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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Magnus: Yeah man. I agree! They look much more sleek and a lot less blocky.
@Augustus: Oh yeah you're right I forgot the second wouldn't be legal. I'll figure something out if the time comes!

@Fire Golem: All of the FW legions have awesome bits, even for other legions! Just a bit of converion work for some of the bits make 'em easily usable.


More to come! 

Hey guys! So I made a bit of progress on the bike front, but in the meantime I wanted to share the completed pictures of the Infantry/2 Claws:

So here's First Claw (with an original bolter marine switched out for one of the plasma dudes I painted later):


And the first completed shots of Second Claw:


Of course I needed to make a giant mosh pit picture:


And some smaller group shots:





So, like I said, I'm pretty excited the infantry is completely done for this army (well, for now :wink: ). Which brings me to the point that I definitely couldn't' have done this without the B&C and its awesome community of hobbyists. All of the awesome feedback around here keeps me motivated to not only continue painting and modelling, but improve while I do so. I think I speak for damn near everyone on the forum when I say this is the best board around for hobbying and gaming.

TLDR (*fell asleep*): THANK YOU B&C :tongue.: Easily the best community around! And more to come!!

The best Emperor-damn Night Lords I have seen (probably) ever. I don't know whether to throw superlatives at you or start treating you like Alice Cooper. :P


Let's put it this way - 'clean' paint jobs are one helluva draw for a particular faction. Nurgling6688 did it with the Astral Claws (and is still doing it, I might add), Ravendove did it with the Sons of Orar and SCC did it with the Raven Guard. There are likely many more examples out there but these three are the ones I could recall off the top of my head. Basically, what I'm saying is; those guys are top drawer and so are you. Keep up the good work, brother. :tu:



Who's the man!? You're the man!


Awesome awesome mob of baddies, ready to wreck havoc! And you are totally right, B&C is the best board on the web.

Pst. Psst. Pssssst. Update your title. :wink:


These are my favorite Night Lords, and the competition is stiff! And of all of these, my favorite of favorites is the second claw leader. I'd have made him my desktop wallpaper if I wasn't such a fan of my current one. :biggrin.:

Excellent work overall!  I think NL work best with a crisp, precise paint scheme, and you've nailed it here.  The consistent basing really brings all of these models together.  Very much looking forward to seeing more!  :biggrin.:

@Kabbala: Thanks a lot dude! It's awesome to hear how people are inspired here :smile.:
@Angrypantz: Thanks man! I seriously love the VIIIth; it's taken some trial 'n error, but I managed to find a winner I think (in terms of an army I can stick with) :wink:

@Recon: They definitely do seem to; I think we have awesome people like ADB to thank for that!

@Olis: Dude you are too kind! All of those guys are basically BnC fame; I'm just a dude who likes to paint (blue) :smile.: It's awesome that you think I can roll with them.

@Kizzdougs: Thanks ya sir! I am, since this is the farthest I've come in an army!
@Grizzly: For sure man, let me know! I hope I've gotten blue down at this point hahaha! I do miss your Crimson Fists :smile.:

@Magnus: Hahahahahaha thanks man! I'm hoping to keep the fire burning!

@Agustus: Thanks man! I'm interested to see how some tanks come out too!

@Raven: Whoa man thanks! So many people make awesome NL, and it's great to see everyone's take on them; for a Legion that seemed rather one-dimensional, the Black Library and hobbyists have seriously put new life into them.

@Vel'Cona: Thanks dude! I still need to decide on adding snow hahaahah! Maybe some day :tongue.:

Managed to finish up my first biker:





So that makes me 33.3% done with my MASSIVE ETL vow :tongue.: I'm in the process of getting the next guy put together and I'm feeling a bolt pistol for him.

Again thank you all for the kind words on the first two Claws; it really means a lot and keeps me hobbying, as I'm sure hearing things like that does for other hobbyists. Anyways, I should get the WIP shot of number two tomorrow so more to come!

Those are some badass Night Lords.


I really like that you aren't overdoing the lightning bolts. They really stand out more when they aren't covering the entire mini.




How did you achieve the brass/brownish metallic coloration on the bike? Did you paint it silver and then wash it?

Wowzers!!! I haven't been through for awhile, so I got to catch it all up in one go :D


Great job finishing up the 2nd Claw and the bike looks delicious!


The painting the kitbashing, the poses, everything in this thread makes me happy :D

@Venom: Thanks dude! I definitely agree on less being more with the lightning. The gold is done pretty simply, using runelord brass, washed by agrax, then rehighlighted by leadbelcher.

@Recon: Thanks man! Go for it, everyone has their own take on them! You could totally do 'em justice!
@Forte: Well, I don't want to be too forward, but I'll be the Cyrion to your Slaanesh :wink:
@Magnus: Thanks man!
@BrotherJim: Thanks dude I definitely wanted to do something different, using the loyalist and FW bits for my post-heresy Night Lords (of course with a million other bits thrown in for variety) :tongue.:
@Kizzdougs: Thanks bro! Yeah that's what I was thinking; I wasn't sure initially how it'd look since I thought there might not be enough areas for gold, but it definitely turned out well I think!
@Vel'Cona: Thanks dude! The stark highlights definitely help make 'em pop, I agree :smile.:
@Flint: Haha thanks! It's the same as for my regular infantry dudes: Runlord Brass, agrax wash, highlight with leadbelcher, done! Pretty straightforward, but you need to manage the wash a little more on those larger surfaces, making sure it dries evenly since it's so obvious when it gets messed up, especially on metallics.
@Paz: Thanks a ton man! I just wanna give them my own spin!
@Schaney: Thanks dude! More is definitely on the way!

Thanks everyone! Got the primed shot of the 2nd bike:


I've actually since started basecoating him, so we'll see how he goes! More to come! :smile.:


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