with the pose:





I used the tactical squad head, and I was kind of dubious at first because I've felt that some of GW's marine heads with hair can kind of look wierd, but it came out well I think! I also did a bunch of work to make the pose of him drawing his blade look more natural. It started with the Blood Angel DC arm, that is sort of reared back ready to bash some sorry sap, cutting off the chainsword holding hand and replacing it with a fist and knife, then hollowing out a Space Wolf scabbard which took so damn long! Then it was just a matter of getting the wrist angle to line the knife tip up with the scabbard and making it look natural. All in all, I'm pretty dang pleased with the overall effect!

Which brings me to the point that I feel like one of the biggest factors in keeping hobby motivation burning is enjoying painting and modelling the menial dudes, like these attack squads. Nothing is worse than having a cool idea or being excited for an army only to be burnt out like 5 guys in to the troop choice. I think keeping these guys diverse and individual has really helped me to keep motivated and excited to keep painting. Anyways, end philosophical hobby thing :tongue.: More to come and all C&C welcome! :smile.: Thanks for looking as always!



Which brings me to the point that I feel like one of the biggest factors in keeping hobby motivation burning is enjoying painting and modelling the menial dudes, like these attack squads. Nothing is worse than having a cool idea or being excited for an army only to be burnt out like 5 guys in to the troop choice. I think keeping these guys diverse and individual has really helped me to keep motivated and excited to keep painting. Anyways, end philosophical hobby thing :tongue.:  More to come and all C&C welcome! :smile.: Thanks for looking as always!

This. I have started Emperor knows how many projects by its the average Joe minis that kill my enthusiasme, as well as me being far too critical of my own skills.


Im loving your dedication to details such as hollowing out the scabard and the patience to find the suitable bits.

@Recon: Thanks dude! In terms of army list, none of them have the added CCW. I just like the look of them modelling-wise for chaos marines, and especially Night Lords :smile.: Chaos gotsta have their blades!

@Magnus: Thanks a ton man! I, too, have started a ton of projects that never got finished on the hobby front. Also, the scabbard was a :censored: to hollow out! 

@Olis: Thanks man!
@Kizzdougs: Thanks, Kizzdougs! I appreciate the words on the plasma gun as I've been painting these guys' plasma guns differently then I used to. Glad it looks acceptable! 


I'm getting the next guy primed as we speak so more to come, along with the pre-painted shot of this next dude! :smile.:

@Nullus: Thanks a ton, man! More dudes coming!

Got the final plasma gunner assembled and primed!


So compared to the previous couple dudes, he's a little less dynamic but I love the new(ish) aiming poses in the new tactical squad, so I decided to opt for that in the final plasma dude.

In other news, I put an order in to FW yesterday, which when it arrives will be enough to formally pledge my ETL vow :wink: More to come!

Yeah, right now the plan is plasma spam basically haha! Plus I think that fits NL's anyways, keeping them with small, more mobile special weapons. So this will be the final plasma infantry model, but my ETL vow will see a bit of plasma as well :wink: And correct you are! Medusa legs with the cog bits shaved off and that BA torso; this is actually the second one of those I've used with these guys. I just love it's layered armor feel.

@IP: Thanks a lot man! It goes without saying your IW stuff is really inspirational :smile.: Everything NL I own is in this WIP, so currently about 300 points in 17 chaos marines :tongue.: I'm working towards this basic 1000pt list: 

-Chaos Lord, Bike, Mark of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury
-10x CSM, 2x Plasmaguns, Combi-plas w/ Rhino
-10x CSM, 2x Plasmaguns, Combi-plas w/ Rhino
-5x Bikers, 2x Plasmaguns, Meltabombs
-2x Obliterators w/ MoN
-Predator, Twin-linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons

@Schaney: Thanks a ton dude! Love your feedback :smile.: Honestly, I'd LOVE to use some of those winged FW raptor heads but I can never get my hands on em on ebay or bits sites and I'm not gonna buy the kit just for the heads :tongue.: I need to do a better job of trolling ebay I think.

@Timotheus: Thanks man!


Making good progress on this guy so more coming soon!

@IP: Thanks a lot man! It goes without saying your IW stuff is really inspirational :) Everything NL I own is in this WIP, so currently about 300 points in 17 chaos marines :P I'm working towards this basic 1000pt list: 

-Chaos Lord, Bike, Mark of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury

-10x CSM, 2x Plasmaguns, Combi-plas w/ Rhino

-10x CSM, 2x Plasmaguns, Combi-plas w/ Rhino

-5x Bikers, 2x Plasmaguns, Meltabombs

-2x Obliterators w/ MoN

-Predator, Twin-linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons



@Schaney: Thanks a ton dude! Love your feedback :) Honestly, I'd LOVE to use some of those winged FW raptor heads but I can never get my hands on em on ebay or bits sites and I'm not gonna buy the kit just for the heads :P I need to do a better job of trolling ebay I think.

@Timotheus: Thanks man!


Making good progress on this guy so more coming soon!

that's a good list to be sure! Although perhaps exchanging the obliterators with rapiers sith quad heavy bolters is a better option (which also saves you points to invest in MoN for the bikers) :) in any case better make sure you vow soon, because before you know it it's June 1st and you're barred form the ETL (remember you can vow and later add the pics, so nno need to wait for orders to arrive) :tu:


Also, damn you with your uber crisp painting skills. That knive drawing plasma guy is just... Right in the feels. Hateful feels. ;)

Im curious about the obliterators as Night Lords are notorious for hating mutation and the chaos gods in general. Will they be looted centurions? A heavy weapons team (I believe I saw that somewhere here on B&C) or something else?

@Augustus: Thanks dude! I wanted to use the oblits because they seemed pretty solid and I honestly want to model them :tongue.: And since I want to run my lord with my biker squad, they need to be mark-less or MoK so he can run with them.

@Magnus: I love NL because they hate mutations, so yeah they will be looted Centurions! I'm excited to get to paint and model 'em!

@Grizz: Thanks a lot man! 

Hey hey guys n' gals! Couple of quiet days here but I managed to finish up the final plasma gunner of the 20-man team!:





I feel like a serious gomer for the newer marine aiming arms but I really like how they look nice and dynamic without being too OTT. The mk IV helmets have always been my favorite, and some of the more unique ones look awesome I think.

Also, a small group of shot of the plasma team:


So, now I just have one more bolter guy to do before I get to the leader of Second Claw and then onto... well, we shall see! :wink: I have the next 3 days off so I should get a decent bit done. More to come and all C&C always encouraged!


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