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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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@Olis: Thanks, brother! I'm pretty satisfied with them as well! 

@Augustus: Thanks man! I agree, but I figured since I plan on having maximum 3 hades rapiers (2 for now) I could justify splurging to make them look how I want :smile.: But for sure, if I was going ham and having a full 9 in the list, it would be hard to justify that conversion price!
@Kaldoth: No secrets, just good ol' healthy sacrifices to the pantheon several times a day! :tongue.:

@Magnus: Thanks buddy!! Not gonna lie, before I touch up the highlights on these dudes, I get more of this vibe:

@Midnight Runner: Thanks a lot man!


After an intense weekend of debauchery-ing with my friends I can finally settle in for some more hobby! I'm currently in the process of scrubbing and assembling rapier #2 so more to come soon guys!  

Hey hey! Managed to get the second rapier all set for primer:


I have to admit that as much as I love the look of these models, they can definitely be a pain to assemble at times (looking at you, tracks)! Certainly my barrel converting adds to the mess by I digress...

Anyways, more to come!

Nah, nothing that water can't (for the most part) correct, but there were a few fudged bits on this one (some of the mechanical tubing on the sight was snapped off so I had to rig my own). Then of course I am an idiot for making it even more difficult by converting the barrels :tongue.:


Definitely feel free to swipe it, man! Honestly I figured someone somewhere had already done it since it seemed like a pretty straightforward (if expensive) solution to the lack of an official hades version! I'd love to see how yours turns out if you do :smile.:


I'm pretty excited to be this close to finishing the 1,000 point list! Got the model all primed up and I'm currently working on the gunner, so more to come soon! 

Funny you ask! After the rapier, all I have left for the 1k list is the HQ. In this list he's a sorcerer, though fluff-wise he's more like Talos/Sev and has more like precognition which makes him a good fighter. I've been saving him until the end as a kind of reward for myself and I'm insanely stoked to get to him! It's definitely been tough holding out on modelling/painting him :tongue.:

What up guys! Oh yes, there will definitely be quite a few conversion-in-progress pictures of my lord when I get to him (after the rapier). Slow progress the past few days, but I at least managed to finish up the Rapier gunner:


I've left the head off for now until he's mounted on the Rapier itself, so I can get a gage of where I want him looking etc.

Just started on the gun itself. Honestly, painting the gun/chassis portion is easier than the crew in my opinion :tongue.: More to come!

Alan, do you prefer painting the entire mini glued together, or do you separate pieces (like shoulder pads, back pack, head, etc.) from the main body? I've been trying a bit of both in the past but painting the bits separetly just feels like such a chore. 


Stunning mini as always ;)

@GrandMagnus: Thanks brotha! It can for sure be a pain, but I tend to paint these fellas in pre-assembly "stages." Since I'm basically trying to paint each and every dude to the best of my abilities in this army, I didn't want there to be any questionably painted areas due to inaccessibility because of how it was assembled. I do, however, assemble some parts like the legs, backpack, torso, head (all as one big piece) and sometimes the arms (depending on whether or not they obscure any parts of the body for painting). I always leave the pads off because it's a pain to paint the trim otherwise :tongue.:


@SockWithATicket: Thanks dude! I'm glad everyone likes the barrels, even more so since they were such a pain :wink:


The rapier is coming along nicely! More to come once it's all finished up! :smile.:

@Brother-Captain Arkhan: Thanks man! I may give that a try at some point; I haven't given it a go in quite a while so I'd be curious to see what I could make happen nowadays.

Managed to finish up Rapier #2!







And I finally managed to get some shots of the Rapiers with their Spotters:



And the obligatory Rapier Battery group shot:



Overall, I'm really please with how the models came out! Certainly could be a pain at times given the fact that they are FW models (and further compounded by my converting the barrels) :tongue.: These models were %100 worth it though and I really dig the feel they add to the army. Ironically, my favorite part of the whole process might have been painting/modelling the spotters!

So... with the 2 Rapier batteries completely finished, my 1,000 point list is almost done! All that is left is my HQ, who I have been saving for the end as a reward for myself :tongue.: I'll be posting some photos later on today with some WIP shots of my HQ, so MUCH more to come! I'm pretty damn pumped to be honest :smile.:

Thanks for looking and all C&C welcome!

Look sgreat again, dude! What's your 1000 points list, btw.


One thing though: I noticed the spotters have bolt guns, but the unit doesn't allow for those - they can only wield bolt pistols. De facto, they're not wysiwyg, but who cares, right - rule of cool applies. ;)

@Gordon Shumway: Thanks dude!

@Augustus: Thanks bro! Huh, that's weird I haven't looked at the IA13 rules in a bit but I could have sworn the spotters had bolt guns, and it would be weird if they didn't since the FW models come with them! My 1k list is:

-Sorcerer, Mastery Level 3, Last Memory of Yuranthos, Spell Familiar, Aura of Dark Glory=170
-10x CSM, 2x Plasmaguns, Combi-plas w/ Rhino= 215
-10x CSM, 2x Plasmaguns, Combi-plas w/ Rhino= 215
-3x Bikers, 2x Meltaguns, VotLW=93
-2x Chaos Rapiers, 2x Hades Autocannons=130
-Infernal Legion Sicaran Tank, Lascannon Sponsons=175
Maybe not the most optimized chaos build, but I like the feel it gives my army, and I think it has enough punch that I won't want to deliberately gaze at the false Emperor and spontaneously combust :tongue.: :tongue.:

@Magnus: Thanks man! I love throwing those little things on my regular dudes. It makes 'em way more fun to paint, in my opinion.
@Semper: Thanks so much brotha! Means a lot :wub.:

Managed to get the Sorcerer all modeled up today! I know some of you VIII Legion fans out there might be thinking "what the %^&* is this guy thinking, having a sorcerer lead his army?" My fluff/rules answer is I'm using sorcerer rules, but I picture my Sorcerer to, fluff-wise, be more like a lord with some premonition "talents" (obviously inspired by Sev and Talos).

Anywho, some WIP shots:




And here he is all mocked up for how he'll look once finished, but for now I'll be painting him in pieces:



So, clearly there are a ton of different bits going on here, including the Dark Vengeance librarian I bought off of Ebay solely for his right hand :tongue.: I also ordered that Sternguard sheathed blade for the scabbard but decided it looked too cumbersome given everything else going on with the model, so I left it off. The torso/leg bit is from the MKIII Champions kit (the banner bearer), and I definitely had to give him the holstered pistol, though. I'm pretty stoked for how the pose ended up and I can't wait to get started on him.

I'm going to wait a few days because there may or may not be (:ph34r.: ) a forum-wide event I want to paint him for :wink:

More to come!

@Millest: Yep, the rapiers are the laser destroyers, with the Legion Autocannon barrels replacing the lascannon ones! Bit of a time consuming and costly conversion, but I figured since I was only gonna have 2 rapiers I could splurge a bit :tongue.: I'm really happy with how they turned out, too!

@Raven: That's what I'm going for! I figured it would be a bit too much for a NL warband leader to be a "going ham with the warp" sorcerer :tongue.:

@Arkhan: Thanks bro!


So right now I'm trying to figure out what head I want to use on him. I have some of the FW Berzerker upgrade heads so I might try converting one a bit to use for him. Also, I have quite a few bare heads to look at. More to come!


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